Chapter 106 - Nehand and Ehione (part 4)

He grabbed Nadira's arm to pull her along, but he was too weak to do that. The omega woman was only shocked for a moment, her heart racing as she saw that the only person groaning among the dead was her alpha opponent from the underground arena.

"Rafiki!" Nadira said surprised and a little scared. If they discovered them there, surely she and her family would be doomed. She knew this alpha man was part of the imperial family, they would be in trouble if this person died with them around.

Ehione used the name Rafiki in his false identity. Just as Nehand used Nadira to be able to mix with common people.

Bad Ehione could breathe, he managed to kill almost all the enemies, there were two who fled, but he was very weak and had been hit in a vital place.

He couldn't believe he would die in a place like this, without anyone even knowing or giving him help. This was ironic given the fact that he was the future emperor, but the people he should have devoted himself to if they wanted to look at him and ignored his earlier pleas for help.

"Drink this" a soft voice called out to him in a daze. He felt liquid being placed in his mouth, he should refuse as it could be the enemy coming back to finish him off.

"It's me, Nadira," the woman's voice softened as she saw that Ehione didn't drink the offered liquid.

"This is a liquid that can save lives, my father gave it to me. He's a Military General and Emperor Kayin's right-hand man." Nadira said softly just for Ehione to hear.

However, Ehione still hadn't responded, so Nadira could only put the liquid in his mouth and make him swallow it that way. Ehione's lips were cold and hers were warm, the feeling was strange. This was not a kiss, but Nadira felt strangely nervous at the contact.

Ehione woke up momentarily only to find himself "kissing" a woman, her lips were warm and he was cold, or maybe it was the instinct to be an alpha, he wouldn't even know how to answer if asked why he started a real kiss with Nadira.

His tongue entered her mouth suddenly sipping every drop of medicine, the kiss was persistent until Nadira gave in and let the sensation take her, hugging the man on the floor, if not for Phomello coughing a little embarrassed when he saw the scene, she would have forgotten that they were in a dangerous place with the enemies approaching.

Phomello: (...)

Hey! There are people dying on the floor, this is not the time to play the couple in love!

Only then did Ehione obediently take the liquid, it really was a healing liquid that practically healed Ehione's wounds with the n.a.k.e.d eye. Of course, this kind of miracle medicine was something produced by the Temple of Ashia only two families could obtain such a blessing, the Achebe Family and the Sentwali Family, who had deep connections with the Temple.

Nadira breathed a sigh of relief to see Ehione healing, but he had lost a lot of blood and would be temporarily weak. He glanced briefly at Nadira's kind face, but he soon lost consciousness, the loss of blood making him dizzy and sleepy.

"Will he live?" Phomello asked his friend when he saw Ehione standing up like a princess in her arms.

"He'll be fine, but we need to get out of here to the police station at the beginning of the street," Nadira said already walking. Enemies could return at any time.

Unfortunately, Nadira was right and the enemies returned with more reinforcements. Phomello and Nadira found themselves surrounded by masked people, there were at least ten people.

"Be nice and let the man down. You can leave, we just want that person" one of the masked people told them.

Nadira didn't deign to answer, Phomello pulled Nadira's clothes, he wouldn't hesitate to leave the unknown person behind, but knowing his friend, he knew that death was the only thing left for them.

Phomello who is very fearful much of the time due to so much trauma, he for the first time did something brave, his mental power was strong but unstable and he didn't use it often for fear of hurting other people, even when he was in danger he used it as it could cause more trouble than it helped, but this time he had no choice.

The man who had just spoken just felt the world around him vibrate and suddenly he was nailed to the alley wall, he spat blood and lost consciousness.

Phomello sweated profusely, as he had no control over his powers it cost him a lot to exercise that kind of power without hurting anyone around him.

"Oh they are strong," another masked man said, they didn't even look at their unconscious fellow. Their mission was clear, they had to kill the crown prince and get rid of the body. They were going to kill these people anyway, their other fellow was just lying, so they didn't hesitate and attacked mercilessly with their magnetic impulse weapons.

They were surprised when the magnetic bullets stopped in the air as if they had been frozen, the bullets were thrown towards them, luckily they had defensive items that blocked the bullets.

However, the relief was short-lived and they were assaulted by a strong mental power that threw them far away, they didn't lose consciousness, but they were far from being in a position to give chase to the small group that fled.

Nadira didn't even have time to mock the enemies, she caught Ehione and pulled Phomello for them to flee, she used enough mental power to throw the villains against the wall, but it wasn't known if they didn't have recovery items with them.

"I know a hideout," Phomello said leading Nadira and Ehione behind a closed warehouse. They wanted to go to the local police, but there was a risk that more enemies would be in the way.

"Brother, I need help!" Nadira began to speak, her tone urgent and low.

"You left the property again! Your assistant and the butler have been looking for you for hours!" the pulse communicator sound was altered, yet the other party still had a pleasant voice.

The image on the thin screen that opened showed a black man with delicate features and eyes a gorgeous shade of purple, his long azure hair in curls falling over his slender shoulders, and his long neck highlighted by a diamond choker.

Roho Achebe is Nehand's older brother and heir to the duchy, he is a very talented receptive omega and his power of morph is far beyond Nehand and her older sister.

"Roho! There's no time for that, I'll send you my location, let the imperial family know, one of their members is here being hunted. We need help now!" Nehand said urgently, later she could be yelled at by her older brother.

"Nehand… I will notify the imperial family. Do you still have that little bomb our reckless father gave you as a keepsake?"

"The primitive fireworks? I have this... I understand... You must come as soon as possible, I don't want to sleep in prison!" Nehand said hanging up the wrist communicator and sending her location.

Phomello didn't understand the conversation, he didn't know who Nehand was, could it be some secret name of Nadira?

"Phomello, don't be scared, but I'm going to make a lot of noise now, I hope I can get the attention of the police, so don't use your powers on them!" Nehand said taking a small package from his space item.

But weren't we hiding?!

Is it okay to make noise?!

Nehand wasted no time in tossing the small package as high as she could, and caught a lase-gun firing the package. Then a shimmering green glow burst into the sky, lighting up their faces and the surroundings.

The noise was big enough to wake up the neighborhood, luckily, they were close to commercial warehouses, only the police who kept heavy surveillance because of the curfew would notice the noise and lighting that could look like an explosion of a bomb.

It was like magic, if not for the urgent situation, Nehand and Phomello would have been admiring the beautiful glow in the sky, but things were not smooth.

With the curfew in place and the sound of an explosion nearby it's clear that the police would come running to the scene, so Roho Achebe had asked about the "bomb" his father had given him.

It didn't take long for the police with several cars to get to where they were, the sirens glowing red and green, the floating cars were in combat mode with small laser cannons aimed at them.

The group stood still, only Phomello was shaking, he was terrified, were they going to die to the police?

"Nadira?" suddenly Nehand saw one of the police officers get out of the floating car, it was Kashka coming out in a camouflage uniform with various protective items all over his body, the police clothes were red and green, but Kashka wore black clothes with the red symbol at shoulder height.

"Captain?" one of the subordinates who was outside holding a magnetic weapon similar to an old Snipes asked holding the gun pointed at Nehand.

"Put down your guns, it wouldn't work against the Underground Queen. Runako, Sekou, prepare the sound weapons. All be prepared at my signal. In case she makes any sudden moves," Kashka said commanding two police officers who were in two different cars. The weapons were stowed and only two megaphones rose from the roof of the car.