Chapter 12 - 11, part 1.

Unlike with Bayak where they shared memories, Max couldn't do it with the dead Gorilla. He didn't know why he was sending the right amount of blood up there, he could even think, see with the Gorilla's eyes. But no memories?

But other than feeling a little weak there weren't any major side effects. He also could control his new body to its full extent. Even better he might say, as for better or worse he didn't feel any pain. So he could rough use the new Body.

He tried to use the danger sense like skill that the Gorilla had. But he couldn't use it. It wasn't that he was unable to, it was just that it was a passive skill. So there was no situation where he could check the skill out. But for some reason, he felt that he retained this skill.

'Hmm, not sure If I got that Skill or not but damn, this body feels more normal.' Max thought as he could finally stand with 2 legs, though it was rather weird. But it still felt familiar.

Max then looked at his half-closed wounds, that was still healing. 'I did a number on it, didn't I?' And for better or worst he couldn't feel pain when bonding with this dead Gorilla, actually, he felt empty. No pain, not anything actually. He only felt that he had more strength when he was bonded with Bayak. But, That's it.

'This will... be a problem.' Max thought as not having Pain is good for some people. But it has its bad side as well. For instance, if someone decapitated Max's legs, then he will just fall not knowing how he lost his balance

Max then tried to output energy all around its body. As it was the first step to turn…

Like he did with Bayak when they took full perfect Host-Symbiotic form. Soon, Crimson-Black liquid poured outwards, covering the Gorilla's entire.

As it began to get taller, Muscle bulked up, Two large Comas were it the place of eyes, and Sharp long teeth appeared. It was standing 15 feet tall.

"Damn, With this size I could even go a few rounds with Hulk. Hahaha," He unconsciously gave a Villainous laugh as saliva was dripping from his tongue, that was at least 6 to 7 inches long.

"Wait, I can speak. I can Speak. Yeah…" He was relieved that he could speak unlike when it was with Bayak, as a Gorilla's body had a good enough Vocal Cord to speak his thoughts. But he was feeling really weak, It was double as taxing for him to Control a dead body. And when going full Symbiote on it was even more taxing.

So before leaving this Body he did a few experiments.

This time though, it didn't have any claws, but he could materialize it if he wanted. And also like Carnage how he could make Sharp Tendrils out of his back, four was his limit. 'Ok, I am beat. I can't do it anymore.' Max thought as exhaustion kicked in.

The Gorilla fell face first as it shrank to its normal 10 feet size. And the Crimson-Black liquid separated its self from it. And started to crawl forward.

As Max started crawling towards Bayak. Who was by now, wanted to run away. But stood because he was curious as to what Max was doing. Well, you know what they say, 'Curiosity killed the Cat'

Bayak moved forward and placed its paw at the upcoming Liquid. And Max rebounded with Bayak.

'Ahh… It feels like home.' Max said satisfied with bonding back with Bayak. Maybe that was why Symbiotes don't choose just any random host for it to bond with.

'It's disappointing that I couldn't make weapons like how Riot did in the movies and other than Venom all of the Symbiotes could do it in the 616 Universe, but later even he could do it. Maybe I need to train more If I want to do it.' Max sighed.

'Let's get back, I am beat.' Max said. Bayak agreed. And Max fully covered their body, taking the Perfect Host-Symbiotic form.

'Max. What. Do. With. It?' Bayak asked looking at the dead beast. It was sad, but for different reasons. It couldn't eat it. Such a waste of meat.

'Fine, I will try to do something. But I am going to do something first. Get close to it.' Max said as Bayak followed.

And after he was near enough he stretched out some of his Symbiote Tendrils to do an experiment. As black & red tendrils came outgoing towards the dead beast.

Max wanted to try to control the dead gorilla, well some symbiotes can do it. But he needed to separate some of himself if he needed to, but he was out of any Ideas as to how he could do that.

First, the full beast was covered with the Symbiote, and then he wanted to control it, but other than just scaring Byaka it did nothing.

'Well, let's eat it. Though I would have preferred it cooked. And chewing this shit is a no-go' Max said. As he opened its mouth as the black tendrils started putting the dead thing in Max's Symbiote stretched mouth.

He wanted to eat it in one gulp, So he lifted the Body off the ground with the help of his tendrils and positioned it Horizontally, before opening his mouth wide and eating it.

And with one gulp. The gorilla was no more. 'This defies physics. For sure. But Meh... Who am I to care.'

But what was weird Max didn't grow any big when he was in normal Panther form. 'Well, I do feel strong and... energetic. That's a good digestive system I got there.' Max thought cheerfully as all the fatigue left his body.

It only took Max a few seconds to digest the Gorilla that was almost two times his size. And Max could feel a little stronger than he was before and regained all his lost stamina. And he could also grow a few inches more.

'Ok, Even If my Size Didn't Increase that much. But I should be heavier. That thing was almost 5 tons.' Max thought finding no answer to his new Symbiote Biology.

But after taking full-Symbiote from did he find how wrong he was, he was now 10 feet tall on all fours, and he looked like a creature that came straight out of a child's nightmare.

As he had regained his stamina he did a few exercises if his limitations were the same or different.

With some running and jumping to here and there he found that his strength has significantly increased. And his muscles were stronger the before.

What Max didn't notice was that he looked different, as there was a small Red circular Pattern on his back, and his tail also had some thin lines that twisted till the end.

'hmm, weird. From what I know this usually doesn't happen. I mean Venom does eat human heads from time to time, and even when Carnage eats humans. They can't change size at will? Do they?'

'The only similarities I could find with my Symbiote Form is… It's more like the Ultimate Universe. Where Venom & Carnage was artificially created.' Max thought as he was jumping out of the Underground area.

A/N: This chater was more or less a Info-Dump. But hey, I need to explain his powers. I just cann't come up with moves in a middle of the fight. So yeah, it was an Avarage Chap. Also any suggestations as to some cool pwers I could add to Max.

Like I any Villains or Heros who's power Max shouild Copy or steal?

Thanks, Again Kurotora for pointing out my mistakes.

Yo, I created a New Discord Channel.

Also give me all of your power stones, Muhahaha... Cough... Cough...