Chapter 1760

Those around them who could not understand the situation thought that they had died of suicide by seeking defeat alone.

Only the Yin and Yang creatures who are close to the lonely loser know that the other party is just exploding the chaotic clock outside. There is no damage to the noumenon. On the contrary, it is exploding its tongue. The poisonous gas he sends out can no longer cause any threat. It is a killing.

The next moment, lonely defeat appeared on the top of the head of the Yin and Yang creatures, a move to the top of the situation, to the Xiang that yin and Yang creatures roared down.

The power of chaos is unstoppable, once hit, no matter who is only a dead end.

To seek defeat alone is to seize the weakness of yin and Yang and wipe them out at one stroke.

However, when his palm power was about to hit the top of the head of yin and Yang, an inexplicable force was generated on the top of the head of yin and Yang. One Yin and one Yin formed a round millstone, which directly blocked the palm power of lonely defeat.

Not only that, this millstone of yin and Yang has also evolved into an inexplicable hole, covering the past in the face of loneliness and failure.

This change came so fast that it was too late to be lonely and defeated, so it was swallowed up by the mouth of yin and Yang.

Now everyone was completely dumbfounded.

How can the fighting power be swallowed by the mouth of yin and Yang.

"Ha ha, do you really think that's a flaw? That's my most powerful talent position! " A male voice began to laugh.

"Ha ha, the chaotic battle body of the Terran is just like this. If you enter my Yin and Yang hole, you will die!" A female voice came back.

At the end of his words, a stream of chaos and profound meaning rushed into the night, directly tearing apart the healing hole of yin and Yang.

Lonely defeat hand has been holding a chaotic sword, to the panic of yin and Yang creatures cut down, directly the conjoined body into two.

This Yin and Yang creature is also terrible. After he was cut into a score, there was nothing wrong with him. Instead, he came to the lonely defeat with a black and white flag.

It's obvious that this yin-yang creature is also born with Yin-Yang fighting body. Although he doesn't understand the way of time, he also uses the way of Yin-Yang skillfully. He attacks from left to right, attacks from wave to wave, and cooperates with each other very well. He doesn't give any chance for lonely defeat.

He left Yang and right Yin, the power of light is dazzling, the power of darkness is corrosion amazing, and the voice that makes people feel uncomfortable.

Lonely defeat holding a chaos sword, sword meaning is God, each sword is crisp, chaos mystery shrouded in each sword, tearing the light and darkness, cutting the sky into pieces.

The power of yin and Yang separated from each other is always weaker. Even if he reaches the peak of Jiupin God level, he can't stand to be defeated alone. Instead, he is cut by the sword, and has to be combined again. His unique attack power of yin and Yang comes out.

Yin and Yang!

After the combination of yin and Yang, their double banners were cut out at the same time. Suddenly, a fault appeared in this space, half of which turned into light and half into darkness. This kind of difference is very rare.

Lonely defeat in this moment appeared illusion, the body was severely hit, chaos clock burst, hematemesis flying away.

It was definitely the first time he was injured in the battle.

It's also good that his defense is strong enough, so he hasn't been cut into two directly. If other top God level strongmen had already been killed.

People all around were shocked.

This is the first time that they have seen such a terrible attack move. The talent of extraterritorial creatures is really terrible.

Yin Yang creatures once again pursue the past, the wrong level of yin and Yang is incomparably weird, and once again cut the past in the face of loneliness.

He would not wait to die alone. Once again, he condensed into a chaotic lotus. He stood in the middle of the chaotic lotus. The released chaotic mystique separated the Yin and Yang mystique, and the chaotic sword in his hand chopped it out again and again.

Chaos produces all things!

Each sword seems to cut out a way of life. Countless creatures grow up here, forming a living chaotic world. These forces are squeezed into yin and Yang, and intertwined with the mystery of yin and Yang, forming an extremely fierce war situation.

Chaos war body and Yin Yang war body are rare constitutions in the world, and they are the top-level existence. Naturally, the comparison between them is very important.

They have been fighting for a day and a night. They both hurt each other. The divine body has been destroyed again and again, and the power consumed is even more amazing.

In the end, lonely defeat was better. When the Yin and Yang creatures were weak, he directly opened the lotus altar. The lotus altar contained one fifth of the power of chaos God lotus, which was comparable to the jiuzhuan soldiers. The power of chaos mystery contained in the lotus altar was extremely strong. After the Yin and Yang creatures were touched, they could not get rid of the power of the lotus altar, Only by exploding the divine body can we get rid of the fate of being killed.

The Yin and Yang creatures fled back, but it was hard to chase them when they were lonely and defeated. The chaotic divine power could regenerate continuously, but just now the divine body burst many times, so they needed to gather the divine blood again and recover to the peak. It took a while. Fortunately, we won the battle alone“ There is still hope for us as a human race. As long as we enter the nine turn stage of seeking defeat alone, we will be able to fight alone against all the foreign creatures like Gai Yi. "“ Yes, lonely defeat has become a chaotic battle body with unparalleled combat power. No one will be his opponent, even the extraterritorial creatures. "“ Unfortunately, it's not enough to rely on him alone. We have to become stronger. "“ Look, there is another powerful extraterritorial creature. The breath is terrible. It feels stronger than the Yin and Yang creatures just now. "..." On the side of extraterritorial creatures, the second young extraterritorial creature appeared. This is a dragon man. He has a powerful dragon head, but his body is a human body. He belongs to a high-level mixed race. With all the Dragon Qi, it seems that he is like a real dragon. It gives people too much pressure“ Long Ao, please give us your advice The Dragon man jumped forward, countless void split open, the perfect God level power hegemony to the limit, the terrible pressure also reached the extreme. Qin Jiu and Gongsun Sanyang all show great dignity. They can feel that the power of this dragon man has been compressed to the limit of divine level. They can easily enter the jiuzhuan level at any time. This is the most terrible opponent!