Chapter 1337

Since this period of time, silver has been low-key and low-key again. He hid in Xiang Shaoyun's Xinghai universe to absorb the original thunder power and thoroughly refine the power of that day horn.

But he has been pressing not to break through, Xiang Shaoyun asked why he did not break through.

Silver is very proud to respond, "I want to break through several levels of super tianjiaolong snake, one or two levels I don't want to break through."

In fact, silver is different from other monsters. If they accumulate enough strength, they will break through naturally. However, silver can suppress these forces again and again until he wants to break through.

Now Xiang Shaoyun is too lazy to move. He wants to see how much silver can break through.

The silver was no longer engraved, and all the forces were released, leading to wave after wave of terrible sky thunder. These sky thunder include silver ray thunder and sinking star thunder, which are really frightening.

Several people around Xiang Shaoyun were shocked. They didn't expect that the low-key silver burst out so terrible power at this moment.

"Xiao Zu, are you going to break through this mount?" Xiang Fei asked.

"That's right!" Xiang Shaoyun said.

"But it seems a little scary, isn't it?" Xiang Feidian asked again.

"It's not enough. It'll be more frightening later." Xiang Shaoyun is a little proud.

Now, silver is the realm of the third grade demon emperor. In recent years, it can be said that there has been no progress. Today, it breaks out. Can it at least break through to the realm of the fifth grade demon emperor?

The thunder force is the most powerful among the nine forces. Silver rushes into the wolves, and the ice wolves flee everywhere.

Of course, there are powerful ice wolves who are not afraid of these thunderbolts and want to break in and tear up the silver, but the silver can still fight in the lightning. Its Tianjiao plays an inexplicable power, which makes the attack power soar several times and shoots directly at the powerful ice wolf. The ice wolf's defense is as vulnerable as paper, That's how the top ice wolf was hung up.

Silver is like a dragon. It swims among these ice wolves and kills everywhere with thunder.

The ice wolf was blown into sand by it just now. It's hard to be as powerful as it was just now.

After all, anyone who wants to be touched by it may be punished by thunder, which is also the reason why those top ice wolves dare not sell silver.

A clever ice wolf directly bypasses the silver and kills Xiang Shaoyun.

"I haven't done it for days. Let me warm up!" Xiang Feidian is a militant. After he was shocked, he turned into a flash of lightning and rushed into the ice wolf to fight.

Xiang Chenxi is not idle, he rode a purple horse, carrying weapons also killed out.

Xiang Keren didn't move and stayed quietly by Xiang Shaoyun.

Xiang Shaoyun can feel that Xiang Keren is the most stable person, and his strength is also above Xiang Feidian. He is only afraid that after the end of this journey of refining holy space, he is the one who is most likely to directly break through to the realm of war.

As for Xiang Feidian, there is still room for polishing. Xiang Chenxi is still young and needs the same accumulation of time as him.

Silver soon broke through to the realm of Sipin demon emperor, but its breakthrough is still not over. It seems that it has just begun, and a new round of more terrible thunder punishment has come.

"Is it going to break two grades in a row?" Xiang Keren was moved.

"This guy is playing pig and eating tiger!" Xiang Shaoyun said with a smile.

Silver not only broke through two grades, but also directly broke through to the realm of seven grade demon emperor like a roller coaster. With four rounds of terrible thunder punishment, it killed two-thirds of the ice wolves here. The rest of the ice wolves were either killed by Xiang Feidian and Xiang Chenxi, or escaped.

The breakthrough silver is too terrible. How can it break through four grades at a time? This is the law of demon breakthrough.

Xiang Keren, Xiang Feidian and Xiang Chenxi were completely shocked by the earthquake.

They didn't expect that Xiang Shaoyun's mounts were so abnormal that they broke through the fourth grade all at once. Is there any reason for this?

Xiang Shaoyun naturally didn't explain to them that silver has been suppressed for many years, and consumed it. However, the Tianjiao of their own clan and the original thunder power he owns have accumulated a lot, so it's natural for them to reach the present level.

If Xiang Shaoyun only cultivates the power of thunder, he can also improve more quickly. But he cultivates nine different kinds of power, and he can't think about it any faster.

One day, after he has thoroughly integrated the nine mysteries, he will be able to further improve his strength.

Now, he has understood the power of nine kinds of mysteries, which is incomparable to others. If he wants to embark on the road of integrating the nine mysteries, he is afraid that it is a road full of incomparable hardships.

Fortunately, his confidence was blessed and he was full of more hope for the future.

In the distance, someone saw the battle of Xiang Shaoyun and his party, and this person is not others, it is Xiang Shaoyun's opponent, Emperor Mie and Emperor Lin.

Emperor Lin is still wearing a mask, and his cold eyes are full of terrible breath. His strength has been greatly improved to the peak level of eight grade soul stage, and the speed of improvement is terrible.

This is the change that took place when he integrated the soul of situ Mingyu's son, which made his soul stronger and his cultivation speed faster. He also got a lot of resources support from situ Mingyu, so it's hard to improve. Originally, Emperor Lin and Emperor Mie did not have much intersection, but because they all came from the same family and had common enemies, they finally combined. Emperor Lin wanted to take advantage of the power of emperor's destruction, so he was willing to be the follower behind emperor's destruction. In the future, after he surpassed emperor's destruction, he was not willing to be subordinate to others. This is not the first time he has done it“ Xiang Shaoyun didn't get killed. Rat killing is really a waste! " Emperor exterminates discontentedly to cold hum a way“ It's not the first time that this kind of thing has happened. Unless he is killed by thunder, otherwise he is just like Xiaoqiang. He lives tenaciously! " Said DILIN“ When it comes to the holy space, I will personally send him on the road Emperor exterminates to wipe to show the color of the Yin ruthless to say“ Emperor, you don't have to. It's not hard to make him a lost dog! " Emperor Lin said quietly“ What's your plan? " Asked the emperor“ Force out the blood on him to prove that there will be many people attacking him, won't there? " Emperor Lin outlined a cruel smile“ It doesn't seem to be a good strategy. He is the leader of demon hunting. "Di Mie doesn't like this strategy“ Don't worry, Emperor. I've got enough evidence to nail him to be a demon. Just sit down and watch a good play! " Emperor Lin said confidently.