The two sides hung up.

Su muying's whole life fell into an abyss.

Now the only clue is gone.

She did not know that she believed Xu Liuqi so much this time.

He said he was not the real murderer, and she would believe that person was not the real murderer.

Is it ironic?

That's true.

So it seems.

She should go to an Xianyang's home.

Look at the old house. What else is there.

It can be proved that there is a killer, and relevant evidence can be found.

The car drove to an old house again.

Su muying gets out of the car.

There should have been police here before.

The furnishings in the room are different from the situation when I left that night.

When people see Su muying, they are shocked.

Then he came to Su muying's direction.

"Miss Su, why are you here again. No, you don't want to be here? It will be better for you. "

Servants also respect an Xianyang.

Because an Xianyang said it.

Don't let Su muying come in again.

In case someone gets hold of it.

Those who plot against him will succeed again.

"I'll look for the real murderer."

"The real murderer? But, this is settling down. How can there be a real murderer? "

I don't understand looking at Su muying.

Su Mu Ying shook his head.

There was no explanation.

She didn't have the strength to explain everything.

Make everything clear to others.

Go to an Xianyang's room.

There are also memories of that day that belong to both of them.

Su muying saw that every corner of the room had a feeling of sadness.

Happiness is really something that can't be grasped.

It is even more difficult to grasp.

It's easy to have.

Su muying walked around the room.

I haven't enjoyed this room before.

It turns out that an Xianyang, as a special police officer, has won so many rewards.

So much credit.

His great achievements and his past are in a bookshelf.

You can tell your age.

It's a classic bookshelf.

There are some books that an Xianyang likes to read.

And the trophies, medals, medals that an Xianyang has won.

There is also a very thick wooden album.

There are lots of pictures in it.

However, there is no story in the lost memory time.

When he was a child, most of them were children.

And then, in recent years.

However, one of the people in these photos attracted Su muying's attention.

It's a man.

She picked one from the album.

Put it in the palm of your hand.

Look at that picture carefully.

There's an Xianyang and another man in that picture.

Another man.

Su muying's eyes slightly enlarged.

The pupil shrinks.

The whole person's back is a little chilly.

Is the planner behind the case the man in the photo with an Xianyang?

Su muying suddenly has a kind of creepy feeling.

Open the album again.

I found that there were not many pictures of the man in the album.

However, it often appears at an Xianyang's most important moment.

Sure enough.

Sure enough, it's not easy.

She secretly put the picture in the middle of her bag.

The beat of the heart is a little disordered.

I don't know what to do.

"Is that him?"

Su muying talks to the man in the photo.

Her eyes lingered on the room again.

Then he went out of the room.

Now, it seems that things have become clearer.

Out of the old house.

Su muying calls Xu Liuqi.

"I have something to ask you."

"Have you already asked me what you want to ask me? And I gave you a clear answer

Xu Liuqi said that he was impatient.

"Do you hate an Xianyang?"

Su muying opens to the phone.

"Hate? of course. I really hope that if we can't find the real murderer in this case, he will die directly. "

Xu Liuqi was a bit fierce in his speech.However, he did not understand that for the sake of his dead wife, the hatred in his heart was still starting to work.

Clearly before, their feelings so intense.

As long as you see an Xianyang, you will think of the scene when Linda was killed by mistake.

But when did he begin to see an Xianyang, his feelings for him became another.

It turns into seeing an Xianyang and hoping that he will disappear.

In this way, he can be with Su muying,

"are you sure that an Xianyang killed your wife by mistake?"

Su Mu Ying asked.

This is the key to this case.

Who hurt Xu Liuqi's wife by mistake.

He should know better than anyone else.

"What can I see with my own eyes? Or are you questioning my feelings for him over the years? Isn't it strong enough? "

Xu Liuqi asked.

Su Mu Ying shook his head.

"Xu Liuqi, what happened in those years? An Xianyang lost his memory. He can't describe the events in those years in such detail and clearly. However, you are different. You are the husband of the client. It's your duty to tell me what happened

"Don't make you a policeman. What obligation do I have to recall the pain of those years? Do you know how I lived those years? Don't you think I'm a pain without Linda? Su muying, don't challenge me, and don't think you have a very important position in my heart. The questions you ask me now are very stupid. "

Xu Liuqi scolded on the phone.

Su muying is speechless.

Until the other person hung up on her.

Su Mu Ying just sighed.

In fact, if the killer is the man in the picture.

Well, it's obvious that an Xianyang didn't make the case that year.

It can also explain why an Xianyang lost his memory.

It's getting late.

Su muying returned to his villa.

Nian Shanshan made a whole table of delicious food.

Su muying smelled the smell of rice before he came in from outside.

Actually, it's nice for two girls to live together.

In this case, there is some care for each other.

Moreover, she had never found that Nian Shanshan was such a cook.

"Shinning, you're great."

Su muying opens his mouth to Nian Shanshan.

Nian shanxiao.

"I have no place to go now, so I have to cook at home."

"Didn't Nian's family go back?"

Su Mu Ying asked.

"I don't want to go back."

Years of shining eyes gradually dim down.

In fact, there is a mother at home.

Grandfather comes back occasionally.

But now I can think of many unhappy things when I see my home.

"Go back and see your mother once in a while. She will be very lonely at home by herself."

"Well, I will. We keep in touch by phone all the time."

Nian shanxiao.

"My mother has been blaming me for marrying Xu Liuqi, which she and my father had discussed before. Now that I've come to this point, she doesn't want to see."