For two months, Xiang Shaoyun was addicted to the practice of extreme activation. He could hear Xiang Shaoyun's scream every three or four days or so. Later, he could hear Xiang Shaoyun's scream once every two days. Up to now, he can hear his scream almost every day, and the scream lasts longer and longer. Up to now, there is no more scream.

At this time, Xiang Shaoyun was naked, and his skin was as clear as jade. His skin was smoother than that of a woman's, which made people obsessed.

Now, some people see his words, even if they call him Shenzi, no one will object. It's hard for them to believe that there will be such a perfect man in this world, who is too evil.

Xiang Shaoyun's new physique was activated after his inhuman torment. He felt better than before. He seemed to be able to grasp any kind of power at hand. The speed of absorption would be faster, the power of operation would be faster, and everything would be more perfect.

His strength from the breakthrough of eight grades to the middle stage of the Dragon realm, actually one step to reach the late stage, this is just a matter of two months, and he did not use any herbs, spring liquid, only relying on the benefits of practicing extreme activation.

In addition, his soul power is close to the realm of Qipin soul platform. He can easily take that step at any time. The coverage of his Hades space becomes wider, and his body is more powerful than ever. Ordinary attacks can be ignored for him.

Xiang Shaoyun stopped practicing extreme activation. It's not that he has successfully practiced extreme activation. On the contrary, he just started.

Extreme activation is divided into seven stages, the first stage is cutting hair and washing marrow, the second stage is refining skin into steel, the third stage is meridian like river, the fourth stage is viscera like Yang, the fifth stage is skeleton like soldier, the sixth stage is blood like sea, and the seventh stage is stars shining.

These seven stages are all aimed at different positions, and Xiang Shaoyun has just completed the first stage. When he activates all seven stages, he will achieve a truly perfect battle body.

It's a pity that Xiang Shaoyun only has the pithy formula of the first four stages of extreme activation, but the pithy formula of the last three stages is not. It depends on whether he can get the last pithy formula of extreme activation in the future.

Xiang Shaoyun did not worry about the second stage after he finished the first stage of cultivation. After all, the time he was fighting for was half a year. Now half of the time has passed. Although he was not in a hurry to grab other people's things, he should also enrich his combat skills and prepare for the final sprint.

After cutting hair and washing marrow, Xiang Shaoyun's practice of Liuji sword finger is much easier.

After all, he has been able to bear the sting of those flowing gold spikes. He can't feel the pain. Maybe he is numb, or he has blended with this kind of power. So an inch of gold awn appears on his close fingers. This wisp of gold awn is not very long, but it is as sharp and unstoppable as a short dagger.

With this inch of gold, he rowed on a rock, and the rock was split in two in an instant. It was easy.

"Liuji sword finger is really powerful. If I can form a real long sword, I can use it as a weapon to kill all sides!" Xiang Shaoyun is extremely satisfied to pay the way secretly.

Then, he began to cultivate Liuji sword finger. At the same time, he let his soul separate to cultivate a combat skill called "Sun Archery".

The archery bow was obtained by Tianjiao of Jiugong college, who he killed after entering the secret space. Tianjiao is also known as the king of arrows. The combat skill he practiced is also called "Archery". This is an archery skill that uses the power of fire to shoot. When his cultivation is successful, he can shoot at the sun with one arrow. This is a top imperial skill.

Xiang Shaoyun's real body and separate body practice at the same time. About half a month later, his Liuji sword finger has a small success, and his law of shooting the sun arrow is to reach the goal.

It can be said that his dual use method has the advantage that others can't believe, which makes him spend the same time to practice two different combat skills.

Xiang Shaoyun finished this practice, and he felt that it was better than ever. He was confident that even if he faced the matchless war and the devil's concubine again, he would not need to use too much initial Qi to compete with them, and even it was not a problem.

At this time, he put away the broken holy armor and only wore a simple green dress, which made him stand as proud as a pine, naturally giving people a feeling of looking up.

He sat on the silver with his shark knife on his back, put away the ghost lines, and went to other places.

As for Ai Mo, he's an ORC. Although he's his follower, he's different from silver. He can't come out to help him. He can only continue to practice in the sea of stars.

After all, it's a battle of pride. You can have mounts and puppets, but you can't even bring in servants or followers. That's against the rules.

This is also why Xiang Shaoyun didn't summon AI out all the way.

Xiang Shaoyun didn't rush to the huge city. The huge city should be the place where Zang Yuan said "adults" are located. It's a place where a top expert is afraid of. If he runs there, he will only seek his own death.

But most of them went to the city. They felt that there would be a chance for them to ascend to the sky. However, after they came to the great hall, they found that there were countless bones, which were controlled by those evil spirits. They launched a strong attack on them, making it difficult for them to enter. At the same time, there are people who break in, but they can't come out again, which makes people feel ashamed to realize that there may be something terrible in it. But a lot of Tianjiao or flying geese put out the fire in general, someone rushed in one after another, including Ouyang legend, Han Chenfei and others. After passing through the evil spirits, they came to the gate of the city and found a bloody human skin on the gate, as if it would never dry up. No matter who saw this scene, they would feel scared. However, Ouyang legend and Han Chenfei still decisively break into the giant city. When they go in, they suddenly find that their companions are missing, like they are separated to different places, and like they fall into an illusion, which makes them completely lost. At the same time, some inexplicable shadows appeared, like the ox heads and horses from hell, to take them all to hell.