Empire group, Leng Yichen is sitting in the office.

Looking at the data on the computer these days, I feel very strange.

Because of the financial data on the computer, it's obvious that someone is blocking the Empire group behind these days.

But who exactly?

However, there is no further reflection.

The door of the office rang.

Su muying came in.

She also had a copy of the information in her hand.

"In recent days, there seems to be a new financial problem."

I can remember that one billion loophole last time.

Su muying is still afraid.

I told Leng Yichen directly this time.

"I've seen it."

Leng Yichen spoke.

Then he took this information from Su muying.

"There are already deficits in several projects above. I really doubt that someone is dealing with us secretly."

"Then who is it?"

Leng Yichen immediately asked.

"I don't know."

Su Mu Ying shook his head.

But there was something evasive in his eyes.

Leng Yichen saw it.

But don't rush to be clear.

"It's OK. I'll go to the end. If the deficit is serious, we'll stop those projects. We can't keep losing like this."


Su Mu Ying nodded.

Then he left Leng Yichen's office.

This time, she had more ideas than before.

According to her and an Xianyang's previous analysis.

There must be two people behind this.

The purpose of Su Yuanqi's appearance is to revenge himself.

It has nothing to do with Leng Yichen.

However, there is another secret force.

We are obviously dealing with Leng Yichen.

From his children to the crackdown on his company.

And Su Yuanqi appeared from that dark wooden house.

At that time, he just dropped wax on his arm.

And to grandma's grave.

After that, he kidnapped himself and set fire in Su Yuan.

But Su Yuanqi denied that he had dealt with Leng Yichen before.

Then, it must be someone else who deals with Leng Yichen.

She's still Yu. You believe Su Yuanqi.

Su Mu Ying shook his head.

It's really hard to get along in this world.

Don't you just want a simple life?

There are so many things.

So many things are bothering me.

Su Mu is a little speechless.

However, an Xianyang has not found anything.

Now, is there any new development in the story.

She called an Xianyang.

The people over there hang up first and then come back to her.


"What's the situation now, the man."

Su Mu Ying asked.

"A few days ago, I went to Su's house. Fortunately, the firemen arrived in time that day, and the fire didn't start much. The important things of the Su family were not burned, but I didn't find any evidence to prove that the person was your brother. In the Su family, I carefully checked what you could leave at that time, but it was not convincing. "

An Xianyang spoke on the phone.

Su Mu Ying nodded here.

"Well, let's have lunch together. I just have something else to tell you."

An Xianyang said.

"Well, I'll see you later."

I hung up.

Su muying went back to the office and dealt with some important documents.

I feel that the dark property of the Empire group has been severely suppressed these days.

Su Mu Ying sighed.

Thanks to the cold, Yichen can be so calm.

If it goes on, I don't know what to do.

Then I looked at the time.

It's almost noon break.

Su muying came out of his position.

Then go downstairs.

It's downstairs.

Su Mu Ying saw an Xianyang at a glance.

An Xianyang is now extremely concerned about Su muying's protection.

After what happened last time.

So this is not directly to the door of sumuying company.

Then he took Su muying.

"You said there was an important thing. What was it?"

"I'll tell you more about it later at dinner."

Su Mu Ying nodded.

Then he and an Xianyang go to the restaurant.The two of them went to an Italian restaurant.

Su muying sat down.

An Xianyang also sat down in front of her.

Two people ordered after dinner.

Su Mu Ying just looks at an Xianyang.

"What's going on?"

"Well, look at this."

An Xianyang opens his mouth.

Then he gave it to Su muying.

Su muying took over.

This is a key.

"The key?"

"Yes, the key is always on the door of the Su family."

An Xianyang said.

"Has anyone ever been in?"

"Su Yuan Qi."

Su muying's first reaction.

"I don't think so."

An Xianyang replied.

The whole person looks at Su muying.

"When Su Yuanqi went in, the key was on the door."

"How do you know? You mean, this key is not from Su Yuanqi. Before Su Yuanqi left, the door of Su's house was opened? "


Why is an Xianyang so sure.

It's because he did DNA for Su Yuanqi before, but the fingerprint on the key is not su Yuanqi's.

"Then, who is it?"

Su muying fell into a kind of confusion.

Everything, all like a fog trapped themselves.

"Did that man come back?"

Su muying's eyes suddenly widened.

Looking at an Xianyang.

Anxianyang nodded.

"I don't know. I don't know whether it is because there is really no evidence other than the key."

"I think it's the man who's back. If it's that person, it's very clear, isn't it? "

Su muying continued.

"Yu Zhenhuan is back."

"Don't define it yet. Don't tell Leng Yichen about it. If yu Zhenhuan didn't come back, he would continue to investigate. At that time, your brother's affairs may come to light. At that time, many of them will not be clear. What we have to do now is to find out the truth of what Su Yuanqi described in that year. "


Su Mu Ying asked.

"Don't you always believe that your father and mother are like that? Including your grandmother, how can you hurt others and make such a mistake since you think you are a person full of justice in your heart? "

An Xianyang looks at Su muying.

Su Mu Ying nodded.

"Thank you

Su Mu Ying smiles at an Xianyang.

He's really good.

Always be able to put yourself in the right place.

It's really good. It's good.

Su Mu Ying smiles.

An Xianyang and Su muying finished lunch.

Then they got up and went to their respective positions.

The key just now has been in Su muying's heart.

That key was given to Yu Zhenhuan at the beginning.

If it's really that person coming back. Is it the person who is playing tricks on everything behind the Empire group?

Su muying fell into deep thinking.