Chapter 128 - I missed you (R.-.1.8)

Gyasi was surprised for a few seconds, he didn't know if he was imagining the figure of Prince Mu because of his strong d.e.s.i.r.e or if by some chance Mu Liang had really woken up because of his m.o.a.ns.

The strong scent of his omega's pheromones had dispelled any thought of it being just his l.u.s.ty imagination. Quickly opening the glass shower stall doors, he got out and faced Mu Liang with an anxious look halfway between d.e.s.i.r.e and a little guilt, as if he expected to be scolded by the other party.

Mu Liang's blue eyes slowly descended on his fiancé's real n.a.k.e.d body, the statue was actually very similar, but the real body was even better. Damp ebony skin, with every drop of water looking like delicate, shimmering pearls that rolled down the firm muscles of his c.h.e.s.t, arms, and t.h.i.g.hs.

Gyasi felt Mu Liang's gaze burn every part of his body, but he didn't feel bad at all, in fact, he was very proud to be watched by his omega.

"Are you going to leave me dressed like this?" Mu Liang asked after appreciating his alpha's body, he looked into Gyasi's glowing eyes and asked boldly, if it was a while ago he would never speak that kind of phrase, maybe for the solo performance, but he felt very confident to tease this absent groom.

Gyasi was so quick and efficient that he deserved to be a Military General, his clothes falling to the ground like snowflakes in winter, eliciting a playful laugh from Mu Liang, relieved that his fiancé's d.e.s.i.r.e was as strong as his.

Mu Liang sighed only at the first kiss, it had been two weeks since they had touched, feeling his man's warm, wet skin making him weak and quickly give in to any demands he made.

The p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e seemed doubled, even without the usual delicacies and with the ferocity in place, Mu Liang felt that every touch made him melt quickly, Gyasi's demanding lips on his mouth, the hands that lifted him off the floor, and his big erection touching his a.s.s.

When Gyasi was about to put his fingers in his fiance's wet hole, Mu Liang stopped him and looked at him a little shyly, but still said with some arrogance:

"I'm already prepared"

Just then Gyasi remembered that Mu Liang had been playing with a s.e.x toy and didn't need to relax, but that didn't make him happy, so he punished Mu Liang by biting his gland while putting his p.e.n.i.s in a hard, deep thrust, doing the prince ejaculating quickly, he didn't even have time to make a sound before he was swept away by the wave of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e and felt his whole body tremble.

"Is the toy that good? It's better than me?" Gyasi asked without pausing to let Mu Liang come back from his recent o.r.g.a.s.m, he continued with his thrusts, strongly touching the prostate of his omega. Mu Liang dug his nails into Gyasi's back, both for the sake of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e and to hold his ground as he was launched into another round of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.

Mu Liang didn't answer, he bit Gyasi's shoulder to keep the m.o.a.ns low, they looked like wild animals without saying another word just feeling each other's bodies.

Sweat trickled down Mu Liang's body and mixed with Gyasi's bathwater, he looked up and stared into his fiance's glowing red eyes.

"I missed you very...slowly...missed you..." in the midst of a request for him to slow down, Mu Liang said  he wanted to stay longer in the embrace and p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e that the Military General gave him.

Just with those words Gyasi's anger fell by a lot and he was much gentler, kissing all over the face of his beloved omega, putting them on the bed, but he continued relentlessly in his thrusts, the sticky sound of the two bodies joining mingled with the sound of Gyasi's quickened breaths and Mu Liang's m.o.a.ns of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.

There was no way a toy could compare to a real companion, the heat, the weight of his body, the breath in his long s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e ears, the long hair touching his c.h.e.s.t, and Gyasi's gaze of fervent adoration and d.e.s.i.r.e.

Finally, Gyasi left his s.e.m.e.n inside Prince Mu and lay on his side hugging his weak body.

"I've missed you every day," Gyasi said lightly biting the half-elf's pointed ears.

Mu Liang touched Gyasi's face and looked very closely at his fiance's face, the thick eyebrows, the long eyelashes, the almond-shaped eyes, the rough mouth, the lines of the temple, and the chin as if he were imprinting each line in his mind from him.

It didn't take long for the d.e.s.i.r.e to come back stronger, but now Gyasi was so gentle that it caused even more trembling in Mu Liang's heart than the wild s.e.x of moments before.

The soft kisses on his slender shoulders, the lingering kisses on his lips until he felt totally weak and hugged him like he was the last lifeline from a shipwreck.

The delicate on his rosy, the red tongue running slowly over the already hard teasing them persistently, until Mu Liang couldn't stand it and begged him to stop and touch his already hard c.o.c.k.

Mu Liang felt that he was being slowly burned over low heat until Gyasi put his c.o.c.k in his mouth and looked at him with those glowing red eyes like the beautiful roses.

He lost his reason for a few seconds when the head of his c.o.c.k was s.u.c.k.e.d until he came a little embarrassed but infinitely satisfied. Although the urge to hit his shameless fiancé was still lingering, seeing the other party's face and c.h.e.s.t luscious from his ejaculation, which made him even more embarrassed.

They banded together again and again until both their bodies were exhausted, the day was about to dawn, but the two still stayed awake. Mu Liang was afraid of waking up and Gyasi not being there again.

"Liang, you should sleep now" Gyasi coaxed kissing his stubborn fiancé's forehead.

"I don't want to, you're going to work and not coming back, aren't you?" Mu Liang became even more stubborn tightening the hug he was giving his fiance's waist.

"I work a little later today, so you can sleep," Gyasi said wanting to laugh at Mu Liang's little tantrum.

"Then I'll be believing you," Mu Liang said yawning, he was all warm, tired, and satisfied, he soon fell asleep.

Gyasi was also tired, but he got up to help Mu Liang clean himself and activated the bed mechanisms for self-cleaning, only then did he put Mu Liang back on the bed and lay down beside him.

The last few days had been exhausting for him as well, the many things they discovered Concubine Jang was doing using Ehione's name were many, including diverting thousands of Kwanza into Order Crystals, these were minerals that contained the energy of Order and that they were highly coveted by the Elves who were creatures born of the Order.

Cosmic energy crystals helped in the basis of new Age martial cultivation, but order crystals or chaos crystals complemented cultivation by speeding up the work, in addition, these crystals allowed the cultivator to see the laws of the world much faster.

Unlike Old Age Cultivation where you had to reach an immortal realm to start learning the laws of the world, the ABO New Age cultivators or fighters didn't need to reach such a limit, they just needed to draw a matrix (of course, computers do this, it's no longer an exclusive competency) and dispose of crystals or order or chaos and then a myriad of world laws would appear before the user.

The user could choose between any law that suits him best, which was a big difference for the Ancient Era where the number of laws a martial cultivator could read was limited by his own knowledge which was very small compared to fighters of Era technology and information.

Returning to the problems faced by Military General Gyasi, the rage that everyone felt just thinking that those thousands of Kwanza in crystals of the order were in the hands of the Silver Angels, it couldn't even be measured.

That meant a great deal of damage to the Diablo Empire military forces, they would have to make modifications to the new Mechas, and the old ones as such vital information fell into the hands of enemies.

Gyasi was going to have to talk to the emperor about starting the long-awaited project of building a unique and exclusive academy for creating Mechas not just for Zerg Diablos, but Mechas that could be controlled by any species that Emperor Ade so longs for.

Of course, this would have to have the union of several empires, kingdoms, confederations, and republics, which could be considered difficult, but only generating this interest could put the scientific world to a boil, in addition to putting the Diablo Empire in evidence which would attract even more commercial and political partners.

What could be considered a kind of temporary armor, until the military's losses were reduced.

Mu Liang woke up to several kisses on the cheek and an amused laugh from Gyasi, so he already woke up in a bit of a good mood and pushed his sticky alpha away and turned to "sleep" some more.

"How about morning s.e.x?" Gyasi asked shamelessly kissing Mu Liang's warm and still-smelling sleep neck.

Mu Liang could deny it, but he thought again that he was depriving himself of the benefits, so he turned around and blinked his eyes trying to wake up, but his omega scent already alerted the alpha.

Gyasi was so gentle that Mu Liang had nothing to protest, just held on tight to the groom as the other entered him, sliding through the hot, wet orifice, the d.i.c.k pulsing inside him and hitting his s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e spot with each thrust, the two of them. they hugged and kissed as they became one.