Chapter 1780

Brown horse with two peerless strong deep into the endless sea.

These two are his friends. They are cockroach seven feet and cat nine lives who have reached the level of seven turns.

These two statues are the most famous experts in the field of ten thousand stars. Together, they can at least shake many stars.

After hearing the call of the brown horse, they arrived at the first time. Now they are going deep into the endless sea to find Xiang Shaoyun and Mingsha.

Their speed is not comparable to that of the ordinary God level strong. In a few flashes, they have passed many obstacles and gone deep into the endless sea.

Xiang Shaoyun and Mingji did not take the opportunity to leave. Instead, they waited for their arrival.

When the brown horse, cockroach seven feet and cat nine lives come, they see Xiang Shaoyun and Mingsha who have not left are smeared with a strong sense of killing.

"Sure enough, I dare to die!" The ghost kills to wipe to show bloodthirsty vision to say.

"There's a lot of poisonous gas here. You've taken away the source of poisonous mother I'm looking for?" The brown horse is extremely sensitive to the poisonous gas.

"You're right. I killed a female poisonous insect and got a female poisonous pearl. Do you want it?" Mingji takes out a poison bead and says.

The brown horse wiped a thick color of greed and said, "give the poison bead and the source of the poison mother, otherwise your end will be very miserable."

"Ha ha, don't you know we are waiting for you?" After Ming Ji laughs wildly, the strength of Ba Zhuan realm is released. At the same time, he catches the brown horse.

Seeing that Mingsha's claws fell on the brown horse, the cockroach seven feet kicked out a domineering foot shadow and directly blocked the front of Mingsha.

"Tut Tut, I'm good at it, but it's just right for me to eat!" Mingji stares at the cockroach and shouts.

Just when Mingji was about to attack the cockroach seven feet, the cockroach seven feet hummed coldly, "when did you escape from the captivity of the Ming royal family, you are not afraid of being captured by the invincible Ming emperor, do you know?"

"Ha ha, even if the invincible underworld comes again, he will not suppress me again!" Mingji laughs wildly, and his claws are aimed at seven feet of cockroach, brown horse and nine lives of cat at the same time.

He is ready to fight three with one. He has the ability and strength.

But Xiang Shaoyun said, "keep that cat for me!"

Mingji doesn't dare to disobey Xiang Shaoyun's words. At the same time, he feels Xiang Shaoyun's power now. Even he is afraid of it, so he throws the cat's nine lives in the direction of Xiang Shaoyun.


How to say, liejiuming is the existence of sizhuan realm. She is so despised that she is extremely angry. When she comes to Xiang Shaoyun, she grabs out her claws and tears the world with a series of terrible green awns, and then covers the past with Xiang Shaoyun.

Xiang Shaoyun didn't dodge, so Ning Quan made a direct blow.

a scene of bustling activity!

One dragon and one tiger are out at the same time, and the power of the invincible emperor is in the sky.

Where the strength of the fist went, the claws were smashed. Before the cat's nine lives could react, she had already been hit with a fist and her head burst open.

Xiang Shaoyun stepped forward, directly stepped on the cat nine life, instantly stepped on its powerful God body to burst, that terrible pressure has reached an indescribable realm.

"You... How can you be so powerful!" Cat nine life was scared out of his wits.

In front of her, the young man's fighting power was much higher than that of him. She had no room to resist.

Xiang Shaoyun didn't respond. He continued to step on the cat and changed the cat's nine lives to their original shape. He even stepped on her nine tails. Then he grabbed her neck and said coldly, "stay with me and be my cat slave in the future!"

Xiang Shaoyun's eyes blinked with a terrible air of death. He was so scared that the cat died that he quickly said, "OK... OK, I'll be your cat slave."

Xiang Shaoyun immediately let cat nine life to hand over half of the power of the soul, her small life in the hands again.

Cat nine life really can't resist, the opponent's strength is too strong.

Not long ago, when he faced the strong of jiuzhuan realm, he had to kill the enemy with all his cards. Now it's easy.

"Let the brown one out!" Xiang Shaoyun took cat nine life, to the fierce battle of Ming kill cheered.

Mingji did not hesitate to force his seriously injured brown horse out of his battlefield.

Brown horse thought that he could survive, but when Xiang Shaoyun stepped on his body, he immediately knew that his life was hanging again.

"I don't want the source of poison bead and poison mother. Let me go!" The brown horse cried without tears.

He really didn't expect that the other party was so powerful and abnormal. Even if he looked at the top of the universe, he had the heart to die.

Xiang Shaoyun didn't intend to let him go, just as he suppressed cat nine life, he abused him half to death, forced him to give up half of his soul and put his little life in his hands.

After Xiang Shaoyun took the brown horse, he finally stopped venting. He didn't ask Mingsha to throw the cockroach's seven feet. He just told Mingsha to catch it alive. Even if the power of a turn is sealed off, it's not like the seven feet of cockroach. Soon, the seven feet of cockroach will be beaten to death. Cockroach seven feet is more powerful than brown horse and cat nine lives. He really can't kill Xiaoqiang. After using a secret skill, he escaped from Mingsha. Mingji is so angry that it's too late for him to pursue him. Xiang Shaoyun sighed a pity. The more powerful the creatures are, the worse it is to win them. He can win the nine lives of the brown horse and the cat by thunder. If his fighting power does not completely surpass them, he may not be able to win them so easily“ I'm sorry, young master Mingji looks guilty. His strength is much stronger than that of cockroach seven feet, but he was escaped by the other side. It's a shame“ It's not a big deal. If the other party wants to escape, you can't help it! " Xiang Shaoyun responded indifferently, and then he said, "let's go." Xiang Shaoyun didn't go to the center of the ten thousand star region, which was not the place he could set foot on. After he entered the realm of reincarnation, he was able to fight on this stage. Xiang Shaoyun directly hit out the door of the underworld and entered the underworld stars with nine lives of Mingsha, brown horse and cat. After returning here, Xiang Shaoyun's real body reacts with the separation, opens the door of the underworld and leads the spirit back. Mingji, brown horse and cat's nine lives naturally come through the gate of Mingyin. They will be Xiang Shaoyun's indispensable main combat power.