Long Aotian goes to visit Wang Tao in the provincial capital. Wang Tao goes to buy vegetables and cooks for them. Long Aotian and Wang Shuangjie are deeply moved. During the meal, Wang Tao asked with a smile: "Aotian, you are also busy now. I'm afraid there are other things to do?"

"Ha ha!" Long Aotian embarrassed smile, "really, godfather, do you know what I started Longmen university?"

"Ah, I know. I was busy at work in those two days, so I didn't go there. I heard that governor Jiang and director Qian have both gone? "

"Yes, the presence of the two of them has a very good influence on Longmen University, so I want to thank them, but I'm not familiar with them and I don't know where they live, so I want godfather to take me with me."

"Well, let's go tomorrow noon."


"Aotian, you really can. This Longmen university has solved the problem of how many poor children go to school. It's really a major event in our province's education cause."

"Hey, hey, thanks Godfather!"

After they finished their meal, they chatted a few words. Wang Tao had to go to work, so long Aotian and Wang Shuangjie left. As soon as he got back to the hotel, Qiao Feng said, "brother long, just now two people came to look for you. They are still very mysterious. They didn't say who they are or anything."

"All right! If anything, he will come again! " Long Aotian said that he didn't care much. In fact, he was thinking about what happened when the sage asked him to come to the provincial capital. It was so mysterious.

Just then, Bai Yulin called“ Brother long, what are you doing now? "

"No, I just came back from my godfather. What's the matter? "

"Hey, I'm at the capital airport now!"

"Why, where are you going?"

"I'll come to see you, and it'll be evening!"

"Oh, young master Bai himself, it seems that this time things are very serious!" Long Aotian said jokingly.

"Ha ha, brother long, I'm sorry for what you said!" Bai Yulin is scratching her head outside the capital airport.

"Shall I pick you up at the airport?"

"No, the people of Bai family in the provincial capital will pick me up. I'll go directly

I'll see you at the hotel! "

"OK, I'll wait for you at the hotel!"

After long Aotian hung up, he lay on the bed and thought with his eyes closed. What is it? It's so mysterious. Last time Bai Tan Sheng said that he would agree to a condition. I don't know if the matter this time has anything to do with it.

It's all right for a long time. Long Aotian thinks he's asleep. When I woke up, it was dark. Long Ao day called them three to come over, "do you want to go out to eat together?"

"Isn't there a meal in the hotel? Let's eat here. We're too lazy to run! " Qiao Feng said,

"And you two?"

"I don't want to go out, either!"“ Me too! "

"All right then!" Long Aotian called their catering department from the inside of the hotel and asked them to bring four dinners. Not to mention the efficiency of the hotel, the food was delivered in less than ten minutes. The smell of long Aotian's nose is not bad. It's fragrant. Long Aotian wants to drool a little“ Ha ha, I don't care about you. I'm hungry and I have to eat first As long Aotian says this, he begins to gobble it up. Qiao Feng, Yang Shuai and Wang Shuangjie all look at long Aotian in surprise, because they have never seen long Aotian like this.

As soon as long Aotian took two bites, his mobile phone rang. He saw that it was Bai Yulin“ Well, I'm afraid I can't eat this meal! " Long Aotian got through and said, "Yulin, how did you get off the plane?"

"I've reached the downstairs of the hotel. Which room are you in? I'll find you!"


Dragon Ao day finish saying and wolfed down two mouthfuls, they three still surprised looking at. Long Aotian asked, "why don't you eat?"

A word from long Aotian reminds them that when they open the lunch box and are about to eat, they hear someone knock on the door. Qiao Feng opens the door to see that it's Bai Yulin“ "Yulin?"

"Ha ha, Qiao Feng, long time no see!" Bai Yulin and Qiao Feng have a bear hug.

Bai Yulin came into the room and saw that they were eating. "Do you have my meal?"

"Ha ha, you think too much!"

"Since there is no food for me, don't eat it. I have something important for you to do!" Bai Yulin looked serious. They all put down their lunch boxes. Only long Aotian had eaten them. The three of them had just finished

I didn't move a mouthful.

"Tell me something about Yulin!"

Bai Yulin didn't speak. He opened his backpack and took out a military laptop. After entering the password, Bai Yulin turned on the computer. He didn't even use the hotel network. He used the encrypted network that Bai Yulin brought with him. This set of complicated operation is not understood by all of you, including long Aotian. After Bai Yulin finished, he opened a satellite video, and master Bai Tan appeared in plain clothes.

"Ao Tian, how are you

"Hello, Grandpa Bai!"

"Ha ha, Aotian, I think you must be curious. What can I ask you to do?"“ Yes, I'm curious. I'm so mysterious! "“ Well, then I won't buy it. Although you are a gangster now, I don't think it's your intention or your ultimate goal. Don't look at the fact that you are just like a duck to water, it is because you are not strong enough to threaten the interests of the country. If there comes a day when…. Your power can shock the country, which means that you have succeeded. Of course, you will perish. The country can't take you as a disaster. Not to mention you, we officials, if one day the family power is too strong, the country will not let us go! You like to listen to books and play. You should have heard of Han Xin's story? "“ I've heard of it Han Xin is one of the three outstanding men in the early Han Dynasty. The reason why Liu Bang can win the world is that Han Xin can't do without him. Han Xin has outstanding military talent. He is not a soldier with Xiao He and fan Kuai who came out of Peixian with Liu Bang to break into the world, but later he was worshipped by Liu Bang as a general, and his position is higher than that of other soldiers, Han Xin's talent can be seen. The reason why Han Xin can be attached to Liu Bang is that the king of Han can provide him with a platform to show his talents. Xiang Yu, who can't even tolerate his sub father fan Zeng, can't do this. Liu Bang uses Han Xin and prevents it. On one occasion, Liu Bang fled to Hanxin after being defeated. Instead of informing Hanxin to come out to meet him, he quietly used a token to enter the military camp as an envoy of the king of Han, and summoned Hanxin only after he got his seal. It can be seen that Liu Han had no brotherhood, but was in the fierce competition between Chu and Han. Liu Bang was at a disadvantage, so he had to woo Hanxin. Hanxin was a general. Who could let him show his ambition, Of course, he will help those who make contributions. In essence, they are not the same route. Without Xiang Yu, it is likely to turn into a dispute between Liu and Han. In fact, Han Xin often showed his resignation when he helped Liu Bang fight. Once, the king of Han sent him to fight against the state of Qi. After winning the battle, Han Xin insisted on Liu Bang to make him king of Qi. Liu Bang was very upset, but in order to call his army to fight against Xiang Yu, After the founding of the people's Republic of China, Liu Bang granted Chu to Han Xin. However, Liu Bang always admired and feared his talent. Later, he used a stratagem to cut off his military power and kept him by his side for surveillance. This time, Liu Bang and Han Xin had a famous conversation. Liu asked Han: general, how many soldiers do you think I can command? Han Xin replied: 100000; Liu Bang asked: how about you; Han a: I believe that more is better; Liu Bang asked with pride: general, why are you still captured by me; Han Xin said: it's because the king is good at commanding generals. Even if Liu Bang has the heart of prevention and fear for him, in view of Han Xin's great achievements, Liu Bang will not be willing to bear the name of injustice and harm him. Han Xin can enjoy his old age as Xiao He and Zhang Liang as the founders of the country, When Liu Bang went out to pacify the rebellion, he conspired to overthrow the Han Dynasty. Unexpectedly, the plot was not secret. The resolute empress Lu knew about it. Chen Ping offered a plan and asked Xiao He to cheat him into the palace to celebrate on the ground that the Han king had successfully pacified the rebellion. Han Xin didn't know what the plan was, but he was killed as soon as he entered the palace, At the same time, Qiao Feng and Yang Shuai were surprised at the same time. They were wondering if long Aotian would do this to them in the future. This thought flashed through their hearts. They decided that long Aotian was not the kind of person to use, People who don't have to face back“ Grandpa Bai, you said so much, but you still didn't say it. What's the matter? "“ Ha ha, don't be impatient. I'll tell you the story of Han Xin to tell you that if you are strong enough in the future, you will be killed. So I hope you can serve the country! "“ Ha ha Long Aotian sneered: "grandfather Bai, if I work for my country, will I end up like Han Xin in the future?"“ You can rest assured that the current No. 1 leader is not the emperor of ancient times. In addition, you should learn how to advance and retreat quickly! "“ Well, I see. When did you tell me? "“ I'll show you a man first Bai Tan Sheng said that a man appeared on the screen. He was in his twenties and less than thirty years old. He was also good-looking and smart. Bai Tansheng said: "Aotian, his name is Yu Wenshuo. He is the largest arms dealer in Asia. He has branches in every major city in Asia. Now he has seriously threatened the interests of the country and disturbed social security, so the upper authorities decided to eliminate him. There is also his branch in HN province. I'm going to let you destroy him. This can be regarded as your white registration in the future! Of course, when necessary, you can mobilize the local special police and the army to help you! " After hearing this, long Aotian didn't speak for a long time. He didn't know how to answer! Because Yu Wenshuo is also his friend!