Chapter 25 - Clam Before the Storm (1)

As Max was getting out of the Medical Ward, he started to think things through. 'Not gonna lie I am strong. But I wouldn't be able to hold a candle to powerhouses like Hulk, Juggernaut, heck even Marvel Comics' Spider-Man for that matter. As much as I would like to punch my way through. I need some help.' Max sighed if he gave it all he would only be able to lift 5 tons at most. His speed was also good. With it, he was sure he could outmatch Black Panther if he wanted to.

But that wasn't enough. 'If Mutants existed than maybe Inhumans as well. And if that is the case, then Thanos won't be as cute as in the MCU movies put him out to be.'

'Getting help. Which is a death wish, I am even afraid of showing myself to Shuri. And she is the Kindest person I have ever meet in this short life. So my best option is to take the tech route.' Max thought as he entered Shuri's room. She was on her workbench asleep for working herself out. It was late at night. So it would take some time before Killmongore gets here.

After sometime Max left the room, 'My God, I fell more like a monster. But that was needed... *Sigh, I hope she won't mind.'


The Main house of black panther had many rooms that were rarely used. So, Max had occupied one of the rooms to do his own research.

Max was on his workbench, carefully putting several pieces together, you could see Bayak was sleeping on the ground in the corner & Max was on his own, in his human form. Or at least the closest thing his body could mimic as a human.

As even when mimicking a human form that Max was used to, it was hard for him to get skin colour & everything right. So at the moment, he looked like a construct made out of Black goo with some red tendrils here & there. His symbiote body now resembled his own human body when he was alive back on normal earth.

If Max tried, he could fully make himself look like his previous self. But would take away his concentration, from his work.

Two hands made out of Black Symbiote Goo were carefully putting the parts together. "And finished," Max said looking at the new Rifle like weapon, it was actually made out of the spears that the Royal Guards used. But Max modified it to make it more like a long-range rifle.

"Now, I only need to make a couple more of these & it should be enough. Hmm… now on to the bullets." Max said he was looking more like a human covered with black symbiote, standing at 6 feet tall. With thing muscular arms and legs, his facial features were almost the same as a human only shrouded in black and his eyes were fully white.

Max got up from his desk to go near a machine that was at the back of the room. As he moved, he looked at Bayak, 'Before that.' Max's symbiote produced a black tendril from his back, as it moved towards Bayak who was still sleeping. It attached itself to Bayak.

'Hooh, it feels great.' Max thought. 'I fell like a mosquito, doing this.' Max shook his head as he detached the tendril from Bayak.

Max could do things on his own without bonding with Bayak. But his Symbiote Physiology wouldn't let him stay away without a host for long periods of time. 1 hour, at most he could stay without a host or eating anything.

What Max did was, temporally bond with Bayak for some time, to replenish his energy. He was getting annoyed with these limitations that his body put on itself. He could force any human or beast to be his host, but that would take away his ability to shrink in size. Which he found rather useful. And even if he did force someone to bond with him, Max would have to find a suitable human host. And he didn't want to do this right now; it would be too much of a hassle.

Max got neared a machine that looked like a Regular Printer but more advanced as it looked futuristic with blue neon lights that constantly poured down from the cracks. It was actually a Vibrainium Printer that Max made. And it was only one in the world.

"Well, not to brag on anything but this is sweet," Max said as he held the Machine with his Symbiotic hand, and the machine started.

Only Max could come up with this machine due to having Techo-Organic Virus. Yes, the Sound-based power that Max had was the same Virus Cabel & Apocolyps had. It was weird as to how Bucky The Winter Soldier had it in the first place.

Luckily Bucky was not a Mutant & the Virus never showed the symptoms. As this version of the Techno-Organic Virus didn't affect Humans.

So, with its help, Max could alter the machinery of any devices to a certain extent, to give them unique properties that he needed at the time. Like bending Vibrainium for that matter, he would infect the Vibrainium with the Virus, and with some time he could bend & shape it in any way he wanted.

With it he created the Vibrainium Printer, it was still in its 'Beta' phase. As it could only print small things. But it was enough.

Max held the device with his left hand, as small red tendrils went inside the machine. He then pulled out a Vibrainium Capsule from his body, which he had stored previously. Opening the lid and setting it up on the machine.

Concentrating on his powers, he jump-started the Machine. The Vibrainium Printer glowed Red and started making some noise as it gave off some steam. After some time, Max pulled out the trey & picked out the small object.


A/N: Now, what did Max do to Shuri? hmm ????

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Let this story reach 100 power stones & get the next chapter early.