Chapter 1391

Torrent of fire, like a torrent hanging upside down, the pressure is simply terrible to the extreme.

Xiang Shaoyun felt the firepower and felt that the Xuanyin magnetic force had been restrained a lot, but he still firmly believed that the chaotic force of the Xuanyin magnetic field could strangle the terrible torrent.

When the two forces of yin and Yang collide with each other, it makes the world lose its color, and the space collapses layer upon layer. The two forces of yin and Yang splash around, just like the gorgeous fireworks, which is very attractive. But under these beautiful forces, there is extremely terrible danger.

Xiang Shaoyun's Xuanyin magnetic field still gained the upper hand and twisted many torrents into pieces one by one. However, the power of the magnetic field was also consumed, which made the sages around scorching.

As long as Xiang Shaoyun's Xuanyin magnetic field is destroyed, won't it be easy for them to kill him?

Xiang Shaoyun didn't mourn because of the decrease of his strength. Instead, he had a faint smile on his face. He really didn't know what was in his mind.

Xiang Shaoyun rushed to Lu Wang in the past. The reduced Xuanyin magnetic field still has incomparable power, which no one dare to underestimate.

Lu Wang had just urged Xiang Shaoyun. He thought he could kill Xiang Shaoyun, but the other party killed him. He had to urge the cupola again to revive the design of the furnace body. If there are fire clouds and stars swaying, the power of Zhiyang is much stronger than just now. He was scared. He showed a ferocious look and said, "fire clouds, get rid of the devil for me!"

In an instant, the fire clouds were surging, and the fire was burning in the sky. Xiang Shaoyun's cage was covered. He wanted to completely destroy the Xuanyin magnetic field, and burned Xiang Shaoyun directly.

Xiang Shaoyun met him directly with the Xuanyin magnetic force, forming a Xuanyin magnetic field above him and colliding with the fire clouds and stars.

Bursts of explosive force ring up, yin and Yang forces in the crisscross, making the space tremble up, as if the day may fall at any time.

Lu Wang all over the firepower urged to the extreme, he is to do his best to Xiang Shaoyun power to pressure down.

Xiang Shaoyun completely used all the Xuanyin magnetic force. Under the strong burning of the other side, the Xuanyin magnetic force finally changed a little bit. He saw that it actually condensed into an irregular gray bead, and many Xuanyin magnetic forces also gathered into this bead.

No one saw the change of the scene, because it was covered by the fire all around.

Xiang Shaoyun is in the middle of the fire. He doesn't know when he is covered with a human skin. It's the human skin that separates all the firepower.

He watched the formation of the grey bead with his own eyes. He showed his favorite color and said, "it's really a Xuanyin bead!"

Previously, Xiang Shaoyun was in the middle of the Xuanyin magnetic hole. When he was understanding the Xuanyin magnetic field, he felt that the Xuanyin magnetic force was changing qualitatively. Otherwise, it would not suddenly break out in this world. This change is that the Xuanyin magnetic force should be turned into essence and condensed into a different pearl.

It takes countless years of accumulation and heaviness to form any pearl between heaven and earth.

The Xuanyin bead could not have been formed in such a short time, but Xiang Shaoyun, after controlling the Xuanyin magnetic force, used these forces to polish with the saints, and constantly infused his own willpower, mastered the Xuanyin magnetic field, and finally burned the dross with the help of the firepower of the cupola, making it concentrate all the essence together to form a gray bead, However, this is only a rudiment. It will take some time to polish it to form a perfect Xuanyin bead.

After the formation of Xuanyin pearl, Xiang Shaoyun directly put it into the Xinghai universe.

Once the Xuanyin bead is completely solidified, its value will be absolutely comparable to any divine object.

Of course, his ultimate goal is to refine it and become a part of his power, but all this will wait until his stars recover.

He firmly believes that he can revive his star power again, and make the nine star power completely one, forming a real Taichu power.

In addition, he also hopes to find another pearl to Yang, and form yin-yang power with this Xuanyin pearl, so as to help his way of time to a higher level. Maybe then he can directly grasp the power of time and completely reverse yin-yang.

Who could have thought Xiang Shaoyun would think so far? Now he is still in danger.

After the sages around felt Xiang Shaoyun's mysterious Yin magnetic force disappeared, they all thought that Lu Wang's firepower had completely restrained Xiang Shaoyun, and they came close to him one after another. They worked together to block the space, not to give Xiang Shaoyun the chance to escape, but to take him down at one stroke.

Beiming Tianpeng on the lotus chariot has been watching the war. He always thinks that the devil has lost faster. It seems that the opponent's Ming Royal talent has not been released yet.

When Beiming Tianpeng thought of this, his face changed greatly, and he immediately exclaimed, "no, you go back!"

Unfortunately, his voice was still a little late. Xiang Shaoyun's space of the underworld was shrouded. In an instant, all the 20 saints were shrouded in it, and Xiang Shaoyun was allowed to eat.

Xiang Shaoyun and others originally had such an opportunity. His Hades space could occupy a very wide space, but the saints' reaction was too sharp. If the other party was too far away, he could not take them in. So after he took up the Xuanyin pearl, he did not fight back against Lu Wang for the first time, but waited until the saints came near, They were shrouded in it. All of a sudden, the saints were panicked. They found that their fighting power had been suppressed by tens of percent. They clearly entered Xiang Shaoyun's Hades space“ Let's break the space together, or we will all die here! " A saint saw the opportunity quickly and exclaimed. However, when his voice fell, there was a prison chain entangled with him, making him defenseless, and Shengsheng bound him. At the same time, other saints were also blocked by prison chains. They tried their best to cut these prison chains, but they found that the hardness of these prison chains was beyond their expectation, and they could not be destroyed at all. There are several weaker saints under the shackles of the prison chain. They were strangled and the holy body was destroyed. The holy spirit flew out and was swallowed up by a powerful force. Ghost Qi came out from a corner. It flashed its thin wings, which made the saints hallucinate immediately and gave up the struggle“ Let's all die Xiang Shaoyun's bloodthirsty eyes beat and his mouth spat out a strong voice of killing and cutting. He sentenced these saints to death.