This evening, Longmen was officially established. Everyone was very excited. Long Aotian asked the waiter to open six cases of beer and blow directly to the bottle without cup. As a result, the only one who can walk is long Aotian. Long Aotian looks at this disorderly person, helplessly shakes his head, these men pour nothing, this still has a yellow flower big girl - Gao Rui.

Although Gao Rui is tough, she is also a girl. She is weak and afraid of catching cold. So long Aotian has no choice but to send her home. Long Aotian carries Gao Rui behind her. Her pair of lethal weapons are soft on long Aotian's solid back. Long Aotian can't help but feel a wonderful feeling in his lower body.

When I got downstairs, I happened to meet Liu Xue. Liu Xue joked: "brother long, if I get drunk one day, will you carry me home?"

"Of course

Although it's just a joke, it can be seen that Liu Xue's heart is beautiful and her face is a little red.

Gao Rui's home is not too far from here, so long Aotian didn't take a taxi and walked on the road with Gao Rui on his back. Gao Rui didn't know whether he was talking drunkenly or in his sleep: "here, cheers! I'm so happy today, you know?

Aotian, you let me find a way to rely on. Aotian, I like you! " Hearing this, long Aotian almost fell down. Some people say drunken nonsense, others say drunken truth, long Aotian believes the latter. Is sister Rui really in love with me? Ah, who can make me handsome?

Soon to Gao Rui's home, long Aotian puts one hand around Gao Rui's waist, takes out the key from the bag with the other hand, and naturally sees some girl's private items, such as aunt scarf. Gao Rui, who is careless in appearance, actually has a girl's heart in her heart. Her room is very soft and full of feminism. The sheets and quilts are pink and purple, which makes her dream.

Long Aotian put Gao Rui on the bed and was ready to go out. Unexpectedly, Gao Rui put his arms around long Aotian's neck: "Ao Tian, you don't go, you stay with me." Gao Rui's voice is very gentle. Long Aotian looks at her, but there is no inexplicable heartache in her heart. So he didn't go, half holding his body, looking at Gao Rui's delicate face. To say that Wen Jiaxin is a sexy beauty, then Gao Rui's face with a trace of vicissitudes is a mature beauty.

Just at this time, Gao Rui muttered: "why is it so hot?" Hand tight T-shirt to take off, my God, this is to be crazy, long Aotian thought. Gao Rui is also wearing a black dress inside. I don't know whether her underwear is too small or too big, so that most of the murder weapons are exposed outside. Although long Aotian is not a lecherous boy, he is a man

A normal boy, let alone long Aotian, can't stand to be anyone else at this time. At this time, the weather has entered the late autumn, and it is supposed to be very cold at night, but long Ao Tian's heart is very dry and hot, and he even put up a small tent.

Long Aotian moves his hand. He has an evil idea in his heart, but he soon dispels it: No, even if she likes me, I can't do it when she's drunk. Long Aotian shakes his head and tries to calm down. He is ready to stand up, because the posture is very strange now. Before long Aotian gets up, something even worse happens. Gao Rui turns over and presses long Aotian under his body. Face to face zero distance contact, long Aotian can feel Gao Rui's heartbeat, and his faint body fragrance, let long Aotian some intoxication.

At this time, the small universe of long Aotian finally broke out, and the God of desire became rational. As soon as long Aotian turns over, he puts Gao Rui under his body and kisses her sexy red lips. Their clothes fall on the ground one by one. With Gao Rui's painful groan, they both have a qualitative change. Ten thousand words are omitted here,,,

I don't know how long it took. Maybe they were both tired. Then they hugged each other and fell asleep. The next day, a ray of sunshine shines on Gao Rui's face. She slowly opens her eyes and looks at the sleeping dragon Aotian and the red sheets. Instead of shouting, she shows a happy smile on her face and lies in the embrace of the Dragon Aotian. Her gentle little hand caresses her thick chest.

At this time, long Aotian wakes up and looks at Gao Rui in his arms. There is a trace of regret in his heart. Gao Rui stroked long Aotian, as if to say to him again, as if to himself: "Aotian, since I saw you in the underground ring, I fell in love with you, determined to be your woman. I gave you my body last night. I'm very happy. I know that you have already got Jiaxin. I don't ask for fame, as long as you have me in your heart! " Gao Rui's voice is very small, but every word plunges into long Aotian's heart. He feels Gao Rui's tears flow down his cheek, and long Aotian's heart is more painful.

He hugged Gao Rui tightly, gently wiped away the tears on her face, and said tenderly: "silly girl, since the moment when I kiss you in the evening, you agree with Jiaxin in my heart." Hear words, Gao Rui's heartache move, red lips kiss up again,,,

From the morning to the afternoon, from the bed to the desk, on the carpet and in the bathroom, there are traces of their fighting. Finally really tired, dragon Ao day embraces Gao Rui to lie quietly on the bed. Gao Rui tells long Aotian about her past,,,

It turns out that Gao Rui is not from NY city. She comes from Dashan of HB province. When she was 15 years old, debris flow happened in her hometown. Her parents died in order to take care of their brother and sister. Parents dying before a last word, let their brother and sister to NY city to join her uncle and aunt. Brother and sister

They almost begged all the way, went through all kinds of hardships, and finally got to NY. Gao Rui's uncle treats them well, but her aunt is a snake and scorpion woman, who scolds Gao Rui and Gao Yang. 15-year-old Gao Rui has grown up like a flower, and is always teased by his cousin. Although Gao Rui is small, she has a strong heart. She can't stand this kind of humiliation. She leaves her uncle's house with Gao Yang and lives in the street. By chance, Gao Rui found a job as a cleaner in a martial arts school. Although her salary is not high, she can barely survive. Gao Rui saved the money he earned except for the necessary living expenses for Gao Yang to go to school. To the school of Gao Yang, because the body is small, often bullied in school. Gao Rui secretly began to learn martial arts in the martial arts school, and taught it to Gao Yang after learning. This kind of life has been three years, Gao Rui steal art thing by coach know. The coach sympathized with Gao Rui's life experience and didn't blame her. He allowed her to learn martial arts here. After another year, Gao Rui's martial arts was almost finished, and she had a bigger idea - to fight in the underground ring to earn money. After many inquiries, Gao Rui finally went to the underground ring of Yuhao capital and became a professional boxer. As a boxer, she did earn a lot of money, which improved the life of her brother and sister. But Gao Rui also suffered a lot of injuries. She felt her own shortcomings. Here, she played boxing and studied at the same time. Since being defeated by long Aotian last time, Gao Rui has entrusted himself to this little boy in her heart. Hearing Gao Rui's life experience, long Aotian sighs in his heart: in this society of the jungle, the poor die of poverty, and the rich die of wealth. One day, I will trample these villains under my feet. While long Aotian and Gao Rui are lingering in bed, Huang Congjiang of Huang family manor is plotting this important event. Although Huang Congjiang is the deputy mayor of NY City, he has close contact with the underground world. Among them, the closest one is the star gang in NY south city. The leader of Tianxing Gang is Huang Xing, a branch of the Huang family. He is Huang Congjiang's younger brother. On this day, Huang Congjiang called and asked Huang Xing to come to huangjiazhuangyuan to find him. Although Huang Xing was wriggling on a woman at this time, he did not dare to listen to the owner's words. He forced Yu Huo to put on his clothes and drove to huangjiazhuangyuan. Huang Congjiang is waiting for him in his study, and there is no need to report. Huang Xing enters Huang Congjiang's study, and there are only two of them in the whole study. They sat in the study for more than two hours, and no one knew what they said. Finally, Huang Xing left Huangjiazhuang garden with a proud face, drove back to his own site, finished the unfinished business, and then called his brothers to start his action. The camera goes back to Gao Rui's home again. They are still lying on the bed. They didn't do anything else that day. When they were tired, they went to sleep and did it when they woke up. Gao Rui seems to be very afraid. After today, long Aotian doesn't want her. Every day gradually dark down, Gao Rui endure lower body pain, wearing pajamas up to long Aotian made dinner. After dinner, long Aotian is ready to go back to school, but Gao Rui won't let him go. Long Aotian turned his mouth: "sister Rui, another night's stay will kill you!"“ Well, what do you think? I just want you to stay with me more Gao Rui pouts her mouth, and long Aotian compromises. In fact, long Aotian was very puzzled that there was no one to do her a good job on this day. Long Aotian doesn't know. Ma Jian and others already know that long Aotian is lingering with Gao Rui. How can they have the heart to disturb him? Of course, Gao Yang tells them. When long Aotian is depressed, his mobile phone rings. When Wen Jiandong calls, long Aotian is surprised. After answering, before long Aotian spoke, Wen Jiandong asked eagerly, "Aotian, where are you?"“ I'm in hot blood Long Aotian didn't dare to tell the truth“ Do you have a horse with you“ No, what's the matter? "“ It's broken. Cathy's gone! "