Chapter 18 - Return of the King.

As the days passed, soon Black Panther Returned. Max was with Shuri & the Queen when he did.

The Royal Talon Fighter jet landed with as minimal sound as possible. Soon the door opened a few familiar faces were seen. Shuri was happy to see her brother again. She had a hard time stopping herself from running towards him and giving her brother a Hug.

And it didn't get unnoticed by the Queen or Max. While the queen was happy to see her son he was a little disappointed with what came along with it.

Max was in the same situation but more confused rather than anything. Along with T'chala & Nakia, Ororo also came how did he know that. Because who wouldn't recognize the Hally Berry Storm.

She looked as beautiful as ever with white hair chocolate color skin, and Black Spandex Max was appertaining her looks when he saw another person that was behind her. It was Bucky, The Winter Soldier.

He didn't his Right Arm, as it was covered with what looked like bandages.

'Huh, so he came along with T'chala rather than coming early. Well, at least he came it means this universe is closely linked to the MCU. But then again there is Storm, so I not sure either.' Max pondered about the similarities from the MCU.

Storm was an powerful mutant with the ability to control lightning & storm. She had a lot of potential for magic. But she mostly relayed on her weather controlling abilities.

'Hmm, I need to extra Careful, there are many unseen Probabilities here.' Max thought as he looked at Storm and wondered where did T'chala pick her up from, the Xavier mansion?

"Queen Mother," Said both Nakia & Ororo kneeling to the Queen. A warm kindly smile appeared on her face as she looked at them.

"Good to have you back with us." She said as she Hugged Ororo & Nakia. After some sweet talk, they left.

Bucky didn't know what to do, so he kneeled following the women's examples. But the queen just ignored her and hugged her son. And started speaking to him. And then the woman his situation was getting awkward as the seconds passed.

But Luckily or Unluckily a Black Panther stared at him with half-closed eyes and started circling him like he was a new prey. Bucky half wanted to leave his kneeling position but stopped himself. As the Queen finally Addressed him.

"Hope you don't mess something up too bad Foreigner." The Queen spoke before she signaled him to leave with a few female Guards with Okoye in the lead.

(A/N: Okoye is the leader of the female guards in the Black Panther Movie.)

'Look you made his Awkward.' Max sighed. It was Bayak who was interested in the new human, it was his first time seeing a White man, so he wanted to look at him closely.

"And who might you be." T'chala finally noticed The Black Panther that was around his family.

"Just no one, … Let me tell you a secret. It's my Guardian Angel." Shuri spoke the last word with an Audible Whisper.

The Queen could only roll her eyes at her daughter's antics while T'chala raised an eyebrow as his lips curled up.

"Well, Guardian Angels usually have wings." He said as she crouched in front of Bayak. Petting him.

Bayak even purred like a cat because of it. 'Oh, this is embarrassing.' Max could only sigh.

As Bayak Followed them to their destination Max was thinking about the unforeseen Probabilities. If Storm is here in Wakanda and if she does have her Powers that means that Mutants are a thing, which opens the doors for a whole lot of shitty villains.

'And as this universe different I hardly expect Thanos to be as powerful as the MCU. The super Nerfed him And let's not even think about Apocalypse, the only silver lining of the situation is, that I have a lot of knowledge of the future. But even I not sure anymore.' Max's train of thought was broken because of Bayak.

'Max, Could we Fly.' Bayak asked as he was pondering about T'chala's question.

'Haven't tried it yet. But Meh… I don't see why not.' Max spoke in their shared mindlink. As he in these few days he taught Bayak enough about English Literature to understand the human speech and also speak to him with their shared mind link. Taught him meaning Max literally transferred the Language into Bayak's mind.


As the day passed, came the Challenge Day, Max saw the whole event it was much grander than what was shown in the movies as the Drones Broadcasted the whole tournament.

And other than the Jabari tribe no one challenged, and no one lost their face other than them. As T'chala was the winner, the Whole Wakanda celebrated.

"I now present to you, King T'chala the Black Panther!!!" Zuri finished as all cheered. The whole city started to celebrate in the honor of their new king.

"Wakanda Forever." all of the people cheered.

Soon T'chala was taken to the City of the Dead, which surprisingly no one was allowed to go there unless a selected few. This also meant that Bayak was not granted permission there.

But Max separated from Bayak and followed them from the darkness. 'This is bad I hope that I can make it back before my time ends. ' Max thought.

Max had been following them alone for the last half an hour or so, and they finally reached the City of the Dead and entered the Hall of Kings.

Zuri and the others who were brought here continued the ceremony not noticing the Presence of the Symbiote that was hiding in the shadows.

Max didn't haste it, he waited for the right moment and went into the garden where the Herb was kept. He took a few of the heart-shaped herbs with the roots, he had previously tested his power to store things inside his body, Other than felling a little weird he could do it.

Almost all of the symbiotes can store things in their body. It was an innate ability.

But the space wasn't much, but just enough for a few Plants. As Max found what he came for, he quickly left not before being noticed by a certain someone.


After some time Max was bonded back with Bayak, he had to posses a few hosts forcefully to do his bidding, to get back into the city of Wakanda.

'Hooh, that was rough. But, at least I got what I needed.' He was satisfied with his gain, he got the Heart-Shaped Herb but was reluctant to consume it.

'I don't know If I should take it. If I do and I get into the astral Plane or whatnot. I would be in one hell of a trouble. So my best bet is to take it when I leave Wakanda as maybe Bast won't care about it.' Max thought.

'Well, she did grant Killmongre powers in the MCU. So I should be fine as long as I don't take it here.'


Hey, guys, some of the events may not play according to the MCU timeline. This is an Alternate Timeline And I may or may not add a few things here and there, so you guys have to roll with it.

And thanks to all the people who were kind enough to give me power stones.

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Also give me all of your power stones, before Thanos Get's em.