Chapter 27 - Crisis on Wakanda (1)

Soon, Okoye called with some important news.

Killmongore came with the dead body of Klaw demanding to meet the king. He challenged the T'Challa to a dual, which The Black panther accepted.

"Brother, you are still injured…" Shuri said not wanting to let his brother fight in this condition. He just returned last night, even though most of his wound was already healed. But if he overworked himself it could give in massive internal Damage.

"Shuri, I have to do this," T'Challa said with determination in his voice, as he went on the Waterfall hill to fight his cousin.

The second dual soon started & Bayak was nowhere to be seen.

'He still needs healing & if he takes that, the wound may get worse.' Suri gritted her teeth as T'Challa took the Yon-Dre herb that canceled out his Enhanced power.

Yon-Dre herb was a mutation of the Heart-Shaped herb that could strip away the power of Black Panther. Meaning T'Challa's body was now normal & vulnerable.

T' Challa held his short spear and shield. Staring at his cousin.

"This is your last chance, throw down your weapons, and we can handle this another way," T'challa said not wanting to fight his cousin.

Killmongore slammed his blades into the stone.

"I lived my entire life waiting for this moment. I trained, I lied, I killed, just to get here." He takes off his vest and tore his shirt off, revealing the SCARIFICATION MARKS that went up his arm and across his entire back. They numbered in hundreds.

"I killed in America, Afghanistan, Iraq. I took life from my own brothers and sisters right here on the continent. And all this death, just so I can kill you ." Killmongore replied refusing to back away as he pointed his spear towards T'Challa.

T'Challa looked at Zuri and noded.

"Let the challenge begin," Zuri confirmed as the fight began.


Almost an hour Earlier,

Right after Killmongore left with W'Kabi from the Border tribe to challenge the King, a few unwanted guests came near the gate of the Border Tribe.

"State your purpose." One of the Guards said. They looked rather normal considering they were from Border Tribe. Wearing simple clothes, to hide & blend in with the rest of local African Tribes.

"Oh, yes. Actually, could you tell me where I could find… Vibrainium." One of them said in an elegant British Tone.

The Guard frowned looking at the group, as he moved his hands near his holstered weapon.

"Leave, you are not welcome here." another tribe's man spoke before one of the unwanted guests lunged towards both of them.

The others were on high alert, wanted to report for back up, but suddenly they couldn't move.

"Sigh, that's why I don't like to work with these types of People," the lady in all white dress said.

"Well, we all need to Adjust." Said the man that had oddly Red skin as he put his hand over the lady's shoulder.

The lady smacked back his arm glaring at him. "Touch me again & you die." She said.

The Red-Man retreated back, "Ahh, that's why I like a strong woman." Said l.i.c.k.i.n.g his lips.

Disgusted by this The Woman, held out her hand as it glowed White, and the man suddenly couldn't move his body willingly.

"Emma Darling, why don't we do our own part of the job." Said the same man who spoke first. "And Azazel is our only ride, let's try not to kill him."

The red-looking man was a Mutant, his origin was unknown. He had various abilities which he liked to hide but one of his powerful ability was teleportation. By touching someone or something he could teleport them as far as his eyes could see. Even more if he willed, that was how he escaped from the brimstone dimension. But that's a story for another time.

"Shaw, tell him to be careful next time." Emma said as he freed him.


Max was watching from the sky as with an Invisible Drone. It was one of the drones that he personally hacked. So, that he could get a bird's-eye view of things. But it came handy too soon for his liking.

He cursed his bad luck looking at the situation, "Why the hell is Shaw here." Max shouted out. From all the opponents that he would rather avoid, Shaw was one of them.

Shaw's power was energy absorption & Control. Which was a bad match for Max in many ways.

As Max was a Symbiote, his natural enemy was Sound & Fire. Even though he was very much resistant to Fire, Sound was still his enemy.

'Why the hell do I have a weakness against Sound, anyways?' Max asked himself. He wasn't connected with the Hive-mind. So in theory, he should be immune to sound & fire yet he still had the weaknesses.

'And what's even worse, is that bullets or any weapons don't work against him. Rather it gives him power.' Max slammed his hand on the table.

'The only silver lining of the situation is that I can somehow manage the rest. Sabertooth won't be a problem, Emma is hard but I can probably do something about it. But that damn Azazel, I have no way to do anything against him.' Max didn't like his situation any bit.

He watched form the camouflaged drone as Sabertooth & Azazel killed a few tribesman just for fun.

'May you reach peace after death…' Max made a silent prayer before he left. He wanted to stop the endless killing that Sabertooth did for fun.

But he had to wait for the right time or the city of Wakanda would be in crisis. Luckily it would take them some time to reach the main city.

Apparently, when W'Kabi came with Killmongure he took a few other key members with him. So he took all of the Flying mobile vehicles with him. So, there wasn't any chance that they could enter by the Sky route & it worked in his favor.

"This place is beautiful and all but are you sure we are in the right place, Emma?" Shaw asked. Emma nodded she felt sad at how cruel his crime partners could be seeing them kill people left & right. They didn't even value human life, then again they were not humans but more… Mutants.

Emma scanned the memories from a few of the members of the Tribe, to get the location of the city. It was easy to get the location of the city the hard part was to get in, without getting noticed.

The whole city was under Advance Surveillance & the funny part was it was controlled by a Girl named Shuri, the current's King's sister. Who was only a teenager.


A/N: I have seen some people complaining about Max, not being active enough. Well, this is a extremely slow-paced story & I try to Upload 2 Chapters per day. So, the situation may drag on for some time.

I could just write fast-paced action scenes, but than the plot would be too forced for my liking.

If, you still want to give recommendations then please do so, in my Discord. Because it's hard to reply to the comments on this website.

Join me on my Discord to let me know, what direction my story goes.

Let this story reach 250 power stones & get the next chapter early.