Chapter 1727

It's not easy to kill the extraterritorial creatures. Even if they are ambushed, it's not easy to kill them in a short time. What's more, they still have 80 gods.

This power is enough to sweep everything, no matter where it is.

Xiang Shaoyun, Ling ziruo and song Tiandao have a lot of God level strongmen. They didn't ask Da to join forces to kill them.

Xiang Shaoyun didn't fight in this war, but let the people around him fight. He must let them feel the cruelty of fighting with foreign creatures, let them ignite a strong sense of war, and let them adapt to this feeling of life and death, so that they can have a great harvest.

Under Xiang Shaoyun's allied forces, thousands of extraterritorial creatures were completely wiped out. They couldn't turn over too much trouble.

Xiang Shaoyun's allied forces didn't suffer much. Only a few saints fell. Compared with foreign creatures, this is nothing.

They take all the things from the exterminated creatures. There are many good things in them that can help them to a higher level.

As for some undecided extraterritorial spirits, they were all detained before Xiang Shaoyun, and they were destined to become puppets controlled by Xiang Shaoyun.

Thousands of extraterritorial creatures were captured, one-third of them were killed, that is to say, one-third of them became Xiang Shaoyun's puppets.

Ling ziruo and song Tiandao are even more shocked when they know that Xiang Shaoyun still has this puppet control skill. They all know very well that Xiang Shaoyun can have many puppets if it goes on like this. At that time, Xiang Shaoyun's strength will certainly surpass others, and even cause a great impact on the army of foreign creatures.

They all have to make an alliance with Xiang Shaoyun. If they don't have such a choice, it's not easy for them to kill these extraterritorial creatures.

After Xiang Shaoyun and others finished the vote, they lurked around again. He sent some controlled puppets back to the foreign army to send more people to slow down, and then they could do another vote.

Xiang Shaoyun also gained a lot from the puppets of the extraterritorial creatures. He gave some holy things to his own people, so that they could improve their strength as soon as possible. He can't afford to delay.

"Xiang Shao, are you not afraid that foreign creatures will send more and more powerful people?" Ling ziruo approaches Xiang Shaoyun and asks.

Ling ziruo is the most beautiful woman in the world. She has a little bit of virginity on her body, which makes Xiang Shaoyun feel a little bit worried. He converges and says, "we're here to fight outside the territory. What's more, let's die outside the territory!"

At this moment, Xiang Shaoyun was really open-minded, especially when he saw the general trend of his master taking the pure land of China as the image of the stars, which deeply touched his mood and made him understand the significance of this foreign war.

He said that he wanted to win the position of young president, but now he wanted to wipe out all the extraterritorial spirits. In the end, it didn't seem that it was so important whether he was young president or not.

He just wants to make some contribution to the pure land of China!

Ling ziruo seems to feel the change of Xiang Shaoyun's heart. She looks at his resolute and extraordinary face from the side. She can't help why her heart beats faster.

When she wanted to get closer to Xiang Shaoyun, Moji's voice rang and said, "overlord, I have a little understanding of the way of time. Can you give me some advice?"

Magic Ji issued this whiny voice, no matter which man listen to the bone will be crisp.

If Ling ziruo felt the sight of magic Ji, he walked away with great interest.

Ling ziruo's strength is far higher than that of Moji, but she knows that Moji is a natural Yin Yang combatant. She is not weaker than her in the future, and she doesn't want to have a conflict with Moji. It's not wise. Anyway, the future is long.

Xiang Shaoyun can understand the careful thinking of magic Ji. He once made a woman in his arms and said, "can't you not be bad?"

"They don't have it. I'm serious!" Magic Ji nestles in Xiang Shaoyun's arms and says contentedly.

"Well, let's study the way of time to help you to a higher level!" Xiang Shaoyun said.

"I don't want to. I want to stay with you for a while!" The evil Ji SA Jiao way.

Xiang Shaoyun didn't say much, so he quietly depended on Moji and enjoyed the rare quiet time. He already felt that there would be less and less warmth in the future.


On the other side of the battlefield, the alien spirit and the Terran are still fighting each other.

Extraterritorial creatures are extremely gifted, and their attack methods are poor, which makes it very difficult for the Terran to deal with. Fortunately, the gods and goddesses are generous and give the saints some magic weapons to help them fight further. So today's fight is a little better.

Among today's three battles, five people won in the first, with a winning rate of half, which is considered a draw; In the Second World War, four people won, which was inferior to the first strategy; In the third war, only three people won.

Because the extraterritorial creatures are not fools, they know that the Terran has given some cards to the players, so they also sent more powerful creatures in the next two battles, which once again strongly suppressed the Terran.

"You Terrans are just like this. Your strength is really different. You just know that you depend on foreign things!" Said the extraterritorial creatures very provocatively“ Yes, you must surrender quickly. Maybe we can give you a way to live, or our army will kill you and you will all die! " There is also a spiritual way outside the domain. The faces of the Terrans were very ugly, but they couldn't refute it. They were thinking about whether to wave the whole army immediately and fight directly with the extraterritorial spirits. However, losing many battles in a row is a time of great weakness. It is not good for them to fight directly“ It seems that we have to change the rules. I'll fight directly. I'll give you some momentum! " Qin Jiu murmured to himself. At this time, the old man around him quickly stopped and said, "young master, don't take the lead. It's not that far."“ If I don't fight, let Gongsun fight first, I'll steal the limelight! " Qin Jiudao. Just when he was determined to go out and fight against the extraterritorial creatures, suddenly the extraterritorial creatures flew back from one direction and cried out, "big... Big... No... no, our team was defeated by that Terran!" This extraterritorial creature screamed too loud. Not only the extraterritorial creatures heard it, but also the Terrans heard it. This completely stunned both sides“ You can tell me more quickly Mao Gangqiang catches the back of the outside world and shouts angrily“ We went to pursue that single man and horse, but they killed him in turn! " That domain outside living spirit quickly responds a way.