Chapter 1098

After Xiang Shaoyun made clear the situation here, his eyes became hot.

This is a time and space hiding place, hiding a great opportunity. Some people can become saints here, have a new pulp washing rebirth here, and those who can go out alive here will make great achievements in the future.

But the people who can survive here will never exceed one tenth of the chance, which can be said to be a near death situation.

However, looking at the beautiful environment here, there is no intention of extermination at all. We really can't see where the danger exists here.

"May I go now?" The shadow tattoo man asked weakly.

"Yes, but if you want to follow me, I need a bodyguard." Xiang Shaoyun said with a smile.

Shadow tattoo man's face suddenly collapsed. Xiang Shaoyun made it clear that he wanted to catch him as a slave.

Shadow tattoo people have no room for opposition. Xiang Shaoyun's power is too strong. It can be said that he is the top one here. No one dares to provoke him.

The reason why Xiang Shaoyun has such a strong power is naturally because of extreme activation.

His body has been thoroughly beaten, many flesh, meridians, viscera and bones have been reborn, and become more and more perfect. The power contained is extremely strong. It can be called a man's Dragon. In terms of pure power, no one can match him, unless it is a top-level monster.

This is also the reason why Xiang Shaoyun can easily win the shadow tattoo man and the Tauren man.

In this environment, his advantage is not only not suppressed, but more prominent.

In this way, Xiang Shaoyun and Yingwen people go to the depth of this hiding place to see what's different here.

There's a lot of space here. It's no different from the outside world. The only difference is that the environment here is much more quiet and beautiful than the outside world.

I saw a little demon playing here, it seems that there is not much resistance and fear for the people who appear.

If some women come here, they will be completely intoxicated by the environment here. It's very suitable for them to practice in seclusion.

However, the more such an environment, the more people feel that something is wrong.

Xiang Shaoyun is not in a hurry. He rushes forward immediately. He constantly senses the situation here and makes clear all the surroundings within a radius of ten thousand li.

Xiang Shaoyun finally found a strange place. There is a floating house not far away.

Xiang Shaoyun then took the shadow tattoo man and quickly swept toward the house.

When they arrived, several people had already arrived here one step ahead of time.

This is a very old and shabby house. It's made of old stone. You can see what's in the house at a glance.

There is a stone bed in it. There is a white bone plate sitting on the stone bed. There is nothing else.

Someone is going to rise up in the sky and want to go to the house to see the origin of this white bone, or whether there is any secret hidden.

However, this man has lost the power of the stars. He can't fly at all. He can't jump over 100 meters with his simple jumping power.

Fortunately, this man had been prepared for a long time. He flew a chain out of his hand and drew it to the house. Then he rushed up with the help of his own strength.

It must not be said that this person's movement is quite sharp, quickly fell into the house.

It's just that something strange happened here, and a strong rebound burst out of the house, which directly bounced the man away.

The man fell on the ground and vomited his blood. His chest was concave and badly hurt.

A few people on the scene were startled. They didn't expect that there was such a power of prohibition in the stone house.

"You mortals have come to disturb the master's deep sleep again. Damn it!" In the middle of the stone house, the white bone frame actually spoke.

This can frighten people a big jump again, white bone frame but have no any flesh and blood, still how can speak?

However, in fact, it was the white skeleton who spoke. It had already flown out of the house.

Holding a bone stick in its hand, it jumped down directly in the air. The pair of empty eyes with a frightening light made people dare not look directly at it.

Everyone stepped back for fear that the white skeleton would be in trouble.

Some of them exclaimed, "are you a bone clan?"

Bone race, this is a very strange race, they are from the skeleton which has been buried for many years without corrosion.

Many bones in the world do not necessarily belong to the bone clan. Instead, they are collected by the first generation of bone clan after its birth, and then given the chance to survive.

They are just a skeleton after being reborn. They have lost any memory of their life. Like other races, they will grow up slowly, and then form their own unique will and become a kind of alternative strong man.

Why can this man distinguish it from the bone family? It's the skeleton in front of him that really has the unique mark "bone pattern".

"It's good to know, go back to the way, this is the territory of the bone clan, you mortals can quit without killing, or you will all die," the white bone replied. At this time, someone pointed to not far away and exclaimed, "it seems that there are several strains of osteophytes over there, as well as other imperial medicines." People looked over there, and sure enough, they saw several extremely fragrant herbs growing in front of a slope, which made people dizzy“ You greedy guys, I'll warn you again, get out of here, or you'll die! " The white bone sends out the fury of GA GA to shout a way. It's a pity that the people here are already confused by the nature of greed. They don't pay any attention to Bai Gu's words and rush to those imperial medicines“ You want to die! " White bone thoroughly angry, it is carrying a bone stick to those people then rushed to kill in the past. This white bone is not suppressed by the power here. It can fly up and use the power of their bone family. A silver white match fell in the past. Those people lost their strength, but their reaction was not weak. They quickly avoided each other. However, there are still people who can't avoid it. They are attacked by this horse, and they are blasted far away. If you don't wear armor, you will be killed directly. The others drew out their soldiers one after another and killed the white bone. The strength of the soldiers was not suppressed, and they were able to cut out sharp attacks, but they could not bear the quick reaction of the bones“ Everyone will die! " White bone yells, the bone stick in hand sends out dazzling silver light, as if calling something. Xiang Shaoyun didn't make a move. The shadow tattoo man was watching all this. Soon he found something surging under the ground. Soon he saw a powerful dragon skeleton rushing out and biting at those people.