"Lin Wei, what's the matter with you?" Han Su asked.

Lin Wei was relieved.

"Nothing. Happy birthday, hansu. It's not easy to have a birthday. I should have lived with the people I care about most. "

Lin Wei joked.

Slow down from the mood just now.

"Well, it doesn't matter to anyone."

Han Su shrugged.

Here comes the cheesecake he ordered.

However, the person who delivered the cake was no longer the same person.

Rain butterfly is relieved, but Lin Wei has something on her mind.

Several people celebrated Han Su's birthday together.

After dinner, Han Su didn't mean to keep them.

Rain butterfly is a little surprised.

We shouldn't sing k after dinner together.

But Han Su didn't.

He said he had something to do and left first.

Rain butterfly's mouth curled, some unhappy meaning.

Lin Wei looks at the rain butterfly.

A woman's mind can be seen through at once.

"Come on, he's gone, isn't he?"

Yudiezui didn't admit it, and then left from here with Linwei.

On the way back, they thought of each other.

But before entering the Xu villa, the room was full of lights.

Lin Wei and rain butterfly's heart, all mention throat eye before.

However, the car has been driven to the villa by her.

Now it's not going in or leaving.

The rain butterfly swallowed.

Then he took a look at Lin Wei.

"Now, what? If Mr. Xu is here, he will be angry. He won't let us out. "

Rain butterfly's eyes are full of fear, but Lin Wei gives her a firm look.

"I'm here."

Rain butterfly's eyes are still very sad.

Lin Wei doesn't know what to say.

However, after they came in, they didn't see Xu Liuqi.

The room was brightly lit because someone was looking for something.

He said that he lost a very important thing of Mr. Xu.

Lin Wei was a little surprised that something was so important to him.

Willy shook her head.

It's not something I care about.

The man told himself yesterday that she was a married woman.

"By the way, Mr. Xu called home today. He said that he invited some guests to his home tomorrow. At that time, the young lady should dress up well. " Said the servant.

Rain butterfly is the first to sit down.

The whole person showed surprise.

She has been in the Xu family for so many years that she has never seen who Xu Liuqi would invite as a guest here.

Xu Liuqi doesn't even stay in this room for long.

Now, that man is here to entertain guests.

"What kind of person?" Lin Wei asked.

"The specific information of the guests, sir, was not disclosed. In a word, he said that the other party is very important. That's why I decided to entertain myself at home. "

Lin Wei saw that people didn't know, so she didn't plan to continue to ask.

She knows the truth that we should not force others into difficulties.

Only rain butterfly's eyes are full of consideration.

I don't seem to think it's a good thing.

But rain butterfly doesn't have to worry about anything.

They went back to their respective rooms with Lin Wei.

To the upstairs, Lin Wei found that the home so bright, because of the re lamp.

The crystal chandelier is very beautiful and the light is very good.

Lin Wei looks a little strange.

How do you suddenly want to change the layout and pattern of your home?

What is Xu Liuqi thinking.

She turns on the text message on her cell phone.

"I'll go back tomorrow."

now the first mock exam is different from what he said before.

Lin Wei always feels that this person has put too much pressure on her.

He trapped himself, not even allowed himself to go out for a walk.

He can cover the sky with one hand, so even his freedom is limited.

Willy shook her head.

It's not the life you want.

I don't want to live like this.

However, out of politeness, she returned a short message.


Go back to the room, turn off the lights, go to sleep.

It's just that she can't seem to sleep.

The whole person, tossed and turned for many times, did not feel sleepy.

Hazy, hazy.

Lin Wei is getting sleepy.

She finally closed her eyes.

At night, it seems that someone is whispering something in his ear.The man's voice, full of magnetism, sounds very comfortable.

She couldn't hear clearly. She went to bed late, so she was very sleepy.

But you can still feel the person's hand on your shoulder.

Slowly extended to the face.

Lin Wei in her sleep feels a cold touch.

She couldn't help whining.

The cold hand gradually left.

"Go to sleep. Have a good sleep. Wake up tomorrow and everything will change. "

Man's voice, gradually away.

Lin Wei is always half asleep and half awake.

The next day, she didn't get up too early.

But when I woke up, I saw a big gift box at the head of the bed.

Lin Wei went over and opened the gift box.

It's a water blue skirt.

Swarovski's dress.

It's beautiful.

There are several real diamonds on top.

It feels very different.

Lin Wei doesn't know who entered her room.

But it was obvious that someone wanted her to wear it.

Lin Wei did.

Then go up and down the stairs.

When the door was opened, the picture Lin Wei saw was too different from before.

Before, Xu Liuqi's house was a representative of depression and heaviness.

But now, the room has changed.

It's just overnight.

Lin Wei admires the ability of designers.

She came down in her blue water gauze skirt.

Xu Liuqi is also here.

He raised his eyes. At that moment, Lin Wei seemed to blend into his life.

Xu Liuqi's eyes were fixed on the man.

Lin Wei approached, he just light mouth.

"Blue suits you very well."

"You picked the skirt? Why dress up like this? "

Lin Wei asked.

Xu Liuqi smiles.

"Someone's coming."

He didn't say who it was.

Lin Wei knows that most of the time, she doesn't know each other.

So there are not too many problems.

"I'll walk at the door."

Lin Wei spoke.

There is always a depressing atmosphere in this room. You can't stop trying to breathe.

Xu Liuqi nodded, but did not refute her.

Lin Wei walked in the garden in front of Xu's villa.

She always wondered if the plants in front of her window had grown in Xu Liuqi's garden.

If so. The Xu family is not the only one who can poison.

Although her ability is limited, she doesn't have much talent to do poison homework?

There are still many flowers in the garden.

But there is no one Lin Wei is looking for.

She smelled the special fragrance of summer flowers and plants, and the corners of her mouth were hooked up.

It smells good.

It's a familiar taste.

But these flowers are not poisonous.

It's very mild. It's to purify the air and regulate the fragrance.

Lin Wei looks a little strange.