Chapter 154 - The Changes that Mu Liang brought about (part 1)

The day went by quickly and Roho woke up a little confused in his own room, he felt a little nauseous and with a dry throat.

"Here, drink some water your throat must be very dry"

Mu Qiao said handing some glass of water to Roho, the man looked stunned for a few seconds before picking up the glass and drinking.

They were silent for a few minutes, Roho seemed to remember everything, but he kept silent not knowing how to proceed.

Everything was a real disaster!

"Now, can I introduce myself correctly?" Mu Qiao asked politely keeping away from Roho, he didn't want to press the omega any further than he should already be.

Roho touched the mark on his neck feeling a little itchy, he wanted a mirror to see the tattoo that formed on that part.

"It's a kind of peony," Mu Qiao said, seeming to realize what Roho wanted to know.

Roho's look looked very confused and he felt a little embarrassed by the whole situation, he is a duke and was a person with some experience, but ended up in a precarious and uncertain situation as this was a shame for a nobleman.

"I can do the surgery, everything will be fine," Roho said after a moment of silence. It would be a scandal, but it wouldn't be as bad as the others to know he'd let himself be marked by a stranger.

Mu Qiao was silent for a while, Roho didn't seem to want to hear his arguments or even know who he was.

"Can't I have a word on this?"

"About my body?"

"You know this isn't what I'm talking about, right?" Mu Qiao was exerting strong patience, considering the whole situation it would be normal for him to get carried away, but he felt if he acted strong Roho would only withdraw more and stop talking.

"If you knew who I am, you wouldn't even want to talk about it," Roho said with a sardonic smile. An innocent young man being dragged into the nobility because of his one-time mistake, he couldn't easily forgive himself if he forced the other party to take "responsibility".

"Duke Achebe must think I'm some kind of country fool?"

"You already knew? Since when?" Roho asked with a sharp look and some suspicion.

"His butler told me as soon as he saw my ID. Unlike some people who didn't care about it, his butler was very professional and wanted to protect you "

Mu Qiao said taking from his space item the emblem of the imperial family of the Tang-Kai Empire, the golden raven.

"Second Prince, Mu Qiao, at your service Duke Achebe," Mu Qiao said taking Roho's hand and placing a soft kiss on the back of his hand.

"So you know I'm Gyasi's uncle? And I will be your future uncle because of the marriage of your brother and my nephew, right?" Roho said a little palely if he once felt guilty for allowing himself to be marked, now he felt even more anxious and guilty about who Mu Qiao was.

"Yes, I know. Even so, I marked you, my family won't care about that, I believe your family won't care either"

"You don't know the nobles of my empire, they definitely won't let me easily marry a half-elf, maybe I'll even lose my rank to one of my brothers," Roho said very seriously but his eyes sad made Mu Qiao's heartache a little.

"I don't think that will happen. Look what Emperor Ade's office sent to me and my little brother also sent me an official message"

Mu Qiao said showing the two messages on the holographic screen of his wrist communicator.

The first was an official request for a meeting with Emperor Ade as the official representative of the Tang-Kai Empire, the second message was from Mu Liang explaining the importance of the meeting and what the purpose of the meeting was.

"I think our empire will become an important partner of the Diablo Empire," Mu Qiao said holding Roho's cold hand.

"That doesn't mean we can have an official relationship"

"Well, we still don't know each other very much. But at least we'll have a chance to spend more time together without you having to hide anything"

"But the mark..."

"If you need to undergo surgery, everything will be fine too, after all, after a few months you can be marked again. Until then we can see if our relationship is working." Mu Qiao said reassuring Roho, without noticing he was already taking the ebony-skinned man into his embrace.

"You talking seems very easy"

"I'm just very positive," Mu Qiao said kissing Roho's sky blue hair who looked much calmer and was almost dozing off.

"Can we stay hidden a little longer?" Roho asked a little more sleepily as he spoke.

"Just for two more days. The meeting with Emperor Ade cannot be postponed," Mu Qiao said intertwining his fingers with Roho.

At the end of the day, Gyasi and Ade met this time with their parents for a more intimate dinner and which would serve as a meeting for them to decide what future the Diablo Empire should take.

If the Nubian Concubine was not currently under investigation and had not returned to Duke Madaki's house, she would also be at this meeting. Anulika and Nyashia were also present, but they were a little nervous.

It was well known that Ehione and Nehand always had a cold demeanor towards each other which made everyone uncomfortable, plus they would feel tense as they couldn't interfere between these two older people.

However, to everyone's surprise, including Gyasi, Ehione and Nehand were much warmer and much more intimate than they had ever seen them before, especially Gyasi who always saw his parents' marriage as something of a sharp indifference.

"So when can I officially meet my son-in-law?" Nehand started as soon as the entrance was placed on the table.

"Well..." Gyasi started to try to answer, still surprised by his mother's warm attitude.

Remembering that until a few weeks ago they had a big fight over their engagement to Mu Liang.

"He hid the groom like he was a treasure," Nyashia said playfully nudging Gyasi lightly.

"Yes, but Gyasi doesn't go to events or parties so we didn't get to see the famous groom who must be the reincarnation of beauty," Anulika said also jokingly eliciting laughter from Ade and Nyashia, even Nehand was smiling, already Ehione was a little confused.

"You must be living in a cave! Did you not know of Prince Mu's fame of being a desirable beauty not only in the Tang-Kai empire?" Nehand said disapprovingly, which made the children and stepdaughter tense for a moment.

Ehione tensed also not because of Nehand's words, but because of her hand that was on his inner t.h.i.g.h, her bright smile and irreverent attitude were new to him.

After all, it had been many years since he had seen Nadira and Nehand hadn't acted like this around him normally, until yesterday when he was coerced into having hot s.e.x in the empress's office until Nehand got married.

Which took a long time, Ehione even doubted his stamina could handle such a demanding woman.

"I did not know. I just knew that the Mu Family lineage had many alpha-extremes and that omegas were rare," Ehione said after a long breath.

"In fact, Emperor Mu only had alpha children, only Mu Liang is the only omega, in the previous generation there were no omegas, so Mu Liang is the first omega after more than 100 years," Anulika said, showing that she had learned a little about her eldest brother's mysterious fiancé.

"Son, you shouldn't deprive Prince Mu of being able to walk around the capital, nor of going to events and parties. He seems like a very lively and fun person, he might end up unhappy with the lack of your social life"

Nehand said very kindly, she was very excited to be able to take Mu Liang around. He looked pretty much the type of her that would venture out and cause a bit of trouble out there.

Nehand wasn't wrong, Mu Liang would really love to go out exploring, it's just not known what he would think if it was his mother-in-law who wanted to go out there and cause trouble with him.

"I thought you didn't like him," Gyasi said a little acidly. They had been fighting over their engagement not long ago, but now his mother looked like she was her fiance's best friend.

"Yes, I didn't like him. After all, he tried to kill himself to not marry you, he didn't seem like a very balanced person emotionally and mentally. I was worried about you marrying that kind of unbalanced person! You can't blame me for worrying about you son."

"And now you've changed your mind?"

"Well, apparently Prince Mu might have been tricked into committing suicide, so I investigated the case better and in fact something similar to what happened, but apparently that best friend escaped... I contacted Emperor Mu and he asked me not to talk to the prince about it, as they started a hunt for the runaway bastard"

Nehand after meeting Mu Liang and his somewhat silly and confident nature, so, she realized that the fact that he was trying to kill himself didn't fit with the person she had met.

Gyasi: (...)