Two days later, an Xiaojing felt that she was about to get moldy in the dark room.

But the man in black is not always there. As soon as he leaves, he can take action.

An Xiaojing won't let go of any clues.

Hope to find a clue.

But she didn't find anything, and that person was not able to cheat by pretending to be stupid.

Suddenly, someone is talking outside the door

She heard the two voices, but because of the sound insulation, she couldn't hear what they were saying.

Obviously, there are two people in conversation, one is a man in black, the other is a person who is very familiar with himself.

A name, Leng Chenxi, flashed through my mind at the same time.

Once again, an Xiaojing put her ear to the door.

And close, more let her know, that person is cold dawn.

Didn't she see him around here once before?

The conversation between the two people gradually changed from a gentle one to an emotional one.

The man in black spoke a little louder.

"Now is Leng Yichen's most vulnerable time. We have an Xiaojing in our hands. He certainly has no mind to manage the company."

The man in black stopped for a moment, then whispered.

"So now is the best time for you to make the empire a total failure."

His tone was still overcast and cold. An Xiaojing listened very clearly.

So, their target, including Leng Chenxi, is Leng Yichen an imperial group?

Yes, the man in black extorted 500 million from Leng Yichen, which is not a small number, nor is it a number that ordinary people are satisfied with.

the man in black, his ambition is too big.

He is also familiar with people's heart, so he can use himself and Leng Chenxi to deal with Leng Yichen.

This will find a shortcut.

An Xiaojing is sweating in the palm of her hand!


The man stopped for a long time before he began to speak. It should be hesitation.

"Don't forget what Leng Yichen's parents did to your family. Don't forget that you still have hatred. If you don't do it now, maybe there will be no chance in the future."

The man in black was worried at this time, as if he was worried that another person would hesitate.

An Xiaojing was shocked by this answer.

Hate? What's going on?

"How could I forget? How can I forget the hatred? I will definitely bring down the Empire. "

Then the man gave a smile.

Yes, this person is Leng Chenxi.

His attitude. There is also the tone of speech, there can be no second person.

No wonder Leng Chenxi seems to have changed recently.

It seems that they are not so close to her or Leng Yichen. It is because of hatred.

The man in black instigates Leng Chenxi's hatred.

But she didn't believe it. Leng Yichen's parents should be innocent, but why did the man in black say that?

Is it to make Leng Chenxi and Leng Yichen turn into enemies?

But listening to the persistence in his voice, it doesn't seem like this.

An Xiaojing didn't know what to do, so she had to write it down silently. If she had a chance to go out, she would make a good investigation.

"I hope you don't forget the hatred as you are now. Only when you have hatred can you live a long life!"

The voice of the man in black rang again. He seemed to say it to himself and to another man.

An Xiaojing is in a mess.

Who is this man in black and why?

"Why is this woman so quiet today?"

Suddenly, the silver faced man in black asked, and then walked to an Xiaojing's dark room.

An Xiaojing screamed in her heart that she was not good. Was she found out?

She had no choice but to pretend to sleep, but the man in black just came in to make sure she was still sleeping and left.

After hearing the steps of the man in black leaving, an Xiaojing's heart relaxed.

It seems that now the man in black has completely put down his guard against her, which is of course the best.

She looked at the direction of her head and pretended to sleep if she didn't succeed. What was Leng Yichen doing?

At the same time, she prayed in her heart that Leng Yichen would never give up managing the company.

She didn't want the Empire to fall.

Although, there are a lot of people behind him.

But he must not be defeated.

On the other hand, Leng Yichen is still searching for an Xiaojing's whereabouts, but he can't find her.

Leng Yichen lost sleep for several nights.

Occasionally a shallow sleep, dream, see is covered with blood an Xiaojing.For three days.

He had nothing to do with the other party's escape.

If we let him know who abducted an Xiaojing, he will make that person pay a very painful price.

But now the most important thing is not to ask who to pay what price, but to get an Xiaojing's whereabouts.

Chengfeng pushes the door of Leng Yichen's office again, and Leng Yichen looks at him with a surprise

Chengfeng helpless, can only shake his head toward Leng Yichen, Leng Yichen just waved his hand, let Chengfeng out.

Leng Yichen told Chengfeng that he would report to him in three hours whether he had any news or not.

Chengfeng comes in every three hours, and every time there is no news.

Leng Yichen is looking forward to Chengfeng telling him that he has found it every time, but every time he is waiting for him, he is disappointed!

"Dong Dong Dong!"

There was a knock at the door.

Cold dawn stepped in from the glass door with a smile.

"Brother, I have a project on hand recently, which is related to the Internet. You... "

"Need my signature?"

Leng Yichen asked.

Cold dawn nodded.

"I've seen your project, but you need to train yourself to win it."


Leng Chenxi wants to refute, Leng Yichen sees off the guests.

But he did not expect that all the company's computers were hacked overnight, the computer's display screen is a very terrible picture.

Every one of them is

Many of my colleagues have been scared to cry.

And these are not big problems.

all the data of Leng Yichen company have been invaded by viruses sent by hackers.

In other words, the Empire group is going bankrupt.

And all this, thanks to the cold dawn.

Put forward a computer case, let Leng Yichen refuse himself, so as to reduce his suspiciousness.

Even if something really happened, Leng Yichen would not doubt him.

Leng Yichen sat in the office with a look of despair.

It's not the imperial group, it's an Xiaojing.

What's money? No more money. But an Xiaojing has been out of touch for four days.

That is to say, after 72 hours, if the hostage is not found, it means that the woman is dead.



No way!


Su muying's voice.

"What to do? The company can't afford it. Our data has been dug up. "