Long Aotian took them to Yuemiao temple and finally bought a gun. Today's weather is very hot, several beauties can't stand the noise. They don't go out to play in the afternoon, so they have to go back to the hotel to have a rest. Long Aotian and Bai Yulin have to take them back.

Walking to the door of the hotel, the front desk already knew long Aotian and said hello to him: "Mr. long, I came back so early today?"

"It's hot today, so I came back early!"

"Oh, by the way, I heard that there is an auction in the West Lake Hotel. Where can you go?"

"OK, thank you."

They went back to their room and had a rest for a while. Long Aotian ordered a meal and everyone ate. Long Aotian asked: "auction, do you want to see it?"

As a result, it was agreed that none of them had been to the auction.

After dinner, long Aotian asked about the specific location and start time of the auction. As a result, there is still an hour left to start. Fortunately, their hotel is not far from the clothes hotel.

Long Aotian informs them to go downstairs and then drives to the West Lake Hotel. The auction was held in the hall on the fifth floor of the West Lake Hotel. When they came yesterday, there was no movement here. Now they are ready.

At the door stood the etiquette ladies, with big white legs, protruding forward and backward. There are some local tyrants with bad quality who want to take advantage in the past. This is not the case

Some of the etiquette are also used to, face quietly.

Long Aotian naturally walked in boldly. With a big eye, there was a private room. Long Aotian took them to the private room directly. It was convenient to sit in the private room and talk. Of course, the private room was charged separately. Anyone who could come to the auction would not care about the money. Long Aotian was no exception.

After sitting in the private room for a while, the light of the meeting hall outside suddenly darkened, and then all the spotlights hit the stage. A woman in a long skirt walked onto the stage.

The auction in the evening, officially started.

"Good evening, dear friends. Welcome to our West Lake Hotel. This evening is the monthly auction of our West Lake Hotel. I hope you can get what you like. " The old rule is that the host talks a little bit about the opening remarks on the stage. Zhao Tiezhu is a little excited and looks at the beauty. The long skirt is golden, and the style of evening dress is that the upper body only covers half of the chest. Most of the white meat exposed is very bright under the light.

The host's nonsense is almost over. Next, the so-called auction begins. The auction of West Lake Hotel is really different from that of other places. The first auction is a bottle of wine!!

"This is a bottle of wine from the Titanic. In a salvage, it was salvaged ashore. Just because of the sad color of Titanic, this bottle of wine is also known as the kiss of doomsday. The starting price is 100000 yuan. Five thousand at a time. "

"I wipe, a bottle of wine starts shooting! Who's buying this? " Long Ao day very earth hat of ask a way.

"Of course, I've seen a bottle of wine selling millions in the capital. It's a bit of a level. I've been sitting in box 1. Bai Yulin looked at Zhao Tiezhu, pressed a green button next to him, and then said to a microphone in front of him," 150000. "

"The friends in box 1 bid 150000. Are there any friends who want to increase the price? 150000 times, 150000 twice. "

Just then:

"180000." A faint voice came.

"Box 5 180000, box 5 180000 bid, is there any price increase?"

"200000." Bai Yulin said directly.

The price of box 5 didn't increase this time. This auction is not a war. There's no need to fight for everything. It's just a bottle of wine. Its real value is about 170000 yuan. It's high to sell 200000 yuan.

"200000 friends in box 1 got this bottle of doomsday kiss. Congratulations."

There was a burst of applause from the audience. The people who can sit in box 1 naturally have identity. Most of the applause is to give the people in box 1 face.

"Next, there is a wedding dress. The legend of this wedding dress is from Russia

The queen of the Republic of China is also what she wore when she married... "There are so many strange things in the auction that even the wedding dress has been auctioned. Long Aotian is not interested in it. Neither of the two girls is old enough to get married. It's good to have a look at them, and they can't mention much about it.

Before long, the door of box 1 was knocked. After getting Bai Yulin's consent, a waiter sent in the bottle of Bai Yulin's last kiss.

Bai Yulin directly took out a platinum card, paid and settled the matter.

"Here, try this so-called kiss of doomsday." Bai Yulin picked up a bottle opener and opened the wine. He poured a glass for long Aotian and others. Long Aotian was still very dull. After a long aftertaste, long Aotian said, "it's not much different from ordinary wine. That's what it is. It's 200000 yuan. It's really luxurious."

"What kind of luxury is this? The rich in the first tier of China can't afford to spend millions on any banquet. They are asked to donate some money. Either they have no money or they have no money. They can build a hope primary school with a meal." Bai Yulin said.

"I didn't expect that you were still a little angry." Long Aotian said with a smile that he didn't find out before“ The poor are getting poorer and poorer these days because they have too few resources. The rich are getting richer and richer. They have enough time and energy to accumulate more wealth. Some people say that it's hard to earn 100000 yuan from 10000 yuan. It's easier to earn 10 million yuan from 1 million yuan. That's the truth. No matter which dynasty, It's all class Long Aotian smiles and doesn't say anything. Because long Aotian has been poor since he was a child, he doesn't agree with Bai Yulin very much. Although the poor occupy less resources, the poor are more enterprising and resilient than the rich. Few people are born rich. Countless rich people come from the poor in those years, so long Aotian still believes it very much, As long as we work hard, we can change something more or less. Needless to say, a bottle of wine, 200000, was drunk by several people in half an hour, as if it was because of the so-called kiss of the end. The auction went on. At this time, several kinds of products had been sold. At this time, the stage lights suddenly dimmed, and a light column hit directly on a high platform on the stage“ The next thing I want to introduce to you is the legendary gem of love, Cupid's arrow. "