"Gomota, you are fully responsible for this!" Yu Rongxin growls at gomota.

At this time, they have escaped the attack of the overlord legion, pause to adjust the rest.

Yu Rongxin has been on the road for so many years, but he has never suffered such a big loss. This time, it's not because of his many years of experience. I'm afraid that he will fall into the trap.

Gomota knelt down and begged, "deputy commander, spare your life! I, I really don't know how they saw through our actions! ".

Yu Rongxin throws gomota away with one foot, and then takes gomota's head with his weapon.

On one side, someone stopped saying, "deputy commander, gomota is certainly wrong, but killing him now will only affect the emotions of the brothers more.".

"Well, did you just let him go? How can you be worthy of your dead brother Yu Rongxin snorted discontentedly.

"Then let him commit crimes," the man replied.

Gomota quickly said, "deputy commander, please give me a chance to perform meritorious service. Please!".

Yu Rongxin frowned and said, "OK, I'll give you another chance to find a way to trap them in the desert, so that they can't find a way out. Then we can use some means to induce some monsters to attack them. When they are tired and full of wounded soldiers, we can take them down at one stroke!".

"It's the deputy commander. I'll do it now!" Gomota answered quickly.

After that, gomert left with a few people to find a way to trap the overlord in the desert.

When they left, Yu Rongxin looked down at the ground and photographed his mount. He said, "there are no pursuers in the sky, not necessarily under the ground. Please find out if there are pursuers for me.".

After his mount responds, he rushes under the ground to see if there is a pursuer.

Sure enough, the armor piercing beast was found by the wolf and had to retreat at full speed.

Under the ground, the armor piercing beast has a great advantage. It has to go, and the desert wolf can't keep it.

"Sure enough, there are ghosts. We'll withdraw again!" Yu Rongxin hummed coldly.

At this time, the people of the overlord army came after Yu Rongxin and others.

They don't catch up fast, so they have to wait for the news from the armor piercing beast before making further plans.

Mo about an hour later, Chuanshan beast returned, but only brought back a bad news.

"Overlord, you really guessed right. The mountain crossing beast was found!" Animal evil said dejectedly.

"It's all expected. Don't worry about it!" Xiang Shaoyun responded with a clear mind. Then he said to Tianjiao, "who can find out the whereabouts of those bandits? If anyone has this ability, I will be rewarded for my first skill when I go back! ".

Xiang Shaoyun has reason to believe that those present must be proficient in tracking.

Sure enough, after his voice fell, someone stood up and said, "overlord, I can find those bandits!".

The man who stood up was pan Yun, who rose up in Shahai town.

Pan Yun is always a bit shy, which makes people look like a boy next door, not like a powerful warrior.

"Do you really have the ability? This is not a joke, "Xiang Shaoyun asked pan Yun.

"Don't worry, overlord. I have some means left in gomota. No matter where he goes, I can find him!" Pan Yun said confidently.

"Well, then you lead the way!" Xiang Shaoyun responded with satisfaction.

So pan Yun used his tracking ability to summon a strange bug to show them the way.

Ouyang legend is a man with vision. When he saw the bug, he immediately exclaimed, "smell the bug!".

"Deputy commander Ouyang really has insight!" Pan Yun said with a smile.

"It seems that the bandits will not escape our pursuit this time!" Ouyang said with a smile.

Smell bug is a kind of strange alien insect. It has no attack ability and no toxicity, but it is very sensitive to some tastes. It can be smelled thousands of miles away. It is quite suitable to use it in tracking.

Pan Yun let Wen xiangchong lead the way in front of him, and all the people of the overlord army followed him.

At first, the insect was not slow, but after flying for an hour or two, it couldn't bear the high temperature here, so it had to run back to pan Yun to ask for water to quench its thirst. Pan Yun fed it and urged it to go on its way.

However, with the guide of the smelling insect, the overlord's people were stunned.

Pan Yun's face was sweating, and he was quite nervous. "What's the matter with the smelling insects? Why can't we find anyone?".

He wanted to perform well in front of Xiang Shaoyun, but now, it seems that the smell bug can't determine the direction.

After running with pan for two days, they completely lost their way.

Many Tianjiao also began to question pan Yun's ability, which made Xiang Shaoyun have to ask, "is Pan Yun OK?".

Pan Yun showed his shame and said, "overlord, I, I can't help it. This bug doesn't work!". Xiang Shaoyun patted pan Yun on the shoulder and said, "it's not your fault. The bandits probably realized that we would go after him, so they always took us around the circle. It seems that this time we are following their way!"“ What should we do? " Pan Yun was depressed“ First, cheer up and face the immediate threat Xiang Shaoyun looked forward, wiped a trace of color and cheered. Just as his voice fell, a group of sand scorpions came out of the sand and attacked the overlord army. These sand scorpions have been hiding under the sand. Even Xiang Shaoyun and others have amazing sensitivity, it is difficult to find their existence. These sand scorpions are the most poisonous beasts in the desert of despair, and they all live in groups with a huge number. Now, there are hundreds of sand scorpions at a time. Their mouths keep spewing crazy sand, and the sand contains terrible poison. Once they are poisoned, they will soon die. Zhuge made an immediate decision in the warring days and said, "the round guard array rises!". After his voice fell, dozens of people quickly formed a circle, surrounded the others, and released their strength, which combined these forces into a light cage, and blocked the poisonous sand from the sand scorpion“ The front stabs the array to kill Zhuge ordered again. Then, nearly a hundred younger brothers came out of the station and urged the attack at the same time, forming round after round of attack waves, and they rushed to those sand scorpions. Boom boom! In the blink of an eye, a lot of wild sand splashed all over the sky, making people unable to see the situation here. Hiss! Also at this moment, an extremely strong demon force attacked all directions. Shengsheng tore away the attack power of the overlord army, and scared the arrogance of the overlord army.