For a long time, Zhang Bing took back her eyes, went down to the ground, and came to the French window naked. She hesitated for a moment, opened the curtain, looked at the bright light outside through the glass, and then looked at the twinkling stars in the sky. Zhang Bing suddenly felt a little ironic. Compared with these lights, the light of the stars was too weak... "Alas..." Zhang Bing sighed and drew the curtain again, limping barefoot, Walking toward the bathroom, "pa", the bathroom door closed, and soon there was the sound of water. With the sound of water, long Aotian, who was snoring and sleeping soundly, slowly opened his eyes, drew a smile from the corner of his mouth, and closed his eyes. In the bathroom, Zhang Bing stood under the nozzle, letting hot water spray. Wisps of red blood flowed down her thighs on the ground. Zhang Bing looked down, expressionless, Standing under the sprinkler for nearly 20 minutes, she turned off, picked up the bath towel, wiped it casually, and turned out of the bathroom. A gentle snore attracted Zhang Bing's eyes. She hesitated, went to the window and took the blade on her head. In the dark, Zhang Bing just stared at long Aotian, who was sleeping. The blade in her hand was shaking gently... "Failed," Zhang Bing whispered, Put down the blade again, come to the other side of the bed, lie down, eyes staring at the roof, so quietly watching... "Well" long Aotian said something vaguely, turned over, put his right hand on Zhang Bing's body, Zhang Bing body trembled, slowly closed his eyes, a night, a few hours, soon passed, the sunshine of the capital, along the curtain gap, shot on the big bed, some dazzling, When long Aotian opens his eyes, his first reaction is to turn his head and look to the side. Zhang Bing is still there. "Beauty, good morning," long Aotian asks with a smile. Zhang Bing doesn't say a word. Long Aotian is a bit boring: "you won't stay up all night. Ha ha, with a female killer like you lying beside me, I feel very safe and sleep soundly." Zhang Bing sits up from the bed, picks up his clothes and puts them on, Looking at long Aotian: "get out of bed," "why," "get down," long Aotian puzzled, got up from the bed and stood in front of Zhang Bing naked: "what are you going to do, want to fight another 300 rounds," Zhang Bing bent down, grabbed the bloodstained sheet, took the lighter on his head and lit the fire, "shit, what are you doing, crazy," long Aotian looked at the burning sheet and glared, Zhang Bing did not say a word, dragging the burning sheets, into the bathroom, closed the door“ What a strange woman. " Long Aotian shakes his head, puts on his clothes, and puts away the Dragon dagger and the lethal pursuit gun. Long Aotian stretches, moves his body, comes to the French window and opens the curtain. "Hoo, it's a new day. I don't know what's waiting for him." long Aotian looks at the sun, looks down at the traffic below and says slowly. A bell rings and long Aotian picks up his mobile phone, Press the answer button: "Hey," "brother long, how are you in the capital?" Ma Jian's voice came over. "Ha ha, I slept with a female killer last night," long Aotian said in a ostentatious tone. "I'm so lucky." Ma Jian cooperated very well. "Fart," long Aotian rolled his eyes and touched the scabby wound on his neck: "if you were a boy, you would have been wiped open and turned into a corpse, ”"Haha..." after talking with Ma Jian again, long Aotian hangs up the phone and turns to look at Zhang Bing who has come out of the bathroom. "I'm leaving," Zhang Bing says and turns around to leave. "Ah," Zhang Bing's step pauses and doesn't look back, "Zhang Bing, now, do you think I'm a good man?" long Aotian looks at Zhang Bing's back and asks seriously. Zhang Bing's shoulder trembles slightly and doesn't speak. He opens the door, Straight away, "good people, ha ha, good people don't live long. If I were a good person, I should have died last night," said long Aotian with a sneer, and a fierce chill flashed in his eyes.