Chapter 6 - Wakanda

Rubbing his head with his hands or paws, Max woke up. He was still a little dizzy. He couldn't quite remember what happened after his sudden burst of hunger.

But he was shocked when he opened his eyes the most. He was in a hospital… No, a lab, to be precise. As there were no medical types of equipment. But everything looked futuristic, with a white minimalistic design.

'Did I get into some futuristic place or something? He then felt another headache. And he unconsciously growled.


Max was quite shocked, hearing the sound and started looking around for the source. Then he noticed he was now different. His body was... Looking at his paws, he grasped. 'Did I became a cat?'

He looked around. Only to see a few people coming near him. But they were oddly big.

Max wasn't sure if they were friends or foes. So he was on guard. Standing on all four, arching his back, ready to attack.

Even though he could still feel pain from his back legs. He didn't want to be experimented on or what the hell they were into.

He wasn't a human, but a cat. But at the same time, he was glad he didn't have a hard time controlling his new body.

He then looked at the people around with caution. Grrr- he uncontrollably hissed, trying to scare them off only to get a few people raising their eyebrow.

'That was a bad move.' But he couldn't stop himself. Again. It felt like someone was controlling his body.

"I am telling you, Zuke… Don't tell mother. She will not let me keep him." Said a female as she went into the room. And she stooped looking at Max.

Max was also looking at her. She seemed quite familiar, but he couldn't guess where. As Max looked at her, she had sparkles in her eyes. She was in her late teenage years, he could guess.

Max was lowering his body; he was about to jump, 'calm down. It's okay, Max clam down' he was saying to himself, and then surprisingly, he was calmed down.

Did having an animal body change his thinking pattern? He didn't know, but he could tell he was not an ordinary Cat.

"Don't worry, Cub. We saved you in the burning forest. You were lucky enough that the meteor didn't hit you. Even the radiation level is low." Shuri continued blabbering about what happened.

Zuke cut her off, "Princess, do you think this cub can understand what you are saying." Scoffing at her

Somehow Max felt offended by that comment and growled at her. Shuri then only smiled, "See he understands."

Max was still lying on the hospital bed like things, attached with a few dozens of tubes. It was healing up the process. It was quite odd. At first, he couldn't control his new body, now all of a sudden he could. Fluidly at that, it was like he had been a cat his entire life.

And speaking about his new cat body, he could guess he was transmigrated into this cat body. But wasn't he on the meteor? Or is that the normal Transmigration process?- Max could only shrug it if for now.

'And why are they giving of Sci-fi tribal African vibe? It was quite similar to Wakanda.' Max laughed at his own thought. He really should stop connecting real life with comics.

Well, as real as this life gets.

Then he heard a sound, "Wakanda Forever." Now he knew this shit was real, as a few guards announced The Royal Queen is entering. And crossing their arms all the people in the lab bowed. Except for Shuri who looked at her mother with curiosity.

It was only normal for them, Max also wanted to bow, so he lowered his head, sometimes tilting his head sideways to see who it was.

And after seeing the Royal Queen he could guess that it was definitely Wakanda. Did I become some reincarnation or Champion of Bast or something?