Chapter 429

Lin Qinglan shook his head: "congenital defects, I have not found the solution, now just to protect her safety."

Wu Dong pondered for a moment and said, "master, my medical skills are derived from a medical classic. Maybe there is a way in it."

At present, he uses the method of divine communication to transmit a large amount of information about medical ethics he knows to Lin Qinglan.

Lin Qinglan was still calm at first. With the transmission of information, her expression became shocked. Wu Dong's medical knowledge is not only medical classics, but also medical classics left by the God King!

Half an hour later, Wu Dong stopped transmitting, while Lin Qinglan sighed and said, "my apprentice, what you have mastered is still above being a teacher. As a teacher, although I have gained the inheritance of attack and defense, I don't know much about immortal writing and divine writing, so my study is limited. "

Wu Dong said with a smile: "this is simple. Master will pass on the ancient medical school to me when he has time. I will help you to solve it."

Lin Qinglan was surprised and said, "can you crack it? That would be the best She took out 13 jade plates and gave them to Wu Dong.

Wu Dong didn't worry. He put away the jade plate and asked ximenhuo, "Shigong, when will you break through the heart disaster?"

Simon fire rolled his eyes: "break through a fart! Once I break through, I can't suppress the fire of burning the sky. I have to burn myself to death. "

Wu Dong: "this is actually not difficult. If I let huogu help me, I will be able to suppress the firepower."

Then he took out the red gourd and called out the fire bug.

At the sight of huogu, Ximen Huo was shocked and overjoyed: "is this... Huogu?"

Wu Dong nodded: "yes. Sir, is there no obstacle now? "

Simon was overjoyed: "no, with it, I can break through at any time. But I don't have a lot of experience. It's too dangerous for me

Wu Dong: "it's also easy. I'll help you refine the" heart demon pill "later. How about using it to suppress heart demons?"

This heart magic pill, he sooner or later to refine, white fox unparalleled also can use.

Simon fire was surprised: "can you refine the heart magic pill?"

Wu Dong nodded: "even if it's not right now, it will be OK in the future. Master, wait for my good news."

Ximenhuo took a deep breath, looked at Wu Dong and said, "my eyesight is really not as good as Alan. It's because I've lost my eye."

But Lin Qinglan was happy and said, "now, are you convinced?"

Simon fire "ha ha" a smile: "convinced, completely convinced!"

On that night, Wu Dong studied the congenital marrow washing Sutra and practiced the heaven seizing and chemical skills. His plan to get through Wu Dong was quite detailed. He decided to set up an organization called "Wu Meng" with major martial arts schools to attract people with lofty ideals from all over the country to practice martial arts and strengthen their health, so as to select suitable people for martial arts practice.

In addition to setting up martial arts schools, the alliance also recruits powerful martial arts teachers from all over the country. Once they join the alliance, they can practice Shaolin's unique skills and buy some pills at half price.

At the same time, Wu Dong began to strengthen the training of these layman disciples of Shaolin, teach them in accordance with their aptitude, and teach them complete Shaolin skills.

Wu Dong was busy day and night. When he had time, he taught Zhao Runfa and sun Yueyan to practice.

Sun Yueyan is worthy of being a martial arts genius. How long has she been a martial arts master? She is only one step away from a martial arts master.

For this student, Wu Dong had expectations. He thought about teaching her the Yijinjing immediately to see if she could practice it on her own. Zhao Runfa also got the Sutra and practiced it with sun Yueyan. Wu Dong wanted to see if either of them could succeed.

On that day, he was guiding the second primary school to practice. Yunxi came in a hurry.

"Little brother, something's wrong." When she met, she said.

Wu Dong: "sister Xi is not in a hurry. Let's say something slowly."

Yunxi: "the state will issue new currency from today on. You see, that's it."

She handed a note to Wu Dong. When he took it over, he saw that there was immortal writing on the note. He couldn't help but ask, "where is the note? It's a talisman! Although its power is not particularly strong, if the number is enough, its power is still considerable.

He looked back and forth and asked, "what's the name of this note and what's the exchange rate with the old one?"

Yun Xi: "this kind of paper money is called token money. The exchange rate is 7000 old money for one token. In addition, the competitive ratio between Rune and jade coin is 15 million Rune for one jade coin. At present, the two kinds of notes will exist at the same time for a period of time, but in the long run, the old notes will be eliminated sooner or later. "

Wu Dong laughed: "this is a good thing. This kind of token itself has commodity value, so it is difficult to devalue, and its value is more stable than that of the old currency. How much money do we have on hand? We'll change it all into this kind of token. "

Yunxi nodded: "it's strange to say that the world is in chaos now. I thought the company's revenue would drop, but I didn't expect it to rise instead."

When Wu Dong was in a daze, he thought it was incredible, which was beyond his expectation.


"Originally, we expected that people's physique would be greatly improved after the change of heaven and earth. But this is not the case. We studied 50000 randomly selected people and found an interesting phenomenon