Chapter -1 - Max's powers and abilities.

[This is an Auxiliary chapter. So you will get some spoilers.]

Max's Powers:

Symbiotic Body: (Passive) [+1 eating Riot <another fellow symbiote>]

After waking up from shock (literally) he was gifted/cursed with a symbiotic body.

With his Symbiotic Body, Max can do everything a symbiotic can do but much more.

He can bond with someone either by will or force. After bonding with someone he can greatly increase their strength, speed and durability. He can also regenerate life threatening wounds or regrow limbs if needed.

But if the host is weak, say a normal citizen or a mob character they could only be using Max's strength.

If the host is strong, who has strength based abilities like spider-man, Max can double or sometimes triple his strength, speed and durability if needed.

[+1 eating Riot <another fellow symbiote>]

After eating Riot, he gained Riot's materials weapons producing skill.


Better than being an boring ol' human.

Bonding with living creatures.

Creating sharp and adjustable tendrils to use as weapons.

Copying powers (not all powers can be copied) : He can steal or copy other's powers, by consuming them (or their blood) Though to fully be able to use the new power, Max needs be bonded with them for a short amount of time, to have certain amount of time.

(As in Azazel's power Max couldn't fully use it because he didn't know how to. If he bonded with Azazel he would have been able to do it.)

Adjusting his Bio-Mass to look bigger or smaller


Fire and Sound (even though it's less now due to his other powers.)

Mystical and Cosmic energy.

If left with out food (mostly meat or other high protein based products) he will need a host to recharge himself.

If not, he may go on a hunger rampage.

Emotions are very unstable. He can get very angry, and go overboard if he's not careful. (The more damage he gets or the more hungry he gets his emotional control gets worse)


Energy Manipulation: (Mostly used)

Can store, use and absorb most kind of energy.

[After consuming Sebastian Shaw he gained his powers, but with his symbiotic nature Max could use it better than the previous user.]

With Energy Manipulation Max can absorb almost all kind of natural energy, (even sun light if he wanted. Though the sun doesn't provide that much energy for him to use.) but he can use kinetic energy when his opponents hit him than redistribute it in his whole body and use it for his own energy.

Capable of absorbing electricity, fire or any other energy as long as there is a source near.


Max almost has infinite amount of energy as long as his enemies are not strong or as long as he has a energy source nearby.

Shoot energy blasts.


It can't be used to absorb mystical or cosmic energy.

If left with out an energy source his Energy Manipulation becomes unstable, and starts using away his stamina as a source. So it makes him go hungry, which in turn makes him loose focus and sometimes it's so bad he goes on a emotional-symbiotic rampage.


Spider Powers: (Mostly used)

(After getting bitten by a radio… no wrong back story. He bonds with Peter and gets his powers)


Unlimited Webbings.

Different types of webbings. Depending on his will, he can make the webbings more stronger or flimsier.

Monstrous Strength: After bonding with Peter, Max can now lift more than 25 tons with ease, 50 tons if he needed to in pressure. (Though it drains a lot of his energy as he is most of the times with out a host.


Using too much webbings or strength can lead to him hungry. (It can be fixed by consuming high amount of protein <human flesh> or bonding with a powerful host)


Sabertooth's power: (mostly unused)

After capturing the crazed mutant, he uses him like food source. He also gained a better healing factor due to it. But left mostly unused.


Azazel's power: (unstable, mostly unused) {Discarded}

After gaining some of Azazel's flesh, from his amputated tail. Max gained his teleportation ability. But it's highly unstable due to not having bonded to him.


Negative-mode Max: (Scarcely used)

After gaining Tandy (Dagger) ability he can use a different mode. That makes his whole body turn smiler to Anti-Venom. With white and red color scheme.


In this from he can use his eye sight to concentrate Killing intent to his opponent. Sometimes freezing them in place.

He can communicate with Technology to another level. Even upgrade it with the right amount of materials and knowledge.

He can create concentrated white electricity that can pierce vibranium if he wanted.

He can also reverse Gorgon's Statue perception, and turn them back to human if he wanted.


Not having a host means he will start to loose powers.

He is very weak compared to his normal form. He can barely lift half a tons with it.


Techno-Virus: (Mostly used)

He can communicate and control technology with it. (Not as much as when he is in his Negative form, but good enough)


Emma's powers:

Max gained from the very best telepath ever. Her powerful telepathic ability.

Meaning now he can read and control your mind.


He can make your whole life a living hell.


People with strong mental barriers or mystical shield can block the ability. Or other telepath could do the same.


Mystical Skills: (It can be used to look for magical artifacts or traps)

He can see and smell Magic.


Gorgon's power: (used with only symbiotic eyes)

Gorgon had many powers but the most important one was his eye's ability to turn people into stones as long as the victim looked directly at his eyes.

Max used a cleaver way of using it by creating prosthetic eyes form his Symbiots and giving only his eyes the ability to do so.

Currently he has 12 eyes that has the ability to do it. Max can produce them from any part of his body.


Black Panther's Power: (couldn't be gain them)

As T'Challa's power is from the panther Deity Bast. It is mystical ability and can't be copied through bonding process.


Wanda's powers: (couldn't be gain them)

When he wanted copy Wanda's powers he was stopped. Her powers are unstable and she unconsciously blocked Max's attempt to gain her X-gene.


Darwin's powers: (couldn't be gain them)

Same with Wanda, Darwin's evolutionary powers adapted at an alarming rate stopping Max's attempt to gain his powers.







Blink's power:

Max swapped Azazel's power from Blinks' power. Her abilities were different from normal teleportation and more powerful. (not as powerful as Cloak's ability)


He can creates portals with it. And take others with him.

His portals could also be used as a teleport long distance, (if he had marked that place)

Depending on the distance it takes a lot of energy to do so.

Swords of Gods (Godkiller & Grasscutter)


It has the power of Zeus (our favorite Olympian womanizer.) in it. So he can channel (Mystical/Divine/Cosmic what ever rows your boat.) electricity.

The electricity is black in color.

It's vastly powerful, even more so than Max's negative electricity. But to use it Max has to channel his energy into him. And long use could lead to hunger.

It also is harmful to Max. As if he isn't careful he could shock himself. Chipping away his strength.

[There is another function it has, it is called Soul Capture. Where he could use a soul as energy to fuel powers inside the sword.

As it is not a perfect blade (dubbed the person who black-smithed) it can only store only one Soul.

Azazel is trapped in it. And he will be tormented as long as Max uses his powers. He is literally trapped there, and used as battery to use brimstone dimension powers.]


It was used by a Japanese god. Who fought against Zeus. And unlike the provious sword, it was the perfect sword. Attack and Durability balanced.

It can create shadowy construct that Max can use as shield. Max can also turn invisible or hide in shadows with it.

[It can also store soul in it. But as it is the perfect blade (dubbed the same person who black-smithed) it can store multiple souls or magic in it.

And also being a perfect blade it is less taxing the previous sword. In term of energy consumption to activate it's ability.]

Ubasti's hearn:

A magical artifact that is shaped like a necklace. It was gurded by the Were-people.

The main function is it can control the desert. As long as one channels power/mana/energy in it the sandy desert is his to control.

[It is actually the necklace of the panther godess Bast. Who would favour the person that returned her jewelry.]