Chapter 77 - [32] The Plan

"Okay, but who… Oh." Steve said, looking at the hologram of Spider-Man.

"Ahem… Err… Hello, It's me Spider-Man." Peter said, trying to hold off his excitement, "We met in the airport..."

"Yes Kid, I know." Steve said, raising an eyebrow towards Shuri, who just shrugged.

"Oh, before you end the call." Peter said. "I want to help you. In your mission I mean."

Steve looked at him, "Kid, listen it's much bigger than you think."

"Ah… You sound like Mr Stark." Peter sighed. "And… and I am not alone. There are a few people that would like to help you with this mission." He finished quickly

Steve smiled at the first comment. "You do know that Tony…"

"He won't stop you." Max said, taking the Kimoye bead; Peter was taking way too much time to explain.

"I don't think we've met?" Steve said, raising an eyebrow. He didn't expect to talk with one of Tony's new recruits. And seeing another person, he became more cautious.

"It's an honor to meet you Captain." Max said. "I'm Max, and I would like to lend you a hand in your mission." He said, currently in his human form.

"Sorry, but why should I trust you?"Steve said, eyeing Max through the hologram.

"I mean neither you nor your friends any harm, but then again, you have no reason to put your trust in me." Max said. "But you owe me a debt." He said, putting on his business smile.

"And I owe you how?" Steve asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Shuri bring him the Shield." Max said as Shuri ran off to the nearest room and came back with a Shield. Steve saw the shield and was surprised.

"No and no." Max said. "No, I didn't steal it from Stark. I made it. And this is a gift."

"You owe me your Friends life... in a way. I mean, I was the one who fixed him." Max stated with crossed arms, shocking Steve to the core

"Don't get me wrong, I am doing this for our good. If you get captured we will be more or less doomed." Max stated. "While you guys played dodge-ball with the government, Hydra was steadily increasing their influence and manpower. You saw the news didn't you. Iron-Man in this month only took out three Hydra bases that were experimenting with children, Mutant children."

"Unofficially some people are helping them from higher positions. And now that you guys are out of the picture they are making a comeback." Max said. "Besides, isn't it your duty to stop them?"

"Yes, I know. But we just can't sign some papers and be done with it. The Sokovia accords are there to steal our freedom. We would become tools for the government, and be forced to listen to their orders only! And I have learned a long time ago, that People have agendas, and people with agendas change."

"The Sokovia accords are one of the bullshits to come out, after the Pyramid Schemes." Max said. "If they did want to do it for the betterment of humanity as how they preach it. Then they should have filed the Stark accords instead! He was the one who made Ultron that destroyed Sokovia, the Extremis virus that nearly killed the President, missiles that killed a lot of people. If someone needed to be under control, it would be him!

"However, I don't blame him. He's done a lot of good, saved many lives working with various medical companies and financially helped a ton of people after the Chituri and Sokovia incident. He came a long way. But his decision to side with the government was the last thing he did wrong. He's smart but uncontrolled and no government can control him. You were there to stop him or at least make him feel guilty for his decision, but now the problems have grown much larger." Max finished, letting out a sigh.

"Now that he's getting married, we're basically left with no official Hero. People like Spider-man pop up now and then but are dealt with relatively ease, either by local gangs or be the media pulling the Sokovia card on them, calling them super powered thugs and vigilantes. The mutant are the best examples of that." Max said. "That's why we need the Avengers."

"Yes, I agree with most of your views but that still doesn't answer as to why we should trust you. Don't get me wrong if you help us we will be grateful." Steve said. "But we won't be your personal guard. The moment they are out they are free." He said.

'And here I thought my 'Talk-no-Jutsu' worked. But… meh, who cares.' Max thought.

"I am more than capable of guarding my own a.s.s. I don't need that. There's another reason..." Max said. "However, we can talk about that later. If you want help, I will help you."

"So, are you willing to cooperate?" Max asked.

Steve was hesitant and didn't know if he should trust Max. On the one hand, he needed help to free his teammates. On the other hand, this man could have hidden agendas.

He sighed, "I hope I am making the right decision." he said. "Let's cooperate." Steve said, making Max smile.

Steve was still skeptical about Max, as not even T'Challa knew about him. And now that Bucky was fixed, he also decided to join in.

Max decided not to let Peter participate in that mission, as it may decrease his public reputation. And he needed that to convince other people to join his journey of crusading Thanos.

So, Max decided to take Cloak with him, as his teleportation power could be helpful in escaping.

Max still wasn't proficient in using his teleportation abilities and needed him. When using his Negative mode, Max could calm down Cloak if he ever loses control.

They agreed that they would strike the base in three days. After they did all the planning, Max left the warehouse; he had some personal things to do.


"And here I thought you were going to be late." Said a sweet voice.

"Now, why would I miss our first date." Max said, smirking, as he made his way towards Felicia, who was wearing her catsuit.

"You know I don't mind the catsuit and all. But I thought it was a date… I mean a normal one." Max said, raising an eyebrow as he sat with Felicia; they were on top of a roof.

"Well, it is." She said, smirking. "But, you see someone I know didn't kill off King-Pin. So we could go on a boring old date or we can stop a drug cartel from getting in." She finished. jumping from one roof to another, she used her grapple gun to swing towards the nearest building.

Max followed, he was surprised hearing that he survived. He did hear his skull cracking, maybe he should have put more weight to it.

Jumping from roof to roof, he followed her not using his webs. He liked her, but just like her, he didn't trust her enough to let her in on his secret.

"Didn't know that you were a mutant." Max said as he ran beside Felicia.

She glared at him, "What if I am.".

Max put his hands up, surrendering. "No, I am just asking. What's your power, anyways?"

Felicia smirked. "Isn't that a very personal question?"

"And here I thought we were a couple." Max chuckled. "Don't worry, even if you turn into a cat. I would still date you."

She purred to emphasize things, "Didn't know you were a cat lover."

"That I am." Max said as Felicia smiled, swinging to another building.

"Seems like we got a friend here." Felicia said, looking at two people that were already fighting on the cargo sh.i.p.s.

One was a buff African male; he was tall, standing at an impressive 6′6′′ .The guy was packed with muscles, which gave him the look of a professional bodybuilder. He was wearing an unbuttoned black shirt with folded sleeves, showing his forearms, and a pair of blue jeans. He was going through the thugs like a rolling boulder.

The other one was a white male; he looked rather skinny compared to the first one, but taking a closer look, his body was tightly packed with muscles, standing 6′. A head shorter than the first one. His hands were glowing from time to time as he dealt with the goons relatively ease. With nimble movements, he dodged the gunfire that was raining down on him.

------------ (A/N)-------------

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Change the '0' to 'o'

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.