Chapter 897

So he opened the star map, and the stars fell down like water, which he quickly absorbed. The star power of the two emperor stars was absorbed the most. They circulated in Wu Dong's body for a week, most of them were stored in the cave, and a few were absorbed by the golden elixir.

This absorption lasted for three days and three nights, and the feeling of emptiness disappeared. He stopped practicing for a while and found that he had only stored less than one tenth of his energy in his secret cave.

He felt that it was too slow for him to absorb the power of the stars. He immediately took out all the Xianbao and the second level daruo coins from his body and stored them in the secret place of the cave.

If necessary, he will directly burn Xianbao to provide energy for himself. Although the energy of Xianbao is not good for him now, it is better than nothing.

He practices day and night, and does not ask about foreign affairs. If there is no major event, the people below dare not disturb him.

That night, Caizhi came in, followed by more than a dozen beautiful young women. She said with a smile, "Wang Shang, these are the newly selected girls. Do you like them?"

Wu Dong quickly said: "Caizhi, I said, don't do this in the future. Maybe they've already got a crush on someone."

Caizhi: "my Lord, I have had people check that they are all perfect, and they are willing to serve my Lord."

Wu Dong said, but she said, "I have something important to do. I don't have time now."

With that, he rose into the air and dodged.

Caizhi sighed: "are these girls not beautiful enough? Well, it must be. It seems that we have to continue to look for it. "

Wu Dong's previous plan was to first infiltrate into the crazy war tribe, then defeat the war king and become the new war king. Then he could lead the merger of the two tribes.

Soon, he came to the territory of the crazy war tribe. The territory of the crazy war tribe is at least five times as big as the territory of the five elements tribe. It has abundant water and grass, grazes a lot of cattle and sheep, and raises a lot of horses. Its power is not comparable to that of the five elements tribe.

He came to the settlement of the crazy war tribe. Just as the day was shining, someone found him and immediately controlled him and tied him to a tent.

"Who are you? What's the plot of our crazy war tribe? " A middle-aged man asked in a deep voice.

Wu Dong said faintly, "my name is Wu enemy. I heard that you crazy war tribes are heroes. I want to join you."

The middle-aged man was stunned, then sneered: "join us. Do you know how hard it is to join the crazy war tribe? Do you think you can do it? "

Wu Dong: "our Wu enemies are also heroes. Of course they can do it!"

"Good!" The middle-aged man nodded, and he scratched his beard's face. "There are three tests, which cause the tentacle to gently shake, and then he can catch some big fish and be swallowed by it. The tip of the tentacle is very sharp. It can pierce rocks. It is a powerful weapon.

Wu Dong's eyes brightened, and his heart said that the lake demon must be it, right? He immediately regained his human form, but his body became a giant of tens of meters. Carrying the enlarged Fu Jian, he was about to go and kill the octopus.

However, before his men could get there, a prawn came rushing to him. Two big tongs were like hills. He went forward and "snapped" two times and cut off all the tentacles of the octopus. The action was as fast as lightning.

The octopus has no tentacles, so it can only stare. It is cut into sections by the prawn and eaten.

Prawns are eating, and a water snake comes near them. The water snake has a big mouth, like a black hole. It swallows the prawns in one bite and is not afraid of its pincers.

Wu Dong is silly. Is the snake too big?

The water snake is really big. It is at least 500 meters long. Its body is like a hill. Everywhere it passes, the bottom of the lake is mixed up.

However, a group of strange fish about the size of human suddenly rushed out. As soon as they surged up, they bit at the water snake. The water snake was thick skinned, but it couldn't bear to bite. It immediately bit out several blood holes. It screamed, and the lightning ran to one side. It was strange that the fish were frantically chasing after it.

However, as soon as the strange snake escaped to a place, it suddenly split into six sections, and all the strange fish split into two and died!