Chapter 90 - [45]

2nd chapter cause I am nice. You don't have to praise me though. Or do you?

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With Max,

Max swam from the bottom of the ocean; it didn't take him long to get out of the water, and judging by the long gasps of air the rest of the group took, they were lucky they didn't drown.

'Sometimes, I forget I'm not a human anymore.' Max thought, more so with a sigh of anxiousness than a relief.

He didn't need oxygen to survive. But it wasn't the case for the rest of the group.

The heroes were floating in the middle of the south pacific ocean; the ocean stretched as far as the eye could see. The sun was already rising, making the deep-blue water fiery red as it reflected the morning sunlight. With clear cloudless sky and shining red water, it looked and felt majestic. Only for Max, that is, as the other group members didn't share his enthusiasm for nature as they were shivering from the ice-cold waters.

"Err… Max." Steve called out, making Max get out of his stupor. "How are we going to… you know, get back?"

"Oh… don't worry about that," Max said, looking at Tyrone; he was wet as one could get as his loose clothes stuck around him, a spiteful expression on his face. He looked and acted more like a wet cat more than anything, "But first." Max said as he spread out his arms, as black symbiotic goo started pouring out into the ocean, soon enough the group was standing on a symbiotic construct platform, the platform was still stretching out-wards.

"Tyrone," Max called out as the boy looked at him. "Get ready. You're our way back home." He said. Making the boy's eyes wide open, now the rest of the group was also looking at him. Tyrone knew what Max meant; it was to use his powers. But he wasn't sure he could pull that off. He had practiced enough, but he was hesitant.

"But, it's still not…"

"No Buts— why do you think I brought you here," Max said, cutting him off. He also had a backup plan if Tyrone couldn't do it. He sighed, "You need shade… right? I will provide that. You just do what you do best." He said as Max walked near Tyrone, grabbing him by the shoulder. "You can do it, just use 'it' how you normally would. The distance isn't an inhibition, and you know that." With Max's instruction, Tyrone had previously teleported several miles; it was possible it just needed some preparation. Tyrone's long-distance teleportation was key to Tandy and her Lightforce-based power; it guided him somehow.

This was what Tyrone needed; the boy was still unsure of it. But he wanted to be useful. With how much Max had done for him in the last few weeks, he wanted to repay him.

As the symbiotic dome provided the darkness he needed, he closed his eyes, trying to concentrate. Darkness was his domain. In turn, he could bend it to his will, control it—he just needed a place, like a lightning rod, that he could guide his power with. And after several seconds, he found it. Within himself, he found the light. As he spread his aura outwards, he grabbed onto the darkness as he started pulling it in.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding darkness changed to a crowded junkyard, as several people looked at the group with wide eyes and gawking mouths.

"You gotta be shitting me!" said a whining voice, the said person: was overweight, short, and had less hair on the top of his than his scruffy gray beard. With an oversized rifle in his hand, he looked like the rather cliche villain. The people around the group specifically looked more like thugs than civilians as they held various weapons ranging from knives and metal-chains to firearms.

Even Spider-Man took on his fighting stance, Black Cat peeking from a corner, and Tandy(Dagger) in her new white-cross-costume were their shell shocked with how things played out. They gawked, looking at the Avengers.

"Err…Good Morning?!" Max said, making all of them snap out of it.

"Attack them, you dimwits!" shouted the cliche villain.

"Say it." The Falcon said, smirking, nudging his elbow towards Steve.

Steve's lips curled up,"Avengers Assemble!"

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n.

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.