Chapter 1013

Wu Dong annoyed him with his affectation. He looked around and saw a table beside it, which was covered with Rune paper. Beside it were cinnabar powder, jade powder, rhinoceros horn powder, pearl powder and a rune pen.

He strode over, took out a piece of blank Rune paper and twisted it with two fingers. The rune paper was made of nine kinds of materials. At first sight, it was a real thing that ordinary people could not buy. Although the master cheater's Fu is fake, the paper is real. It's really rare.

Look at the Fu pen again. It's made of the tail hair of white fox mixed with the fetal hair of the baby born on the day of the sun. It's not something that ordinary people can buy. Does Master Lei really understand Fu?

At the moment, he didn't think much about it. He mixed four kinds of powder together and dipped it in Fu Bi.

The middle-aged man was very angry and cried, "don't touch the master's things."

However, when master Lei saw that Wu Dong was extremely skillful, he couldn't help showing his brilliance. He grabbed the middle-aged man who was going to stop Wu Dong. At the same time, he opened his eyes and watched carefully how Wu Dong used his pen.

Wu Dong knew that his real Qi was very weak now. He could only draw some simple runes. Fortunately, the Requiem is very simple. So he according to memory, yunzhenyuan on the nib. As soon as the cinnabar comes into contact with Zhenyuan, it melts and penetrates into the nib evenly.

His arm did not move, his wrist was steady, and his pen was full of twists and turns. The runes are mysterious and the aura is flowing.

However, when he wrote down, he only felt that his real Qi was empty. At the moment of closing the pen, he felt a kind of collapse and shook his body.

"My real Qi is too weak. I just draw a rune and it will consume almost all the real yuan." He grinned, a little dizzy. However, he was very satisfied when he looked at the soothing charm.

All of a sudden, the "master Lei" rushed over and grabbed the amulet. He stared at the face of the rune, showing a very shocked expression.

"This... This is a magic talisman?"


Master Lei suddenly knelt down and kowtowed to Wu Dong, shaking with excitement.

"Guru, please pass on my Rune way!" He looked at Wu Dong eagerly. His attitude was not hypocritical, but full of sincerity.

Wu Dong was startled. He grabbed the amulet and flashed aside.

Li Aoshuang, who has seen a lot, is stupid. What's the situation? Master Lei knelt down to Wu Dong and wanted to ask him how to learn Fu Dao?

Wu Dong's baby took the amulet and solemnly handed it to Li Aoshuang, saying, "sister frost, this is the amulet. Ao Xue should get the disease of fright, and the Requiem is just right. "

Li Aoshuang took the rune and asked, "Wu Dong, can you still draw a rune?"

Wu Dong "ha ha" a smile: "understand a little, but much better than this fake master, he is a layman."

Master Lei even nodded: "yes, I'm a layman. Please teach me."

Li Aoshuang takes a deep look at Wu Dong. He has lost sight of Wu Dong before. This younger brother has such ability.

"Wu Dong, with the Requiem, can Aoxue recover?" She asked eagerly.

Wu Dong didn't dare to guarantee it, but master Nalei said, "yes, certainly. This spirit charm is a real spirit charm. However, it may take more than three runes in a row to cure completely. "

Li Aoshuang's eyes lit up. She immediately put the Requiem in Li Aoxue's pocket.

Wu Dong is still a little dizzy. He quickly finds a chair to sit down. Master Nalei walked up to him, still begging.

Looking at the rune paper on the table, Wu Dong's heart moved. If he drew more runes and sold them with the reputation of master Lei, would he be able to make money?

As soon as he turned his eyes, he said to Li Aoshuang, "sister frost, you and Aoxue go downstairs first. Master Lei and I have something to say."

Li Aoshuang thought about her sister, nodded and went downstairs first.

Wu Dong looked at Lei Tianbao and said, "master Lei..."

"Don't dare to be. Disciple Lei Tianbao, just call me Tianbao." Lei Tianbao waved his hand.

Wu Dong: "well, Tianbao, you prepared all these Rune paper and cinnabar. It seems that you are quite knowledgeable."

Lei Tianbao quickly said: "to tell you the truth, my disciples were orthodox Taoists in Maoshan, but later they were cut off. I think I'm really ashamed of my ancestors. I'll make you laugh. "

Wu Dong thought about it and said, "if you want to learn Fu Dao, I can teach you. But I'll test you for a while

Lei Tianbao immediately straightened up and said in a loud voice, "I will try my best to do whatever master asks me to do. I will never let him down!"

Wu Dong was very satisfied and said, "I will draw some real talismans and sell them to the rich. You can sell 10% of the money and I can sell 90%. Do you think that's ok? "

Lei Tianbao quickly said: "the master's money, disciples absolutely dare not want, all the money belongs to the master."

Wu Dong was more satisfied. That's what he looked like as a disciple. He nodded: "OK. I'll take some Fu paper back first, and in a few days, I'll send the spirit Fu. "

Lei Tianbao was overjoyed and said, "no, the guru only needs to make a phone call, and the disciples will pick it up in person."

Wu Dongxin said that it was good to do so. He nodded and left his mobile phone number. After that, he packed the paper and pen with a bag and went downstairs.

Back downstairs, Li Aoxue is standing by the car waiting for him. When he came back, he said with a smile: "brother, I didn't expect that you didn't show your face. Even master Lei respected you so much."

Wu Dong smiles and says, "sister frost, I'm doodling. I didn't expect him to take it seriously."

Li Aoshuang came to master Lei because he was in a hurry to go to the doctor. In fact, he didn't hold much hope in his heart. Therefore, Wu Dong said it was a random pictorial, but she believed it.

Back at the hotel, Li Aoshuang asked Wu Dong to come to her suite, which is very large and should be the most luxurious room in Taihua hotel.

Li Aoxue was a little sleepy and soon went to bed in her bedroom. Li Aoshuang, on the other hand, dialed a phone number and soon someone knocked on the door.

Li Aoshuang opened the door and came in a waiter pushing the car, which was full of clothes. Originally, this high-end hotel provides many services, including jewelry and high-end clothing rental.

Li Aoshuang chose a yellow dress that looked youthful, plus a set of jewelry.

After the election, she said to Wu Dong with a smile: "brother, you also choose a suit of clothes. As the saying goes, words stand in the way, clothes are creepy, and proper clothes can enhance other people's views on you. "

Wu Dong was silent for a moment. He suddenly laughed and said, "sister frost, I don't want to change my clothes. I don't want to participate in this classmate party."

Li Aoshuang seemed to understand Chen Bing's inner transformation and said with a smile, "it's better not to go."

Wu Dong suddenly changed his mind because he suddenly realized that the so-called Wang Huchen was no longer worthy of his attention. He has such a powerful memory, even if he is not happy, he can crush each other.

Li Aoshuang went to the study temporarily to deal with the business of some companies. Wu Dong, on the other hand, went to another study and continued to study Fu Dao.