"How about it? Let's join hands to crack down on Leng Yichen's imperial group. " Su muying's eyes are full of hatred. At the thought of what happened that night, the whole person was desperate for Leng Yichen.

"How can I believe you?" Nangong Han pretended to be very reluctant, but also turned his mouth, looking at Su muying, showing slight contempt.

"Some of the things Leng Yichen has done to me have made me frustrated with him. In the past, I was too simple to think that he would really help me and the Su family. Now, I can see clearly that he just likes to come to trick."

Su Mu Ying said the pain, the whole person is very bad, Nangong Han see the expression on her face, just nodded.

"Well, I promise you. For so many years, Leng Yichen's imperial group has been dominating the whole imperial capital. It's time to step down. "

Nangong Han's eyes are deep. When he looks out of the window, the corner of his mouth involuntarily hooks, as if success is ahead.

"Take me to meet your grandmother if you have the chance. After all, this matter is related to the future fate of your Su family and our Nangong family. I want to hear her old man's opinions. If you are just wishful thinking and don't get her old man's approval, this matter won't make much progress."

When it comes to the role of master fosu, he was very confident that day.

"Of course, grandma supports me. Leng Yichen went too far this time, and grandma was furious. The whole person stood on my side, and she asked me to come to you."

Su Mu said frankly.

"She asked you to come to me?"

There is a trace of excitement in Nangong Han's eyes. It turns out that everything is expected.


"Well, since grandma has decided to be with me, I must make some achievements to honor her. Don't worry. After that, all you need to do is cooperate and let me do this. "

Nangong Han is very confident to Su muying. Su muying nods.

An Xiaojing was in the design department. After she finished drawing her manuscript, she was OK. Just then, Yu Zhenhuan called.

"Brother Zhenhuan!" She pressed the answer button.

"Are you free now? I'm downstairs of your company! " Yu Zhenhuan's voice is full of magnetism in the telephone.

"Our company?" An Xiaojing was surprised and went to the window. At a glance, she saw Yu Zhenhuan's Mercedes Benz and the man leaning against the car.

"I'll be right down!"

With that, an Xiaojing said goodbye to her colleagues and went downstairs.

"Brother Zhenhuan, what's the matter?"

"The last show was very successful, so I'm not coming. Thank you?" Yu Zhenhuan's mouth is bright smile, looking at an Xiaojing's eyes, also contains some gentle.

"No, it's such a small thing." An Xiaojing said unkindly that she didn't want others to thank her for her help.

Moreover, Yu Zhenhuan helped herself so many times, she didn't thank him well.

"Then go and have a drink." Yu Zhenhuan stood at attention with a sincere attitude, and an Xiaojing was embarrassed to refuse. She nodded and got on the bus.

The car went away.

High level, Nangong Han overlooks all this, the corner of his mouth pulled out a very gloomy smile.

Nangong Han made an appointment with Leng Yichen in a bar in the imperial capital.

He came early, always suspected Leng Yichen would not come, but in the dim and crisscross light, when a figure slowly moved to him, all the women present cast their eyes in the past. Nangong Han knew Leng Yichen was coming.

"Your temperament is really suitable for bars. Look at how many women are fascinated by you!"

Nangong Han said with a smile. His tone was sour. He held a red wine glass in his hand and looked into Leng Yichen's eyes as if something was hidden.

"That's not necessarily. I'm coming to you. I can't point out that people are looking at you. What's more, I'm a married man. How can I match the charm of master Nangong?"

Cold also Chen's tone, a bit not to be outdone, his eyes slightly raised.

"Come on, what do you have to talk about here?"

"Here? Of course not. Look how noisy it is here. Let's go into the box and talk! " The light doesn't shine on Nangong Han's smile. Leng Yichen looks at the person in front of him and nods.

Waiting for the box designated by Nangong Han, Leng Yichen takes off his coat, looks at the 83 year old red wine in front of him and pours himself a glass.

"Lengshao, how is the company recently?"

"You asked me to come here just for business?" Leng Yichen sneered and drank the red wine.

"Oh? What do you think I'll tell you? "

Nangong Han's eyes are deep. In the dim light, looking at Leng Yichen's side face, the man's drinking appearance and casual attitude, his heart suddenly gets angry.

Leng Yichen never took him seriously?Never put him in the eye, so will have such a relaxed and no alert attitude to face themselves.

"I'm not you. Of course I don't know what you're going to do."

Leng Yichen simply opens his mouth, then turns his face. His eyes are cold to shangnangong. Their eyes blend together. There are many secrets hidden in the endless abyss.

"Look who I called." With that, Nangong Han's eyes suddenly bent up and clapped at Leng Yichen. Several women in exposed clothes approached the box.

"Leng Shao, these women are all high-class goods. You can choose them at will and have a good time tonight."

Nangong Han looks at those women. They are really fat and thin. They have what they want.

Women stand in rows, some wearing only bikini, some wearing very short skirts, some not even inside, pants are not wearing, the whole body is a panoramic view.

Leng Yichen only took a look, and the red wine he had just put into his mouth was spit out by himself.

The whole person has a feeling of nausea.

"What do you mean?"

He asked.

"Why, before we all came here to play, you won't get married, forget our rules of the game?"

Nangong Han tugs at the corner of his mouth and pulls a woman into his arms. Then he kisses her, and the action on her hand increases gradually.

The woman in his arms was charming and singing.

"If you like this kind of game, just play it by yourself, I won't accompany you!" Leng Yichen got up with a cold expression.

When Nangong Han heard this, he raised his head and looked at Leng Yichen: "no, Leng Shao, when did you become so unable to play? They're all here. Why don't you just play? "

With that, he gave the women around him a look.