Chapter 41 - Fooling Wakanda (3)

Another Day passed, as Shuri was transferred to her room.

It took her a while to convince her mother. But she was forbidden to go to her Lab & also a few Royal Guards would be just outside if she needed anything.

She still had to change her bandages from time to time, but Max could take care of that just by bonding with her.

Standing a few feet away from her bed she seemed annoyed looking at the Blue Barrier that was in front of her.

"See my brother changed the room's codes now it's not even connected to the main Surveillance System." Shuri punching the Blue barrier as she dropped her shoulders.

"I give him 5 points for making your life miserable," Max said smirking annoying Shuri even more as she crossed her arms.

"Why does he have to change the entire system," she said. "Now it's not even connected to the main System. Ahh… just my luck."

"Well, I consider it a smart move by your brother. He knows that a certain 'someone' is helping him. But that 'someone' may also have his own agenda. So, changing it was a wise decision."

T'Challa changed the whole Surveillance System & made it in a way where only he could gain access to the System. Meaning Max also lost control over it. But he wasn't worried about it.

Before Queen Romanda & Princess Shuri could also control the System now only The Black Panther can. He even put his DNA print on it, so the System would check if it was him or an imposter.

But he felt sorry for the Cat hero as he took control of the system back a few hours later. It wasn't hard for him as he could also match someone's DNA for a little period of time.

He wasn't as proficient in this trick as the green-skinned Skrulls but was enough to do the trick.

At the end of the day, It was a good trick to avoid shapeshifters like Mystique. And Max was actually happy that they did. The whole of Wakanda started to increase the defense capabilities of the City. Going through a Sudo-Technological Revaluation.

"Let me show you a magic trick," Max said as he separated from Bayak taking on his human form.

Touching the Keypad, he activated his Techno based powers. The Barrier started flickering as it stopped fully.

"And Voilà," Max said smirking. "You can clap if you want to."

He could have used the System to do it but chose not to.

"How… did you do that?" Shuri asked Flabbergasted looking at Max.

"Well, let's go. Come on." Max said not bothering to answer. Getting near the computer he also jump-started it, as it also had been Locked.

"So, want to start building stuff," Max asked.

"I was born for that," Shuri said grinning as her fatigue drafted away.


As time passed Max showed Shuri, the things he made, the Bullets, the Proto-Rifle. But he couldn't bring his Vibranium Printer as it was rather big for him to store in himself or carry around.

"The bullets are quite well made, the rifle could go through some updates…" She said looking at the Blueprints from the Holographic computer. "It definitely needs them, if you are going to penetrate Hulk's skin"

"But why do you need something to like that anyway? It's not like Hulk is going to come here anytime soon. He hasn't been seen in 2 years or so." Shuri asked.

"Well, there are a lot of Aliens that are tough as Hulk. Maybe not as strong. So It's for that. And also for a certain Diamond Head." Max mumbled, making Shuri confused about what he was talking about.

"Shuri, there is a thing I need you to do," Max said in his human form.

Shuri looked towards Max, "Oh, right. You need a suit. I have one that I made from my brother. I could…"

"No, you need a suit first. You should have enough tech to make an Iron-Man Suit. Right? Then get started building it. I don't want you to act like a Damsel in Distress while having that big brain of yours." Max said knocking the front on her head to emphasize his point.

Shuri slapped away his hand "It's not like I wanted to get hurt. I…"

Max didn't even listen to her as he walked towards his computer typing at the various things & using his techno-organic Virus to start up and produce a massive hologram Showcasing Iron-Man tech.

Shuri looked at the Hologram with wide Eyes. "But how did you, get access to my personal files…" Shuri said glaring at him.

"TedyBearBuba46" Max replied casually. To which Shuri became red like a tomato. "You read my mind?"

"Nah… you just mumble it sometimes when you sleep," Max said.

"I am gonna change it quickly," Shuri whispered to herself.

A/N: So, if you guys want to ask me about the story or know a few spoilers join my discord server & mention me. I would happily reply.

or just type ( NqrV83Uw6d ) in Add server, Discord.