"What's more, once the feeling of wanting to recall is too strong, his brain is likely to collapse and fall into the situation of memory confusion. In short, he may become stupid. This is what I just said, the sequelae." Jiang Mocheng pointed to his head and said.

Bai Lesheng opened his eyes, looked at him in disbelief, and said in a dumb voice, "do you mean that the medicine you gave him is this kind of fake, defective thing? Jiang Mocheng, you dare to cheat me

Bai Lesheng's eyes were red, and he looked like he was going to kill people. But Jiang Mocheng opened his hand and said, "don't get excited. When I made the first batch of medicaments three years ago, there were no special raw materials, so that batch of medicaments, like those I'm making now, were all slightly defective versions. At that time, I didn't know that there were substances that could neutralize efficacy in the world, so I didn't deceive you. What's more, you didn't know When I took the medicine from me, I told you that it was not perfect and defective. But you didn't want to hear that at that time. You just said that as long as you let him lose his memory with that woman, you could

, didn't you? "


"Nothing, but it's your choice. Don't plant everything on me." Jiang Mocheng frowned, but he was not very happy.

"What would happen if he was with that woman again?" Bai Lesheng hesitated and continued to ask.

Jiang Mocheng said without expression: "if he continues to be with that woman and constantly stimulates his memory, then his headache will attack more and more frequently. Soon, he will reach another stage, and his neurons will collapse and go crazy!"

Bai Lesheng opened his eyes wide and looked a little at a loss.

Is that what she wants? No No, she didn't want to make him crazy. He is the only one she has ever really loved in her life. It's true that she wants to be with him, so she has to protect him and never let this happen!

"Is there a solution to this side effect?" Bai Lesheng asked.

Jiang Mocheng shook his head and said, "there's no way for the moment, unless I can get that magical substance again, and only after research can I know whether it can make up for the defects of the previous medicine."

Bai Lesheng bit his lip and asked again, "is there any way to control his situation from worsening?" Jiang Mocheng frowned and thought for a moment, and said, "I can make another medicine to control the frequency and intensity of his headache attack, but the premise is that he must separate from the woman, otherwise memory stimulation can't be controlled. Once some key memories are stimulated, it is very likely that the neurons will collapse."

Bai Lesheng pursed his lips, pondered for a moment, and murmured to himself: "it seems that it's time for me to see that woman again..." Outside the police hall of city B, Leng Xiaoli's car stops at the door. He opens the door and gets out of the car. He is about to close the door, but his face changes slightly. Then he covers his mouth, holds the door and coughs violently.

After coughing for a long time, he finally stopped coughing. Looking at the scarlet on the palm of his hand, he took out his handkerchief from his pocket, wiped it, stuffed it back into his pocket, straightened his clothes, closed the door and walked into the police hall.

Zhao Dongxiang has been waiting in the office for a long time. Seeing Leng Xiaoli finally appear at the door of the office, he will salute conditionally.

Leng Xiaoli waved his hand and said, "you have already left the army. Don't do that."

Zhao Dongxiang scratched his head and said with a smile: "boss, I'm used to it. It's a bit hard to change because of conditioned reflex."

If anyone sees Zhao Dongxiang like this, he will be surprised.

It's incredible that the newly appointed director of the police department of city B, a man who is vigorous and unsmiling, should show such an expression.

Fortunately, there is no one else here, only Zhao Dongxiang and Leng Xiaoli.

Leng Xiaoli sat down on the sofa. Zhao Dongxiang could not help but frown and ask, "boss, why are you so thin and your face is not very good? Are you feeling sick?"

Leng Xiaoli waved his hand and said, "it's OK. It's just a cold."

A cold? Zhao Dongxiang is willing to believe it. In his mind, the eldest of his family is a god like existence. How could he get so sick because of a little cold weak?

Zhao Dongxiang wanted to slap himself in the face to punish the disrespectful words in his mind just now. But now sitting in front of him, Leng Xiaoli felt like this, as if the wind would fall.

"Boss, are you really OK? Do you want to... " Zhao Dongxiang is still a little worried. He wants to ask if he wants to go to the hospital, but he is interrupted by Leng xuemu.

"I'm fine. You said on the phone what happened to Shan Yiyi's body?" Leng Xiaoli asked. Zhao Dongxiang had to say, "this is the case. When you asked me to investigate the case secretly, boss, I tried to save the remains of a single person. I found someone in the morgue of the police station looking at her. I thought maybe I could find some evidence in her, or if necessaryBut I didn't think that a few days ago, the forensics of the Bureau found that Shan Yiyi's body had changed... "

"Changed? What do you mean, be clear? " Leng Xiaoli frowned.

Zhao Dongxiang frowned, but he didn't seem to know what to say.

He turned around, took a picture from the table, handed it to Leng Xiaoli and said, "boss, you see, she has become like this!"

Leng Xiaoli's face suddenly changed when he saw the photo.

In the photo, Shan Yiyi's whole body is covered with a kind of strange blue. The skin is light blue, but the blood vessels on his body are dark blue. They are crisscrossed on his body, like free insects. They look strange and terrible.

"When did this change begin?" Leng Xiaoli asked.

Zhao Dongxiang twisted his eyebrows and said, "I don't know exactly when it was. The forensic medicine also found it two days ago when they examined the body."

"Did you find out why her body had this change?" Leng Xiaoli asked again. Zhao Dongxiang said: "the forensic medicine of the Bureau and several experts have been investigating together for a long time, but they have not been able to find out why her body is like this, but there is one thing for sure. This single Yiyi did not die of a heart attack, but a sudden increase in a component in her body, which led to her sudden cardiac arrest,

shock and death. "

Leng Xiaoli raised his eyebrow and said, "can you be sure what kind of situation caused it? What drug, or other ingredients? " Zhao Dongxiang said: "the results of those experts' studies show that the substance does not seem to be a drug, but a mineral in the human body itself."