"Come on! come on. It's going to be a success! "

Several doctors dressed in white and wearing masks told an Xiaojing.

They were all in a hurry beside an Xiaojing.

Lying in the operating room, an Xiaojing felt pain like a tear in her abdomen.


With the continuous crying, an Xiaojing felt that the intensity of her abdominal pain was relieved.

"Congratulations, triplets!"

Doctors are saying congratulatory words, but several cries have stopped, gradually, the cry into one.

"I'm sorry, about these two children, we did our best."

The atmosphere of congratulation suddenly became serious. Through the mask, the doctors' faces became depressed dramatically.

How could that be?

My child is dead!

She could no longer restrain her sadness and began to cry in pain.

After that, all she had left were children.

But she can't forget the picture when she was on the operating table that day. Two newborn babies died one after another.

"This child is mine!"

The man who came out of nowhere suddenly appeared in front of an Xiaojing.

It seems that how she looks at each other, also can't remember this face.

"Who are you? Why do you say that? " An Xiaojing spoke angrily.

The other side's voice of a few Yin smile.

Then, grab the child's arm and try to take him away.

"Stop it! This is my child

An Xiaojing holds the child in her arms. She is afraid that the man will take away her only child.

But her strength is not equal to the man, a fight, the child was robbed by the man.

An Xiaojing was almost heartbroken when she heard the child's painful wailing.

"Mom, I don't want to go with him. Help me."

A boy about five or six years old was held in his arms by a man. He reached out to hook an Xiaojing's figure.

"No, don't take him!"

An Xiaojing ran after her in tears.

But her feet are as heavy as shot put. No matter how hard she takes a step, she can't catch up with the man.

The man's shadow is more and more far away, and the child's cry is gradually disappearing from her ears.

An Xiaojing broke down.

For a moment, her feet were paralyzed and she felt desperate when she sat on the ground.

I don't even know how long I've been crying, but I can't cheer up any more.

All her children are gone.

“…… Xiaojing. "

All of a sudden.

From far to near, an Xiaojing heard a voice calling her name.

Then she felt something shaking her body.

Her dream collapsed and Leng Yichen woke her up.


Panting, she opened her eyes.

"It's you..."

An Xiaojing looked at the face in front of her in a bit of surprise, and her forehead was covered with sweat.

Looking around at the white layout, she noticed that she was in the hospital.

It turned out to be just a dream.

She was relieved.

"Did you have a nightmare?"

Leng Yichen asked.

Worries are written on her face. An Xiaojing has been lying in bed for a long time.

"Well I dreamed that I had three children, but they all left me. In my dream, I was very desperate, very desperate. "

She frowned and lightly answered Leng Yichen's question.

"Don't worry, it's just a dream."

Leng Yichen comforted her.

An Xiaojing nodded.

She found Leng Yichen's face full of fatigue and looked as if she had never slept for several days.

"How many days have I been asleep?"

An Xiaojing thought of the day of the accident.

"Three or four days."

"Three or four days?"

She looked out of the window and the leaves on the tree were gone.

"Have you been taking care of me?"

Asked an Xiaojing.


The man did not answer immediately, but asked softly.

"How do you feel? Would you like something to eat? "

"No, no appetite."

An Xiaojing refused.

She wanted to get out of bed for a little exercise. After lying for a few days, she felt that her body was almost dull.

Just moved, cold also Chen flurried to stop her.

"You can't get out of bed. The doctor told you to rest."

Then he laughed, "if you have anything you want to do, just let me know. I'll help you."

An Xiaojing shook her head and looked at Leng Yichen. His face was a little pale."It's too tired to take care of me all the time. Go and have a rest."

She didn't think that Leng Yichen would take care of herself to this extent one day, which made her feel very hard to say.

Both moved, and a touch of happiness.

"I'm fine. What did you want to get out of bed for?"

Leng Yichen doesn't care about himself at all. He doesn't care about anything. He just wants to take good care of an Xiaojing.

"Nothing. When can I leave the hospital?"

Asked an Xiaojing.

Thinking of the scene in her dream, she was a little disgusted with the hospital now.

"You lost too much blood and almost lost your life. You just woke up. Why are you in a hurry to leave the hospital?"

"Anyway, if I stay in the hospital, you will only ignore your own care for me. If you go on like this, you will be exhausted. It's better to let me leave the hospital."

An Xiaojing's tone was a little grouchy.

But it was cold.

Does she care about herself?

"I also ordered Han Su to cooperate with the hospital and give you regular examination."

"No, my body. It's OK."

Although the wound is still a little dull pain, but let her face Han Su, it will make her feel uncomfortable.

But Leng did not approve.

Han Su was forced to treat her wound.

I always feel that my personal doctor is very reliable.

Moreover, this is definitely not a simple traffic accident. It must have been done on purpose.

Maybe it's lying around the hospital.

The other party must have regarded an Xiaojing as an eyesore. If they knew that she was not dead, how could they give up?

"Who else knows about my car accident?"

An Xiaojing asked suddenly.

These days, I have been lying on the bed. If the young master calls, she will not be able to get it.

"I blocked the news."

Since the accident was intentional, it was impossible for him to let people know that an Xiaojing had been rescued.

"Ring ring"

the phone rings suddenly.

An Xiaojing's heart trembled violently.

Even afraid, it's the young master.

But the two words flashing on the screen let her down.

"Happy fall."

"Xiaojing, what's the matter? You've been gone since you left that day! "

The voice on the phone was impatient and worried.

"I had an accident! "I'm happy to fall."

"What, you had an accident?"

Yu huanluo was shocked.

"Is it serious? How are you doing now? "

After a series of questions, she finally entered the theme.

"Which hospital are you in? I'll be there in a minute! "


An Xiaojing hesitated for a while and looked at Leng Yichen. He just said that he would block the news.

But the other party is Yu huanluo, she will be at ease.

"In Minhang."