Chapter 900

Hearing the name of wolf cavalry, Wu Dong found that the faces of people around him had changed. He asked an Shixiong, "what is the origin of this wolf cavalry?"

An Shixiong wry smile: "king, the wolf cavalry is the warrior of the werewolf family, the strength is very strong, often as the vanguard of the hundred ethnic hunting."

Wu Dong frowned: "werewolf?"

"Yes, after the Sirius infect the Terran, they become a kind of monster, which has multiplied for many generations. Now the number is considerable, and they often appear in the form of wolf cavalry. After the wolf cavalry arrived, there was no grass left

"This day, the wolf clan is also a hundred clan?" Wu Dong asked.

An Shixiong nodded: "yes, the Sirius also belong to the hundred. They can infect other species in a special way and make them become the Sirius. The more infections there are, the more powerful Sirius is, and they use it to strengthen themselves. When humans are infected, they are called werewolves

"In fact, not only werewolves, but also bloodsuckers, zombies and liches. They infect other species in a similar way, so as to strengthen themselves. And the infected creatures will become their incarnations and be controlled by their consciousness. "

Wu Dong: "so, these werewolves are the vanguards of the hundred ethnic groups, and the hundred ethnic groups will appear later."

An Shixiong: "that's not necessarily, but it's very possible. The wolf cavalry appears at this time. I'm afraid it's coming at us. "

Wu Dong sneered: "just in time, use them to try the power of bronze war puppet and immortal crossbow."

An Shixiong knelt down: "my Lord, my subordinates are willing to lead ten thousand troops to meet the wolf cavalry!"

Wu Dong nodded. As a coach, he couldn't fight all the time. He nodded and said, "good! You can choose these soldiers! "

An Shixiong then picked 1000 bronze war puppets, 1000 immortal crossbow soldiers, 10 bronze chariots and 5000 sword soldiers to meet the enemy!

The speed of the wolf cavalry is very fast. It's three thousand li. In half a day, it's within three hundred Li. At this time, an Shixiong had led the 10000 troops to the border to meet the enemy.

Scouts came to the news, the number of wolf cavalry more than 30000, the number of more than an Shixiong's army.

Wu Dong stood up in the air and watched the battlefield. He saw that the armies of both sides were rapidly approaching. Thirty thousand wolf cavalry were all big black wolves, and the cavalry were strong werewolves. They had more advantages than human beings.

An Shixiong is very calm. The thousand immortal crossbow soldiers line up in the front and form two rows. The front row squats on the ground and the back row stands. When the two sides were one kilometer away, he gave the order: "shoot!"

A thousand crossbows start to shoot, a thousand streamers, fast as lightning, instantly hit the enemy, and are extremely accurate, right in the middle of the werewolf!

A thousand werewolves fell down, and the other side was in a mess, while the second wave of crossbow fired again.

This time, the other side was on guard and put up shields one after another. However, it didn't work. The powerful power of Xiannu directly penetrated the shield and killed a thousand werewolves again.

The leader of the other side is a very powerful werewolf. He rides a wolf king, whose body is more than ten meters long and several meters high. And this werewolf, also more than three meters tall, breath amazing.

When the cavalry commander gave a long cry, the wolf cavalry suddenly divided into five groups, one was charging in the front, the other was attacking in the left and right, and the other was circling in the distance, as if to reach the rear of the five elements army.

An Shixiong was not flustered at all. He ordered: "a thousand war puppets, meet the enemy!"

"Swordsmen, two thousand on the left, two thousand on the right, the rest on standby!"

Then a thousand bronze war puppets rushed out to meet the more than 5000 wolf cavalry. These puppets have been training hard recently, and they are proficient in fighting skills. As soon as they come into contact with each other, the fierce wolf cavalry is cut down.

The bronze war puppet can fight ten with one enemy, which makes the wolf cavalry have no ability to fight back.

On the left and right sides, the bronze sword soldiers also bravely welcomed them. The bronze sword in their hands was several meters long, but it was waving like electricity and powerful.

A wolf came over and jumped several meters high. A soldier waved his sword and cut the wolf and cavalry into two! Blood spilled, the soldier roared and continued to kill the rest of the wolf cavalry.

The Baizhan sword technique taught by Wu Dong shows great power. The light of the sword dodges and a wolf cavalry falls to the ground. Because the power of this sword is so great, the distance between every two swordsmen is more than 10 meters, so it is convenient to use.

For a moment, the wolf cavalry, which is famous for its ferocity, is no match at all.

"Xianluobing, shoot the werewolf commander!"

At this time, the werewolf commander hiding in the last side, an Shixiong orders.

All of a sudden, a thousand immortal lights hit the leader of the werewolf. The werewolves defending him were shot to death, but they couldn't stop the arrows.

A moment later, the commander roared and hit at least one hundred arrows.

The next moment, an Shixiong soars into the air and cuts down with a knife. In his hand, he uses a god iron sword given by Wu Dong.

The life force of the werewolf leader is strong. He has hundreds of arrows in his body, but he still does not fall down. He waves a mace to welcome an Shixiong.


With a loud noise, the mace was cut into two pieces, and the God iron broadsword divided the werewolf leader into two and killed him on the spot.

When the commander died, the wolf cavalry continued to fight orderly.

An Shixiong ordered ten bronze chariots to attack the enemy. On top of the chariots, there were a large number of shooters, who specialized in shooting the dominant wolf cavalry.

An Shixiong has rich experience in commanding. In this battle, there are some changes in stability. Within half an hour, most of the wolf cavalry have been eliminated. On the other side of the five elements tribe, there are only a few hundred people killed or injured, and their combat effectiveness has hardly been affected.

Soon, there was a long cry among the werewolves, and all the wolf cavalry began to retreat. However, it's good not to withdraw. Once they withdraw, the puppets will find an opportunity to pursue and kill immediately.

In terms of speed, the war puppets were much faster than the wolf cavalry. In a moment, they caught up and started the unilateral killing.

Half an hour later, the last wolf cavalry was killed. Thirty thousand wolves, thirty thousand werewolves, corpses everywhere, only the wolf king powerful, successfully escaped from the encirclement, looking to the distance.

However, Xiaotian shot in time to kill the wolf king.

At this time, Wu Dong asked people to collect the wolf corpse, especially the wolf blood, and put it into a large basin. Finally, all the wolf blood filled hundreds of barrels.

These wolf blood, the essence of life, Wu Dong naturally will not waste, he began to use these wolf blood to make alchemy, it is called Wolf blood Lian Dan Dan.

Hundreds of barrels of wolf blood, but also only about a thousand wolf blood refining shape Dan. Now he is an eminent master, and the speed of alchemy is dozens of times faster, more accurate, and the quality of pills is also higher.

After refining the pills, he distributed them to 1000 of the most powerful swordsmen to improve their strength.

When pills enter the abdomen, these soldiers are full of blood, and their strength increases rapidly. Some people can break through on the spot, and the effect is obvious.

After this battle, the soldiers mastered the tools of war more deeply and trained harder. Because only hard training can survive the battle.

Swordsmen, start to figure out how to combine the array of swords to enhance their power. The crossbow soldiers, on the other hand, study how to cooperate with the shooting, so as to achieve better killing effect. The war puppets became more proficient in their martial arts.

The five elements tribe is thriving. Everyone has a strong upward spirit and is full of vitality.

However, Wu Bei did not slack off, because his task has not been completed, the next step is to annex a half million tribes. There is no doubt that the poisonous insect tribe is a good choice.

Like the crazy war tribe, he didn't want to fight between the two sides, so he decided to go to the poisonous insect tribe again to control the leader, and then take the tribe without blood.

When he came to the poisonous insect tribe again, he found that there was something wrong with the atmosphere here. Everyone was ready and nervous.

He incarnated as a local and found out the situation. It turns out that this matter has something to do with the loss of Gu Wang.

That Gu was eaten by Wu Dong's tiancangu for a long time, so he took out tiancangu, put it in a box and went to the "King's Palace".

When he arrived at the palace gate, he said in a loud voice: "I have got a magic bug. Please have a look at it."

Soon, the gate of the palace opened wide and a fat black man came out. His eyes were slanting, one to the left and the other to the right. He stared at Wu Dong and asked, "do you have a god bug?"

Wu Dong raised the box to his head: "king, please have a look."

Someone took the box and opened it. A silkworm lay in it, motionless.

The black fat man's eyes were shining, and he cried: "good gu! Where do you come from? "

Wu Dong: "when I went out to graze, I found it lying on the ground by accident. It seemed that it was injured, so I kept lying. But I felt it was extraordinary, so I dedicated it to the king. "

"You did a good job." The fat man laughed and took the box with both hands.

At this time, tiancangu suddenly jumped on the hand of the black fat man, bit his skin and went in.

The next second, this day, the silkworm venom spewed out countless silk threads, connecting every nerve of the black fat man, and even his spirit. The black fat man suddenly lost his ability to speak, do things, and even think. He had to follow the idea of tiancangu.

This is a special ability of tiancangu, using silk to manipulate the host like a puppet.

Black fat man was controlled, he said: "come on, call all the elders, there is something important to discuss!"

At the same time, Wu Dong didn't have to disguise. He went back to his original appearance and joined the meeting.

The so-called meeting, in fact, is that more than a dozen leading figures come to listen to the order. The black fat man, the leader of the poisonous poisonous insect tribe, announced that he would discuss the merger with the five elements tribe.

On hearing this, the elders were very surprised. Someone raised an objection, but in the end, everyone agreed with him. It's really that this fat black man has too much authority. No one dares to object. And it's not surprising that tribal mergers often happen in other places.

In this way, the poisonous insects tribe became a member of the five elements tribe and changed its name to Yimu tribe.