Chapter 85 - [40] The Raft (Prison) | Part 1

[The Raft Prison Image]

Max caught the teen midair, carrying him as he dived down from the night sky.

"Just throw away the bag, if you want to." Max shouted, there wasn't any point in carrying the bag if he wasn't going to use the parachute inside.

Tyrone huffed, panting; the adrenaline rush was too overwhelming. But at least he didn't lose consciousness; looking at the silver clouds around; the view wasn't half bad. The night had its own charm from up here, you could say. As Max dived down, Tyrone felt the moist clouds on his skin; it was a fresh experience to fly up high like this.

After some time, the deep-navy-blue sea bed came into view; it was astonishing when the wind blew past it, creating waves, packs night birds flapping their wings as they went along with their business. But Tyrone also questioned where the 'Raft Prison' was. He couldn't see a single island or any ship for that matter. Only the massive sea around. It couldn't be under the sea? Could it?

But before he could ask where, Max dropped him on the sea, making him splash in the massive water body, as he kicked his feet and moved his hand, trying not to sink. He cursed the symbiotic-man with wide eyes, even more so when the coldness of the wind added to the wet clothes, making him shiver.

Steve and Bucky soon landed down as they detached their parachute. Joining the teen for a late-night swim, only Max was up in the air, flapping his devil-like wings, as he checked something on his holographic watch.

"Where's the prison?" Bucky asked; Tyrone agreed with the half-cyborg man's question; he too was curious.

"It's here." Steve said. "Under the sea."

"I beg your pardon?" Bucky said, looking at his old-pal, to see if he was joking. "You can't be serious."

"And…found it." Max said as he also joined the swim. "Hold on tight. It's deeper than I imagined." He said as he produced a black tendril. The group hastily grabbed on to it. "Take a deep-deep breath." He said, and he dived down at the sea, dragging the group along with him.

Both of his feet turned into black-flappers as he pushed the water around, gaining speed easily with it. The group could only stare in awe at the scenery below, it wasn't a day, but the moonlit night was enough for them to see the sea-creatures around. Until they reached deep enough that the moon-light couldn't reach them, it was dark now, they could feel the water around but other than that, they couldn't see anything, maybe sometimes hear some odd noises from the sea.

Soon after the group came to a halt, they questioned why Max had stopped. Rather than explaining, Max produced some light from his illuminating the surrounding.

The group saw a shoal of fish, hastily retreating due to the sudden light; the little fish scattered around before they hid in the darkness. Bucky nudged the group, pointing them forward. They saw a gigantic wall that was in front of them; it was metallic gray they noticed probably built to handle sea-pressure. One could see various uniformed holes and closed vents along the wall.

Max touched the gigantic structure, activating his Techno-Organic powers communicating with the man-made island. It told him the possible ways they could enter inside without gathering too much attention.

Max looked back at the group, signaling them to hold on to the tendril. Before he dived even deep down yet again, this time sideways. After some time, going along the wall, they came in front of a largely closed vent. It was enough for a person to pass easily.

Max tried to use his powers to open the damn thing but failed miserably. His Techno-Organic powers could only do so much. He looked back at the group; they must have been losing their breath by now. So, he did the next best thing as he latched onto the wall, his feet glued to the wall below, steadying himself. He enlarged his hands as he dug down, clawing inside, before gripping the metallic plate tightly as he started pulling.

The three individuals looked stupidly at Max as he easily bent the titanium wall. They were surprised to see Max's show of strength, bending metal was tough enough, but doing it so deep underwater was a feat of it's own, it took a lot of effort. As air started leaking out of the newly created space, the group held onto Max's tendril tightly, for if they didn't they had a high chance of getting pushed back. Max pushed the group in one by one before closing the opening; it took quite a bit out of him to do that.

But it didn't go unnoticed, though, as the control room got a malfunctioning signal, as they informed a unit to check the problem out.

"Didn't know you were that strong." Bucky said just after Max finished pulling back the opening.

"Yeah, well, you know." Max shrugged. "Milk makes your bone stronger." He said, patting his curled up biceps.

But sadly, not a single soul laughed at his poor attempt.

"Oh, come on." He whinnied. Max sighed as the group tried to squeeze out water from their clothes.

Max pulled out three communication earpieces, giving them to the group as they separated, just according to the plan.


Max walked casually, whistling, as he went along the long corridor, leaning back, folding his arms behind his back.

"I am never doing that." Tyrone said in between his suturing due to the cold, his clothes fully wet, as he walked and tried to squeeze out the last bit of water from his cloak. "And you aren't even wet." He w.h.i.n.ed.

Max smiled and was about to answer when a group of military soldiers came out from the sides, pointing their weapons at them. Tyrone hurriedly put on the black-mask that Max gave him, hiding his face. He still had his hood on, but it was a 'just to be safe' measure.

"Freeze," one of the soldiers said, pointing his handgun at the two individuals. "Or, we will shoot. Put your hands wher…" his speech was cut off as a ball of web hit his face, making the man fall back.

Max webbed them up along the walls in a cocoon of web, leaving only their head out so they could breathe. He came forward, looking at the only conscious individual, "Now, could you tell me where the control center is?" Max asked, tapping his feet. "I don't have all day, ya' know."

The soldier looked panicked but tried to keep his cool by keeping shut. He wasn't going to open his mouth even if the outcome was worse.

"Well, keeping secrets, are we," Max said, glaring at the soldier, before smiling. "So Patriotic." Max said, grabbing the soldier by his shoulder as the soldier blanked out, losing consciousness.

"What did you do?!" Tyrone asked, coming forward; these guys were just normal soldiers that were following their order, earning their honest keep. It wasn't thugs or goons.

"Hold your horses, mate. I just put him in sleep." Max shrugged. "But I did get the location, though." He said, smiling.

"How did you do that?" Tyrone asked after checking the soldier was alright.

"Don't sweat the small stuff." Max said as he went along the way. "Also, I usually don't say this but try not to use your powers that much, and even if you do, don't take that mask off. You don't want the govt. up your a.s.s this soon in your career."

The last thing Max wanted is for Tyrone (Cloak) to get connected with this incident. It would put a red target on the teenager's back. He was still training, and he wasn't going to leave the kid.

They walked along the shortest route, meeting a few units of soldiers along the way. Max didn't roughen them up too much, just made them unconscious.

------- (A/N) ---------

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.