From a distance, an Xiaojing saw Chengfeng. He stood in front of the lake with a heavy face.

The more she moved forward, the heavier her feet became.

And Chengfeng is like a ghost who wants to announce bad news to himself.

The bad feeling in her heart grew stronger and stronger.

When he comes to him, Chengfeng's expression is dignified.

"Little grandma, this is what I found, young master's mobile phone, and shoes."

Chengfeng has a bag in his hand. All the clothes in the bag are Leng Yichen's clothes.

"And this one?"

An Xiaojing suddenly saw a black robe and asked suspiciously.

"This one was also found in front of the lake."

Wind bearing opening.

When he came, he saw these things and asked people to go into the water to see them, but nothing happened.

"Don't tell me, Leng Yichen has fallen down and hasn't been found yet."

An Xiaojing's tone is full of ridicule.

Leng Yichen can swim. Even if he falls into the water, he will swim up by himself.

There is no doubt about this.

"I'm not sure if the young master has fallen down. I'm still checking."

Chengfeng hands the mobile phone to an Xiaojing.

"This is the young master's mobile phone, so we can't contact him now."

An Xiaojing took the phone.

All the missed calls above are of their own.

What's going on?

What happened to Leng Yichen?

An Xiaojing felt confused, but she would not shed tears now.

She once fell into the sea, but it was an Xianyang's cover up.

Therefore, the same thing happened to Leng Yichen, which is definitely not so simple.

"Young granny, what should we do now?"

Chengfeng asked.

"Keep investigating. I don't believe Leng Yichen has fallen."

An Xiaojing said.

She didn't have time to grieve because it was so strange.

An Xiaojing takes out Leng Yichen's mobile phone and looks at his call records carefully.

All his correspondence during that time in the morning was deleted.

She was suddenly relieved.

If Leng Yichen is a man in black, he will not delete his own call records.

But then there were more worries.

An Xiaojing looked at the calm lake, as if no one had ever been here.

So, what's the matter with the man in black?

She remembered that the dress belonged to the man in black.

Did Leng Yichen meet that man before?

An Xiaojing thought a lot in her heart.

But this time, she controlled her emotions very well. No matter how flustered she was, she tried not to show it.

She told herself again and again that she would find Leng Yichen.

He won't have an accident.

It's late to get back to the villa.

Uncle Lin cooked a whole table of food, but an Xiaojing obviously didn't have the spirit to eat it.

Lin Shu looked back again, but he still didn't see Leng Yichen. Then he asked suspiciously.

"Young granny, where's the young master?"


An Xiaojing answered calmly, but her eyes were still a little flustered.

She was worried.

Just pretending not to worry.


Uncle Lin was very surprised.

An Xiaojing nodded.

"I'll go to the young master!"

"No, I've sent Chengfeng to look for him. If he's OK, he will find it."

An Xiaojing's eyes dropped.

She is much stronger than before.

It's not that she doesn't care about Leng Yichen, so she doesn't cry. She just doesn't believe Leng Yichen is dead if she can't see the body of that person.

An Xiaojing didn't eat much and went directly to the bedroom upstairs.

He took out Leng Yichen's mobile phone and studied it carefully.

He found that Leng Yichen's mobile phone had nothing but his own.

At the last moment of his disappearance, did he call himself?

An Xiaojing looks at Leng Yichen's phone screen again, with her picture on it.

His album is also very simple, but there is a picture of Xiao Li drawing.

At this moment, her tears could not stop.

Susu of the flow down.

She has been strong for a whole day, and in the late night, she can't resist her inner vulnerability.

She missed Leng Yichen.

A person's big bed suddenly becomes lonely.In an instant, countless ideas poured into his head.

Leng Yichen, will he die?

Would you be framed by a man in black?

Otherwise, how can there be people's clothes in black by the river?

All the fear fell into my head.

No matter how upset an Xiaojing was, she couldn't sleep.

At the end of the night, her sleepiness came slowly, and she closed her eyes vaguely, but she always felt that someone was breathing heat on her face.

An Xiaojing felt that the smell was very familiar. She wanted to catch more of it. Her hands were dancing in the air.

But no matter how you touch it, it's empty.

Slowly opened his eyes, the sun came through from the curtain.

An Xiaojing looked in front of her and saw nothing but familiar furnishings.

The person who breathed in his ear just now has disappeared.

"Leng Yichen!"

She was awake at last, and had a bad sleep.

I thought about yesterday again.

What's going on now.

An Xiaojing jumps out of bed.

I cleaned myself up quickly.

Has Leng Yichen not been found yet?

She called Chengfeng.

"How's it going?"

"Little grandma, there is still no clue. However, the Empire group has a new situation today. You must go to the company now. I don't know who released the news of the young master's disappearance and told the media that now the media are blocked at the gate of the imperial group, and the media began to speculate boldly that the young master has met with misfortune. "

Chengfeng said.

An Xiaojing's heart tightened.

He hung up immediately.

Why didn't she think of it before?

If Leng Yichen's accident was caused by someone who wanted to make trouble, he will tell the media behind his back.

The leader of the empire is gone. It is bound to cause great confusion in the morale of the army.

She quickly came out of the villa and went straight to the Empire group.

There's a lot of media at the door.

As soon as an Xiaojing's car stopped, the media swarmed in and completely blocked it.

Chengfeng's car followed, dispersing all the media in front of an Xiaojing's car.

But it didn't work. There were too many people.

An Xiaojing got out of the car and faced these people with courage.

"Grandma Leng, it is said that master Leng has been missing for 24 hours."

"Did Leng Yichen, the imperial group, have an accident?"

"There's still some secret. Is Leng Yichen gone? "

All kinds of problems can make an Xiaojing difficult to breathe.

But she pulled the corners of her mouth in front of so many flash lights, but there were some tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Yechen has been ill recently. I hope everyone will let him go. He is just ill."