Chapter 72 - Mu Liang gaining strength

On the other hand, Mu Liang ended the conversation with his subordinates and went to bed, he was going to wait for Gyasi for them to talk. However, Gyasi took too long, and he ended up falling asleep once again without seeing the groom.

The fury he felt had subsided considerably, the plans that were scheduled for him were canceled by Gyasi, using the former Empress' state of health as an excuse, since Mu Liang should first pay a visit to his mother-in-law before starting to socialize with the other nobles.

Well, it was all orchestrated by Bae Dong who sent the message to Gyasi and as the alpha wanted to earn his omega's forgiveness, he quickly resolved Prince Mu's annoyance.

Because of that, Mu Liang had a beautiful week off and rest without worrying about anything other than eating, sleeping, studying, and taking supplements to increase his health.

He could even run on the treadmill for thirty minutes without looking like he was drowning after the exercise, that was already huge progress. Fortunately, he managed to digest all the effects of the Snowy Ginseng Pill, unlocking some chakra points and strengthening the weak cultivation veins.

Of course, Chen Qian was surprised when one day he found Mu Liang's body covered in strange black dirt, she even wondered if the prince had rolled in the garden and played with the mud which led to a series of questions and concerns for bribes from him since they thought that the prince could be doing this to get attention.

Mu Liang: (...)


Those were the impurities that were blocking the chakra points and washing away the spinal cord, but it was still too little for the degree of disaster in his weak body.

A week was little time for Mu Liang to recover his health completely, but he felt stronger which cheered him up a bit, however, he bitterly missed Gyasi. Even though he didn't want to admit such a thing to anyone, he felt alone and an emptiness in his chest constantly reminded him of the absence of the alpha beside him.

Mu Liang fell asleep waiting for the groom, but Gyasi only managed to arrive at that moment, with the moonlight illuminating the covered body of the prince, he seemed very peaceful while he slept.

Gyasi entered Mu Liang's room and saw him sleeping peacefully, he didn't want to wake the other, but he couldn't get himself to leave. Then he sat on the other side of the bed leaning against the headboard and stared at Mu Liang's beautiful, sleeping figure.

It's not known if Mu Liang felt that Gyasi arrived, but he rolled over on the mattress and hugged Gyasi's waist, rubbing his handsome face on Gyasi's muscular abdomen. He smelled the familiar scent and fell asleep again, which made Gyasi smile indulgently at this innocent and unprotected Mu Liang.

Gyasi proceeded to caress Mu Liang's hair, which should have been tied in a braid, but it seemed that the braid was coming undone.

"When you wake up, we will talk. I promise to be as honest as possible" Gyasi said in the quiet room, he knew there was no one listening, but he wanted to say it out loud to himself as if he were reaffirming something.

Meanwhile, Mu Liang was back in the old hut where the system resides and the things that the goddess Lan-Lan had given him. He was sitting below the leafy peach tree that was blooming, a soft, warm breeze passed over him raising his blue-black hair.

"You do not look well?" Alessandra-066 commented approaching Mu Liang who seemed distracted looking at the open and distant field of the spiritual space. Normally, Mu Liang would be more excited, but now he looked a little different and wasn't in a good way.

"I'm fine," Mu Liang said after taking a deep breath. He felt strange, it was like being drunk one moment and the next being waking up with the hangover from reality.

He got drunk with his new omega body, the pheromone issue, his weak body, powerful mental power, the vampire attack, the weak soul, and in the end the security that Gyasi gave him in the short space of time.

Mu Liang wanted to believe there was this, a category of wild and dedicated love as the alpha and omega says, but even that was not much when it came to the Nation and Power.

Gyasi even left him for a whole week without wanting to go there to visit him, that was very cruel.


He was getting melancholy for no reason.

"Don't be sad" Alessandra-066 put her hand on the half elf's shoulder.

"I am not sad, I am angry," Mu Liang said calmly, his eyes had a little frightening glow.

"So, I have some things to cheer you up," Alessandra-066 said entering the hut. Her clothes today differed in a shade of deep blue with white floral prints, her black skin looked even more dazzling than in the previous meeting.

The cabin seemed to have grown a little more with the addition of another bedroom before there was a kitchen and a bedroom. In the kitchen was a large alchemy pot and in the bedroom, there was a bed and a stretcher for applying acupuncture and reorganizing Celestial Qi.

"A new room?" Mu Liang asked in surprise, the door to the room was solid redwood and polished without a handle, but there was a square on the door with a Ba Gua (Pakua)1.

"That is?" Mu Liang looked with familiarity at this Ba Gua1 was an instrument used by alchemists and those had powers to see the future.

"This is Ba Gua de Li Xin, an ancient and powerful medium, master of the 1000 visions mantra. The division is how you know After Heaven and Posterior Heaven, with 32 hexagrams for each division. You can only access the Posterior Heaven that represents the terrestrial and the mundane, the Posterior Heaven can only be accessed after the ascension when you become a Celestial Immortal"

"The Posterior Heaven with its 32 hexagrams, you can only use one hexagram now with its power. As the spiritual space is poorly developed, there is no way to show all the strength that Ba Gua can achieve "

"What is the effect of the room?" Mu Liang asked curiously as he stroked the Ba Gua symbol, he missed home and his family that he would never see again, he hoped they were all well and the ex-machine God had kept his promise to him.

"General Gyasi's Yang energy value is currently in this room. It took me a while to refine, so I just called you here just now. The fourth channels the Yang into your soul, restoring balance little by little. The stronger your soul, the more control you have over your mental power "

The week off was just for Mu Liang to study the memories of the previous host and confirm some subjects by searching the Net Galaxy. So, he did nothing more than recover and study, only now would the system be using the yang energy harvested when military general Zerg and Prince Mu rolled in the Winter Garden.

"Will I be able to use my mental power later?"

"No, your body can collapse. However, you will not lose control of mental power easily, as it did last week "Alessandra-066 reminded Mu Liang.

"Are there any side effects?"

"Yes, the connection between you and General Gyasi will be even stronger. You will feel even more familiar with him, of course, you cannot use Ba Gua's room and wait for me to prepare a medicinal bath to recover the power of your soul. Unfortunately, it will not be as effective or fast as this room "

In Ba Gua's room, he would only have to spend a few hours meditating in the room, the result is to recover 5% of the soul's power per day. A medicinal bath, on the other hand, would only recover 2% of the soul's power, even more, the effects may diminish after some time, so she would have to change the medicinal herbs to make a new medicinal bath.

"When your body reaches a saturation limit in the fourth Ba Gua, the second hexagrams will be activated and there will be an automatic increase in power. When you reach the tenth hexagram the room will open a thermal source, and you will be able to bathe there which helps to open and strengthen your veins of martial cultivation, in this case even more than normal"

Mu Liang was silent for a moment, Alessandra-066 was concerned that the young martial cultivator would refuse to enter Ba Gua's room. Of course, she worried about no reason, after all, when it comes to martial cultivation a person like Mu Liang would not refuse a quicker shortcut to get stronger.

The torture of strengthening his weak body was no longer enough, if he could have the facility to nourish his weak soul he would do it, even better if he could use the power of Gyasi since the other man owed him many debts.

So, Mu Liang entered Ba Gua's room, it was just a room with a soft wine-colored carpet and light walls, there was nothing else, which was strange.

"Host, follow my energy. This is the Yin Cultivation technique by inverting Yang. As the soul is filled with a lot of Yin energy and its soul was damaged which causes energy dysfunction, adding to the item of preservation of its spirit that increased this dysfunction that damages both the body and the spiritual body. In addition, an omega body has a lot of Yin energy, you need to expel Yin energy from your spiritual body. But for that, you need to use Yang energy to expel Yin energy"

What makes the recovery of the soul difficult are some factors, such as what is the damage category, if it is the lack of yin energy it is easier to deal with giving supplement of yin energy, the problem is when the excess of yin energy since it is I need yang energy to expel the excess energy. This kind of thing was difficult to do since someone who has a lot of yin energy has special constitutions or weakened souls, with just a little yang energy he could cause the deviation of Qi and kill the martial cultivator immediately.

That is why Ba Gua's room is so special since the Yang energy would be controlled by the 32 hexagrams of the Posterior Heaven. This is a great gift from the Goddess Lan-Lan to Mu Liang.

"Well, I better not mention the second effect that the room has. Since the room has to be supplied with Yang energy, then Mu Liang's body will seek the purest Yang energy, which is gladly given by General Gyasi. Sister Lan-Lan cannot contain herself when she acts in that fujoshi manner "Alessandra-066 thought as she guided the energy of Mu Liang's soul to complete a complete circulation.

After the first circulation, a form of bright, cold blue energy (something like a bluish light) left Mu Liang's spiritual body floating in the air and was absorbed by the walls of the room that glowed slightly with a subtle warm white.

Alessandra-066 left the Ba Gua room, time passed quickly after five hours and Mu Liang left the room, he seemed much more vitalized and less pale. He stretched slowly and breathed with satisfaction, he felt warm throughout his spiritual body, he didn't feel so good in many years.

Mu Liang who in the previous life had a soul with a lot of Yin, then died and was reborn increasing Yin energy, then was thrown into another world for a weak body and with even more Yin energy, he was literally walking on the thin razor blade, a misstep he would die.

Now he felt more relaxed, at least his soul was assured of recovery, at least one good thing from all disasters since he died in the past life.

"Host, come here I want to show you a technique for you to defend yourself without having to use your mental energy" Alessandra-066 called. She was outside near the lake, which seemed a little bigger and the waterfall seemed to contain even more brilliant water.

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it now" Mu Liang said jokingly, he was in a good mood.

"It is a technique that can use the power of Ba Gua's room. The room absorbs the Yin energy that is expelled from your spiritual body. You can use this Yin energy free of charge for your soul or body, "Alessandra-066 said excitedly. The warm breeze passed between them, her short curly hair waved and the black woman's eyes looked even brighter, giving an animated image.

Mu Liang was also encouraged, finally, he would have a way to defend himself without having to stay as a clinical patient for weeks recovering.

It was basic Mu Liang just circulated Yin converting Yang, however, on the contrary, in the hands of long fingers a bright blue flame appeared. This was the Soul Flame, despite the fierce appearance of the fire, the damage it caused wasn't physical, but it was mental or soul damage depending on the intensity of the fire.

In summary, the attack cannot be seen with the n.a.k.e.d eye, when it is played to attack mental power, clearly, the opponent will feel the attack despite not knowing where it comes from, so he can defend himself, but it will cost the opponent a lot to get rid of flame that consumes mental energy. An attack on the soul is more lethal, it will make the opponent stunned and may lead to fainting directly, if the attack is too strong, the opponent may go into a coma and in worst cases die directly with his soul burning.

"Isn't this ... a very fierce attack?" Mu Liang murmured a little startled. This wouldn't be an attack that could be used lightly. If he overreacted and killed someone, it would create a lot more problems for himself.

"This is an attack to protect your life. It is better than using mental energy and collapsing your body "Alessandra-066 reminded him again to avoid using his mental energy.

"What about my body training?"

"Only when you regain full health. In addition to this world there are special facilities that we can use for your future training. So, you just focus on getting some more rest. In addition, you will have to go to the palace of Gyasi as the engagement will be made official. You will have to take responsibility as a prince consort soon "

Mu Liang already felt tired just thinking that he would have to deal with the employees of Gyasi's mansion as the "new lady", in addition to future social commitments and still having to learn the culture of the Diablo Empire and the treacherous nobles around.

He was still going to have to deal with Gyasi and talk about their future, if there was any future for both. Should a contract be made or not?

Just thinking about it Mu Liang was angry again and wanted to bite Gyasi a little to vent his anger, his teeth itched. It is one of the ways to read.This is a name and concept that already exists in Taoism. I just took it to explore a little bit of this concept.