Guoliang village belongs to shayao Township, Huixian County, Xinxiang City, Henan Province. It is located in shayao Township, Taihang, 60 kilometers northwest of Huixian City, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, and at the junction of Kunshan village, Gujiao Township, Lingchuan County, Jincheng city. The altitude is 1700 meters. There are 83 families with 329 people. Guoliang village is located on the cliffs with thousands of cliffs. The terrain is extremely dangerous and the scenery is beautiful. It is famous for its unique waterscape and cliff Canyon "hanging wall road", and also known as "Taihang pearl".

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, successive years of famine, together with the exploitation and oppression of the landlords and feudal officials, made the people have no livelihood. Guo Liang, the son of farmers in Taihang mountain area, led some hungry people to fight against oppression. Farmers responded one after another and followed Guo Liang, and soon formed a strong contingent of farmers. At that time, the feudal dynasty panicked and repeatedly sent troops to suppress, but because of the high mountains and dangerous roads, they were all defeated. At that time, one of Guo Liang's generals, Zhou Jun, surrendered to the government and was called the "Pingxi general" and led the officers and men to suppress it. Because he was outnumbered, Guo Liang had to retreat to the west mountain cliff. Later, because of the siege of the Zhou army, food and grass were cut off. Guo Liang was so quick that he asked the soldiers to hang the war drum and the goat on the tree. The sheep's hooves were trampling and the drum was beating day and night. At the same time, Guo Liang ordered the soldiers to rope down the cliff from the back of the mountain and safely transfer to a natural village (today's "escape station"). This mountain village on the cliff was named "Guo Liang" when people built it in memory of Guo Liang.

Most people in Guoliang village are Guo. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the Shen family became an official in Nanjing. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang cleaned Kyoto and assigned the Shen family to Qinghai for hard labor. On the way, the Shen family fled from Shanxi. Hundreds of people of the whole family smashed the big iron pot, and each family was divided into a piece of iron

Go to the East and West, hope to go back to the original next year, the whole family reunion, so called "big pot Shen". At that time, a small part of the Shen people entered Henan and hid in the Taihang Mountains and lived in seclusion in Guoliang village. Only Shen Mingfu left Guoliang village after joining the army in the 1960s. Every summer, villagers are always attacked by mountain torrents and landslides, and their houses collapse. But afterwards, the villagers built a "new home" and stuck to it, absorbing the precepts and breath of their ancestors.

In 1972, under the leadership of the declaration letter, 13 villagers sold goats and yams and raised money to buy steel hammers and files so that villagers could walk down the mountain. In the absence of electricity and machinery, Guo Liang cave, a stone cave with a height of 5 meters, a width of 4 meters, and a total length of 1300 meters, was chiseled one by one in a cliff for five years. It was opened to traffic on May 1, 1977. To this end, Wang Huaitang and other villagers gave their lives. This precipice promenade is called "the Ninth Wonder of the world" by Japan's Yuda film and television company.

On the last day of their tour, long Aotian's destination is Guoliang village. The route of their three-day tour is from Nannan to the north in turn. Guoliang village is far away, in the north of Henan Province, so they will get up and come out at five o'clock the next morning. Originally, they were a group of sleepers, but when they heard about going out to play, they were all like chicken blood.

Today, Chen Zipeng is particularly magical, because the monk calculated for him yesterday that his future is far ahead of long Aotian. Chen Zipeng also found out through his relationship that long Aotian is mixed with society, so although he is very aggressive, he is also afraid of three points. Now he is not afraid. He says that no matter how powerful you are, I will ride on you in the future.

Long Aotian didn't care when he saw Chen Zipeng's triumphant appearance, but in his heart

Funny, I want to have you cry.

It took them three hours to get to their destination. They don't have to stay in a hotel today because they have to go back all night and the three days are coming to an end.

Long Aotian likes history and knows that Guoliang village is a scenic spot with historical background, so before he came, he had checked the information, took the initiative to act as a guide, and once again robbed Chen Zipeng of the limelight. However, Chen Zipeng was not angry either. He thought how hard you are working now, and your future will not be as good as mine in the future.

The first place they went was the Kunshan tunnel. Long Aotian said: "the Taihang tunnel stretches eight hundred Li, running through the north and south of the Central Plains. The people there are more hardworking and have created many miracles. There are six hanging wall highways in the Grand Canyon of Taihang Mountain, including the Kunshan tunnel from Guoliang village to wangmangling; The most spectacular is the nearest road from Guoliang village to wangmangling. After 30 years, a wall hanging road from wangmangling in Lingchuan, Shanxi Province to Guoliang in Huixian, Henan Province has been artificially excavated. Wang mangling is subordinate to Lingchuan County, Jincheng City, Shanxi Province. The Kunshan tunnel is 7.5km long. The tunnel is not reinforced and renovated, and there are falling rocks at any time, so you must be careful! "

After walking out of Kunshan tunnel, we come to the ancient road. Long Aotian said: "when we arrive at Guoliang village, we have to go through Taihang Grand Canyon. The rocks on the cliff of the canyon are red. It's not easy to climb up the cliff top from hanzhaiba, shayao township. In the past, this cliff road was the only ancient road leading to the Central Plains in the mountains. It has troubled generations of mountain people and hindered the communication with the outside world. The ladder is made up of irregular blocks of rock or stone pits cut directly from the rock wall at a 90 degree angle. It was not until the 1970s, when the villagers got through Guo Liangdong, that people gradually abandoned the "hotline" which had been used for hundreds of years. We must deliberately climb the top of the ladder, just to appreciate it

Let's have a look at the first person's feeling of insurance. "

Finally, Guo Liangdong's ice cave wonders, not far away from Guo Liangdong, there is a wonder "ice kiln", even in hot summer, so it is frozen. Look up big, suddenly a waterfall from the sky, float dye whole body. After the shouting, the silence was restored. The waterfalls fall vertically from a hollow hole on the top of the cliff. From a distance, it looks like the "dragon beard" or "Longyin" waterfall.

When we visited Guoliang village, it was already dark. Li Yu said, "my classmates, our three-day tour is coming to an end. Let's get ready. We are going back to school. When we go back to school, everyone has to write a travel note of no less than 3000 words." Originally, we were still immersed in the joy of tourism, so that Li Yu's words made us all dejected. Long Aotian doesn't matter. He can write it or not. Even if he writes 3000 words of travel notes, it doesn't matter to him at all. When they return to NY, it's already late at night, and the school can't go back. We had to open a hotel outside. Long Aotian asked: "teacher, how much did we spend on three days out?"“ In fact, it's not much. There are about 100000 more now. "“ Where are you going to spend the money? "“ I think so. I'll leave a small part as the class fee and donate the rest to the hope project. What do you think? "“ Teacher, you are such a good teacher This is the praise from the heart of long Aotian!