Chapter 140 - Don't joke... A prince wouldn't be such a fool (Part.1)

Roho didn't speak anymore and looked away again, he felt once again his face heat up and his heart beat faster than usual, maybe all the persecution made him emotionally unstable.

At least that's what Roho was telling himself mentally.

"Let's go," Roho said as he activated the portal and a layer of olive green light appeared in the middle of the arch and formed a door.

"Where we go?" Mu Qiao asked curiously. He never thought that his first moments in the Diablo Empire would start with a great adventure... If he knew that, he would have come sooner to end the boredom.

On the one hand, he was happy, on the other, he worried that his frail little brother was up to it too... which could not be accepted without a great deal of concern.

"Let's go to my secret mansion in the imperial capital," Roho said seeing the blue-gray eyes sparkle with joy.

A normal person would be suspicious or worried, but Mu Qiao looked a lot like a young adventurer and was full of expectations, which made him look a little cute and a little silly to Roho.

The two men passed through the olive green door, quickly disappearing, the light in the portal ended and everything returned to apparent tranquility.

After the teleportation ended Mu Qiao was a little dizzy for a few seconds as the teleportation effect took a few moments to get used to the environment.

"Welcome, young master" a butler approached the teleportation portal. He was a tall black-skinned man with short gray curly hair with deep brown eyes, ears with silver reamers that made his ear long. The wrinkles around the eyes and mouth showed the man's advanced age, along with the wrinkles on his forehead, despite the flawlessness of his dark skin not having a single blemish and even looking a little shiny.

He wore a typical Diablo Empire formal attire consisting of a short gray long-sleeved tunic with straight embroidery forming a Z-cross on each side of the tunic, with loose-fitting trousers in the same color as the tunic and leather sandals with crossed strips of black color, around his ankles, was a colorful anklet and braided with pieces of shiny fabric.

"Jabulani, did anyone text the mansion?" Roho said after greeting warmly the mansion's butler. Mu Qiao looked around as he followed Roho and the butler into the mansion. The teleport portal opened into the mansion's back garden.

The mansion of the Achebe Family's capital was close to the Holy Temple, which showed how important the Holy Temple considered the duchy family. However, the secret mansion was located almost on the other side of the capital near the capital's Industrial Pole, which made the residential plots cheaper and larger to build a property and more private mansion.

The closer to the Holy Temple or the Emperor's Palace, the higher the status of the noble or wealthy businessmen, the closer to the Industrial Pole the lower the status of these two categories, but there were the nouveau riches who earned their fortunes in well-exploitation on land or other planets as yet unexplored.

These nouveau riches would not be able to buy mansions in the noblest and highest-status places, but they would not be without a mansion in the capital for their own comfort and, of course, to show off their new fortunes, so there was a large village just for nouveau riches mansions that were seen as jokes by nobles and businessmen, the opposite also happened, as the nouveau riches considered the latter as fools and cowards who get stuck in their little worlds without venturing out there.

The secret mansion was in the name of retired adventurer Mazi Shomari, who spent much of his time traveling and spending the fortune he gained from finding a rich mine of Origin Stones.

The Origin Stones could generate energy to sustain a small town for a whole year, being generally used for the construction of floating cars, thrusters for intergalactic sh.i.p.s, thrusters for mecha armor, and were elements for the construction of most MECHA cores of the species.

Of course, it was all a facade, but the Origin Stone Mine was real, but this had been Roho's gift to Nehand after Ade's birth. However, it was so scandalous and would make people further coveted Roho's consort, that he chose to build a fake ID to deliver the gift. Then one thing led to another and he ended up with a secret mansion and a fake ID that could be used to hide in times like this.

Jabulani is an old butler who watched him grow up and loyally served the Achebe duchy for two generations and as he was close to retirement it would be better for him to take care of the secret mansion which was a relatively quieter place and the old butler could keep a good life in the capital.

That's why Jabulani referred to Roho the current Duke Achebe as "young master", even the former Duke Achebe was called "Young master" by this old butler who watched the two generations of duke grow up.

Of course, Roho saw Jabulani as a close and dear relative, so he had great respect for the beta man.

"There have been no calls yet," Jabulani said with a curious look at Mu Qiao's tall, strong figure. It was very strange that his "young master" would bring someone with him to the secret mansion.

He well knew that by his young master's personality, he wouldn't bring an Alpha to the secret mansion so easily if something very serious hadn't happened. All nobles were well aware that Roho, as a single man, avoided getting too close to any non-family Alpha, as is the case with all of his nephews, the current emperor, and the military general Gyasi.

"So the news of my disappearance has yet to be released. Someone is blocking this news from getting out as much as possible. So I'll let them play for now and let's see who leaves first to cause trouble in the Duchy... Jabulani text Chisulo and let him know I'm fine and that he should get back to the Duchy as soon as possible. , but that should not divulge about my status and where I am. He also sends a message to Nehand so she doesn't worry, but to act on the situation "

"And the other young masters, shall I warn them?" Jabulani asked already scribbling Roho's request in his electronic appointment book, would he wait until official news about Roho's disappearance was announced, as they wanted to see how long the news would be suppressed.

The longer the amount of news suppression time, the greater the status of whoever was behind the scenes of Duke Achebe's kidnapping/murder attempt.

"No, those selfish bastards who don't help me at all, they might as well handle the duchy on their own!" Roho said a little bitterly. He still hadn't forgotten about the last "family reunion" where everyone shied away from responsibility for the duchy and let Roho generate heirs alone.

"So the young master intends to take a little vacation?" Jabulani asked with a smile on his wrinkled face, he was well acquainted with the hardworking, serious and affectionate temperament of Roho, a man who most loved his family and siblings, but there were times when he got stressed and simply wanted to throw duchy homework to away and pretending to be just a lazy dandy just to see the brothers worried about him a little and clear for the brothers not to forget that he is the Duke, was not just a pompous nobleman, but the administrator of a great title, property, business, status that all enjoy mutual agreement, but only he has to pay for it.

Here was why Gyasi also had the ambition to be just a dandy and just want to travel far away, his uncle was the same, but unlike Gyasi, Roho had no one to blame, he was the pillar of the Achebe family since the death of her mother and father outside the long wars of Emperor Kayin's time.

"Just a few days, as I ask Nehand together with my shameless brothers to start a secretive investigation... Well, I'd like to see which of the noble vassals will cause more trouble in my absence" Roho said with a particularly evil smile as if he was enjoying the future headache that his younger brothers would have ahead.

Mu Qiao looked at Roho's expression and found it attractive in a way that the d.e.s.i.r.e he was suppressed due to the dangerous situation came to the fore very easily. The sweet scent of the late-night flowers seemed even more attractive and stronger, the gray-blue eyes darkened a little with d.e.s.i.r.e.

"And the young master's noble guest, shall I provide a room for him?" Jabulani asked finally showing his curiosity about this unusual guest.

"Yes, prepare a room next to my room. He's the hero who saved me from the assassins' pursuit." Roho said quietly just for Jabulani to hear, but how could this escape Mu Liang's loud hearing, with his long half-elf ears.

Being placed near his room meant that he wasn't the only one feeling weird, right?

Mu Qiao thought suddenly, he felt it was a little harder to control his body heat knowing that the man in front of him wanted him even if it was a little.

This could be considered a bit silly on Mu Qiao's part, as it could just be for surveillance or even a code between Roho and Jabulani.

"I understand," Jabulani said with a polite greeting and withdrew to provide everything Roho had asked for, in addition to monitoring the news about the Duke's alleged disappearance.