An Xianyang's eyes are red and ready to crack. He almost trembles and holds Su muying.


He called her, in a cautious voice.

Su Mu Ying still did not respond, but frowned tightly, and his face was white with pain.

An Xianyang quickly takes her back and finds a doctor for Su muying.

While the doctor was seeing a doctor, an Xianyang was anxiously waiting outside the door.

He is eager to know if Su muying is in trouble.

The fist hit the wall.

Make a heavy noise.

But an Xianyang didn't say a word. He lowered his head. His eyes were full of evil. He was biting his teeth. He felt very angry.

"How is she, doctor?"

Anxiangyang anxiously asked the doctor, between the eyebrows abnormal worry.

"The wounds in the back are almost healed, and other minor wounds will soon heal. However, who is responsible for the wound behind this? It looks like sulfuric acid was spilled on it. This wound, you must be careful The eye of the doctor is some dignified, looking at the injury on Su Mu Ying's back, helplessly shaking his head.

"Sulfuric acid?"

An Xianyang's shock can't be relieved.

After waiting for the doctor to leave, he just rigid body to see to Su muying.

Her back was supposed to be bright and white, but why did it turn into what it is now? Her skin is full of flesh and blood.

It's sulfuric acid

Sulfuric acid burned Su muying's back like this.

How could it be sulfuric acid?

It's sulfuric acid!

If it's sulfuric acid, someone must have spilled sulfuric acid on Su muying!

So, who on earth would do such a cruel thing?

Blame him for not protecting her

"Mu Ying?"

An Xianyang's voice trembled.

He stretched out his hand to Su muying, but suddenly stopped in mid air. He didn't dare to touch her. He was afraid that touching her would aggravate her pain.

"Muying, can you hear me? Wake up, muying, wake up... "

An Xianyang almost begged to call her.

Su muying did not move, his face was as pale as paper, and his lips were not a trace of blood.

Looking at such Su Mu Ying, an Xianyang is angry and helpless.

"Muying, who hurt you like this?"

An Xianyang's veins burst up, and his dark eyes were full of evil, bleeding red.

His voice was gnashing teeth with a blade of anger.

He looked at Su muying, very distressed, but also thinking about who did it.

Suddenly, an Xianyang's mind suddenly flashed a figure.

It's Ling Feiyu.

Lingfei language!

It must be Ling Feiyu!

That woman!

It was when I saw the woman's car that I went in the opposite direction.

"Lingfei! Is it Lingfei language? Mu Ying, did Ling Fei hurt you like this? "

An Xianyang only felt strong anger in his chest.

It's going up a lot.

Su Mu Ying only feels the pain behind her in a coma. She wants to open her eyes, but she can't.

In the tearing pain, she didn't know where she was. She could only feel that she was in an empty space where there was nothing. A small spark was burning in front of her eyes.

It's getting bigger and bigger and stronger.

The huge tongue of fire rushed towards her, rolled around the corner of her clothes, as if to bring her into the ranks of dancing with the fire.

Su muying screams, tears off the corner of her clothes, gasps and runs away, only to find that no matter how hard she tries, how hard she runs, the tongue of fire still follows behind her.

"Well." I don't know what I tripped over at my feet. I fell forward and fell heavily on the ground.

Su Mu Ying groaned and saw that his knee had been rubbed against the skin, and he was gurgling with rich blood.

She stood up, shaking, only to find that the fire was approaching her.

She had nowhere to run.

He fell to the ground again, widened his eyes and looked at the tongue of fire with fear, like a monster roaring at her. She struggled back, but there was a burning sensation in her back.

She shrieked, closed her eyes, and consciousness slowly stripped her mind.

The pain made her open her eyes again, only to find that she was home.

Su Mu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, exhausted to the sofa, recalled just fierce fire, or a bit uneasy.

She looked around and muttered, "why is it so dark at home?"

She groped for the switch, but it didn't work. She found the candle and lit it.

The fire came out suddenly, which made her jump.

Su muying's wrist shook and the match fell to the ground quickly.The blanket under her feet began to burn, and then gradually spread, tablecloths, curtains

Everything that burns starts to burn.

Su muying was stunned.

Another fire

The spreading fire

The fire towards her

Su muying shivered and curled up on the sofa. His face was pale and his lips were a little pale.

"No, don't come here Go away, don't come here... " Su muying's voice is full of fear and fear. She shakes her head.

It's her nightmare.

She felt that the pain behind her became more and more severe. She wanted to open her eyes to see where it was, who saved her, and whether an Xianyang

But she just can't open her eyes and can only indulge in her own nightmare again and again.

An Xianyang left Su muying's room and went straight to Ling Feiyu's home.

He didn't even knock on the door and kicked it open.

He saw Ling Feiyu lying on the sofa, turning his back to him.

Seeing Ling Feiyu so stable, an Xianyang felt a little indignant and angry. He walked over three steps and two steps, looked down at Ling Feiyu and said coldly, "Ling Feiyu!"

Ling Feiyu did not answer.

An Xianyang calls her, but she still doesn't answer.

An Xianyang simply pulled her body directly, but suddenly stunned.


How could that be?

No way!

Who did it?

Ling Feiyu


Ling Feiyu in front of her closed eyes, pale, no temperature, and her lips also a little purple. Her long black hair, which she usually took good care of, is now scattered in disorder, which makes her face more and more pale like a ghost.

An Xianyang stares at her and slowly puts his hand under her nose.

The fingers stiffened.

Lingfei language is really dead.

An Xianyang only felt that things had become more complicated and his head was about to explode.

He suddenly stood up and looked at all the places in Ling Feiyu's home, but he didn't see anything.

"Who killed you? "Lingfei An Xianyang looks at Ling Feiyu's pale face and murmurs in a low voice.

At the same time, a police car suddenly sounded outside the door.

There was a sound outside the door.

An Xianyang has not yet come and find out what is going on, he has been deeply mired in the swamp.