Chapter 1212

A month later.

Xiang Shaoyun's team finally arrived at the entrance of the second floor.

There is not only one entrance between the seven levels of the magic abyss, but the distance between each level is completely different.

Xiang Shaoyun's chosen direction is relatively far away from the entrance of the second floor. Moreover, their journey was not fast at the beginning, and they only accelerated in the later stage, so it took them a month to get to the entrance of the second floor.

They have killed many demons all the way, and each of them has gained a lot of meritorious service and training. However, the strength of this level of demons is still weak after all. Even if there is a demon emperor, the level is not very high, which is not enough for them to drive out, and it can not reach the very powerful oppressive training.

Therefore, they are eager to enter the second layer to kill, in order to achieve the effect they want.

When entering the second level, Xiang Shaoyun and the people around him said, "in the past, there was no magic emperor in the first level. Now, magic yuan has really found that it has changed. After reaching the second level, the magic emperor level will appear one after another, and even more powerful ones may appear. Therefore, we must be careful. We must never underestimate the ability of any demon clan."

Xiang Shaoyun must remind them. He is afraid that they think that the demon clan is just this power. In fact, it is not.

Most people have heard Xiang Shaoyun's words. They think Xiang Shaoyun will never be alarmist, but some people really don't think so.

When they entered the second floor, Xiang Shaoyun obviously felt that many powerful demons gathered here. He immediately exclaimed, "everyone is ready to fight. Many terrible demons are here."

His words just fall down, many evil spirit attacks from all directions toward them bombarded wildly.

These terrible powers are absolutely at the level of devil emperor, even at the level of devil emperor.

This shows that the demons deliberately ambushed at the entrance, intending to give the most violent attack to the invading Terran.

This is something Xiang Shaoyun can't expect. After all, the entrance of the two layers is separated by power. Even if he has a holy spirit, he can't sense the situation of the next layer.

The overlord's men were all in the most powerful defensive state, and worked together to stop these forces.

Only a few did not suffer with caution.

Boom boom!

The overwhelming magic exploded, shaking the entrance.

The overlord's people joined forces to form a defense and began to break through the encirclement. They could not give these demon troops the chance to encircle and kill.

The army of demons here is not as simple as a single race. There are more than ten different demons united together, including the demon ape man, the demon faced lion, the demon inflamed rat, the evil Jiaos, and the demon savage

Some of them have very powerful attack power, some are very fast, and some are tyrannical. The abilities of each race are completely different, but when they are combined, the threat is extremely terrible.

After Xiang Shaoyun's divine thought swept, he immediately chose the direction of the devil burning rat to break through, "everyone, follow me to kill out!"

Xiang Shaoyun didn't stay any longer, and the power of the two stars began to burst out.

Wind and thunder!

Thunder and lightning!

At such a time of crisis, if he keeps it, it is to seek death, and it is also easy to cause heavy damage to the people around him.

How amazing the power of his different double star power burst out, the demons in his chosen direction all encountered the most brutal killing.

Xiang Shaoyun burst out of the top level of the soul stage realm strength. Without the top level of the devil emperor here, who can stop his killing.

In the storm, lightning, fire meteorite and other forces under the road, a head of the demon was born to tear, a way of life was directly opened by Xiang Shaoyun.

The overlord's men opened fire at the same time, breaking out their arrogant fighting power and helping Xiang Shaoyun break through.

Many forces are constantly bombarding each other, which makes all kinds of forces in the surrounding area more than shocked.

There are a lot of demons, but they are mainly demons. Seven or eight of them are demons. If you want to stop Xiang Shaoyun completely, you have to rely on those demons.

The magic emperors felt Xiang Shaoyun's powerful fighting power and immediately surrounded him to intercept Xiang Shaoyun, not giving him the chance to take the lead.

A demon ape man was carrying a dark iron bar in his hand, waving the most domineering magic to Xiang Shaoyun's direction.

The iron bar tears the four sides, and the power of hegemony rushes straight into Xiang Shaoyun's three different stars.

In addition, the devil faced lion roared, and the terrible sound wave rushed in Xiang Shaoyun's direction.

The evil Jiao clan is constantly twitching the tail of the Jiao, a powerful whip with rolling magic against Xiang Shaoyun.

The other demons did their best to kill Xiang Shaoyun without any reservation.

Xiang Shaoyun completely ignored their encirclement and continued to urge powerful forces to block all these attacks. Xiang Shaoyun first tore off the iron power of the demon ape man with the powerful storm power, and then blasted the sound wave of the demon faced lion with the roar of thunder and lightning all over the sky. As for the whip power of the evil Jiao clan, Xiang Shaoyun's fire meteorite power burned it to pieces. The power of the other devil emperors were all vulnerable, completely smashed in the storm released by Xiang Shaoyun. These magic emperors did not exist at the top level, and the most powerful were only two or three in the later stage of the magic emperor, which was not so big a threat to Xiang Shaoyun. The most important thing is that Xiang Shaoyun has a very strong immunity to magic. They can't even touch Xiang Shaoyun's body when they attack with all their strength, so Xiang Shaoyun makes them retreat. If Xiang Shaoyun didn't want to escort others to break through, he would like to stop and kill them all. He came here for the sake of hunting demons, not for fun. Xiang Shaoyun tore a path of blood, other people's pressure greatly reduced, and finally can adjust the state to fight“ Overlord, we don't have to run away. Kill them all Han Chenfei suddenly screams to Xiang Shaoyun. After hearing this, the others all said in unison, "to the overlord, we are here to temper them. They are our best grindstones. Kill them all and increase our meritorious service!" Xiang Shaoyun saw that they were talking like this, and immediately said excitedly, "OK, kill them all before you leave. You can do it for yourself!" With their words, Xiang Shaoyun can finally let go and kill.