Chapter 70 - The original Mu Liang was very dumb

Unfortunately, due to various matters Gyasi was unable to return to Mu Liang's side, he was practically dragged by his grandfather to the military base. Kayin besides being emperor he was an excellent Mecha fighter, he had several stories of battles that until today were studied in the army and in college courses.

So Kayin wanted to look at Gyasi's troops and see if his grandson was doing a good job. Considering that the family reunion ended late and the next day he was taken by Kayin, poor Gyasi didn't even have time to look at his fiancé.

On the other hand, it was already the night of the second day after the "fight" between the omega and the alpha, Mu Liang had just finished dinner and was sitting on his bed, standing next to him was Chen Qian who was looking a little fiercely at Dinari and the doctor Chewe.

"The third prince Gyasi asked the imperial doctor Chewe to do a verification exam on Prince Mu" Dinari Igwe is one of Gyasi's trusted people and direct subordinate, he had a deep voice and a grave tone, adding that to his gaze cold, he really looked like a cold, focused soldier.

Gyasi received no news from Mu Liang, of course Prince Mu was still angry and didn't want to speak to the fake groom, so the military general can only send his cousin/friend/doctor to dig up some information and find out how Mu Liang was doing, and about his health and mood.

"I understand" Mu Liang said languidly, he didn't care if the doctor took a look at his body. That would be good, so there would be valid proof of the effectiveness of the Snowy Ginseng Pill.

"Excuse me, Prince Mu," Chewe said carefully. He saw the red marks on Mu Liang's skin that were already healing, adding to the rumors he heard from the nobles of how Gyasi was acting passionately with the groom, Chewe avoided saying anything about those marks.

The exam was quick, and soon it was discovered that Mu Liang was recovering well, he could even be considered healthy given his previous situation. Chewe was surprised by Prince Mu's miraculous recovery, but said nothing.

"I took some special medicines from the High Elves" Mu Liang said when he saw how silent the doctor was when he saw the results of his examination. Chewe shook his head gently, but didn't dare to speak. Despite being shocked in his heart by the kind of miracle medicine that Mu Liang had access to.

He took the exam data and sent it to Chong Ji to evaluate and sent the medical data to Dinari. The two said goodbye and left the room, being accompanied by Wu Jian to the entrance of the mansion.

"You are going to that man's battalion, I am not going with you. I need to solve other problems," Chewe said at the entrance to Mu Liang's mansion. Dinari raises his thick eyebrow and gave the doctor a strange look.

"As you wish, but I'm not responsible if the general comes to pick you up later," Dinari said after hesitating for a while. He didn't really need to go to see Gyasi right away, after all, Dr. Chewe must have sent the prince exams too. However, Dinari had medical training despite not practicing, and it would be good for him to explain his view on Mu Liang's health to his Military General.

In addition, the military general certainly didn't want to know only about the health of his fiancé, he will want to know about the whole process and each expression that Prince Mu had made. Just thinking about the detailed report that he will have to report verbally to the military general, now, Dinari didn't want to go to see Gyasi anymore.

Of course, the ideal would be for Chewe to do that, since he and Gyasi are cousins/friends, but apparently this imperial doctor had other plans in mind.

Wu Jian who saw the two Zerg men separate, the military-style Zerg man left the property, the doctor returned to Wu Jian.

"We can talk?" Chewe returned to the entrance to the guests' mansion. He looked at Wu Jian's gray eyes, his look had some meanings, that Wu Jian identified this category of looking and ended up getting a little shy.

It had only been two days since the two had met, but in Chewe's eyes it seemed that Wu Jian had become more beautiful and desirable.

The Zergs were a bit of an oppressive race, their presence intimidated Wu Jian who was just a human. However, in addition to feeling intimidated, he felt something different like a chill in his belly and could not fix his gaze properly on Chewe's face.

"Okay" Wu Jian said in a very soft tone. They went back inside the mansion and went to the winter Garden, where Mu Liang and Gyasi had been playing all morning for two days.

Author: (...)

What can I say? It is a charming garden!

On the other hand, Mu Liang's other subordinates were happy that the prince's recovery was going well, even though he had made a lot of effort with Gyasi.

"I said that everything will be fine. I am going to start taking some of these High Elves remedies to recover. Someday I may be able to have a normal body," Mu Liang said when he saw the faces of his subordinates full of relief and happiness.

"We are rooting for your recovery, Prince Mu," the subordinates said after looking at each other and seeing the same look of relief in each other's eyes.

"Right. In case my fiancé shows up at the mansion, you can let him in. Regardless of the time," Mu Liang said as if he had remembered that subject at that moment.

"This isn't good, the third imperial prince is not yet officially married to your highness. This can lead to unpleasant rumors," said Bae Dong, a little worried.

He was concerned about the reputation that Mu Liang would have from now on, when he lived with the imperial family Mu, there wasn't so much problem in the lazy and lazy life that he led, after all, he was considered as a treasure and loved by all.

However, in other people's territory ... This was more complicated, Bae Dong did not want Mu Liang to take any category of name like "seducer", "shameless", "unscrupulous" ... Due to how Gyasi he always treated him by picking up Prince Mu for bed exercises.

There were already some rumors about the overwhelming beauty of Mu Liang being the beauty category of destroying nations and confusing the mind, which could be used negatively to tarnish Prince Mu's image.

"We are going to get married, I don't see the problem with him coming in my room or spending the night together. Do they want an heir or not? If they want an heir, shouldn't Gyasi spend more time with me? Or are babies now born without two people having to meet?"

Author: (...)

Well ... There is, but I doubt that Gyasi will want that kind of thing.

Mu Liang said puzzled how the people of the future also had these categories of modesty, in the ancient world he lived in there was that kind of thing too. When he was married to three concubines, he couldn't pay much attention to one of the women if there would be rumors that the woman was using seduction gear on him.

At the time, he found this category of absurd rumor funny because the truth is that the other two concubines were cultivating and the woman he "favored too much", in fact, had just left the cultivation behind closed doors. As he practiced double cultivation, it was necessary to pay close attention to his partners.

Of course, that didn't just happen to him, all men who paid too much attention to their wives or concubines had to hear this category of bullshit, that the woman was using obscure arts of seduction to hold male attention.

Mu Liang never thought that he would go through a similar situation, however he was seen as those women of the ancient world. Which was funny and annoying, but Mu Liang remained calm and used a little logic to make his point.

"Prince Mu, his body is recovering and isn't yet ready to generate a life... So don't think of things like having a child now" Chong Ji said seriously. She saw Mu Liang's exams and as she monitored Prince Mu's health from a very young age, she knew that him body condition wasn't the best for having children.

Everyone was strangely quiet in the room, they knew that this category of subject irritated Mu Liang very much. Talking about his weak body would put him in a bad mood for a week, so everyone expected to see Prince Mu's angry face. However, they were shocked by his calm demeanor.

"Chong Ji, was my health known? I mean, could anyone have access to that information? " Mu Liang asked suddenly, making all the subordinates even more surprised.

"No. This information is only known to your parents and your elf grandfather," Chong Ji replied seriously. How could it be possible for Prince Mu's data to be available for anyone to access? Wouldn't it be putting up a bargain letter to threaten Mu Liang's parents and grandparents?

So, the information was classified and not even Mu Liang's brothers had any idea about their little brother's weak body, only that Prince Mu was a little sensitive and had a volatile mental power.

"The third Prince Zerg was unaware of his health condition. He was very shocked to find out about the state of his body when he arrived at the hospital," Chen Qian said in the middle of the conversation.

She understood well what Mu Liang was thinking. Since the condition of his body wasn't adequate to generate the long-awaited heir that the Zerg Diablo Empire needs bitterly, even so he was chosen by Gyasi. This would generate a lot of suspicion from a certain perspective.

In fact, Chen Qian and Chong Ji thought that military general Gyasi would repeat the engagement contract with Emperor Mu after finding out about Mu Liang's body. The meeting was for the two men to meet and decide whether to get married, of course, the mind of the original Mu Liang thought he was obliged to get married, when that was still an option.

All of this brought to the whole tragedy of Original Mu Liang's death.

Obviously, it was surprising that Gyasi still wanted to go on with the wedding after learning about the weak and little use for having Prince Mu's children. However, many things happened and this time Mu Liang had to at least try to be on the engagement until things calm down.

"However, my data was on the big system for finding compatible partners," Mu Liang said very coldly. Didn't that make sense, after all, with his body as spoiled as he could marry anyone of other races and not reveal his weak state and the secret of his frightening mental energy?

"This ..." Chen Qian started to speak, but stopped suddenly, she hesitated a little and looked at Chong Ji as if asking for help with her beautiful brown eyes.

"Prince Mu, you put your data in the big system yourself" Chong Ji ended up speaking the truth, after everyone looked at the situation with dismay.

"Me? It isn't possible ... I'm not that kind of idiot..." Mu Liang said reflexively, but his subordinates looked at him strangely and then looked away.

Everyone: (...)

You were that kind of idiot!

"It is not entirely the fault of the prince, since the prince was influenced by that traitorous friend," said Mylan Dagan, leader of Mu Liang's personal guard. According to green irises you could see a look of pity when looking at Mu Liang a little.

"Oh!" Mu Liang said that and was silent as if reflecting on the unruly life he had a few weeks ago. His handsome face had a calm expression and a lost look.

"System, is this true?" Mu Liang asked the system that he had been silent for a long time.

"Yes it's true. At that time he even dismissed his assistants, taking only a few guards and his friend. This friend of him had contacts with internal people who worked on the records of the big system, so it was easy for them to put the data into the system without your parents and grandparents knowing it" said Alessandra-66 with an emotional sigh, remembering that the original Mu Liang acting recklessly.

"So indirectly the situation now is due to the original owner's recklessness and foolishness ..." thought Mu Liang a little more relieved.

He was still mad at Gyasi, but the whole situation wasn't to blame for this fake fiancé of his. The owner of the original body was also an inconsequential idiot and easily deceived.