Xiang Shaoyun is drunk.

He was all drunk.

With his current strength, it is almost impossible for him to get drunk, unless he wants to get drunk himself.

In fact, he really wanted to get drunk and be able to make a betrayal. He was happy.

Of course, he also wanted to take the opportunity to conquer the wild woman.

Luocha girl is not as beautiful as Yu caidiemei, but she has a unique temperament, her beauty, her sexy, have another kind of amorous feelings, no matter which man is hard to resist.

Originally, Xiang Shaoyun wanted to make a couple with the Luocha girl tonight. However, at the critical moment, he thought that he just wanted to use the Luocha girl as a vent tool, which made him repent and quickly suppressed his thoughts.

Luocha woman is his woman, is used to love, is not used to vent emotions tool ah!

Finally, Xiang Shaoyun fell drunk in the arms of the Luocha girl, who held Xiang Shaoyun's handsome face and said with a rare smile, "you are too tired. Have a good sleep. I will always accompany you.".

Xiang Shaoyun slept for three days and three nights.

This is definitely the best and most stable sleep he has had in recent years.

In the past, he always slept very shallow, for fear of being chased by the enemy, or perhaps for fear of encountering any danger, so he had to be vigilant all the time.

This time, he lay in a safe and warm harbor, which made him feel very comfortable.

When he woke up, he found that he was sleeping in the arms of the Rocha woman.

As for the Luocha girl, she always looked down at him, as if to see him awake and remember him in her heart.

Xiang Shaoyun opened his eyes, what came into his eyes was the attractive face of the Luocha girl, and the Luocha girl was even more shy and avoided.

Xiang Shaoyun took advantage of the situation to raise his head and kiss the face of the Rocha girl, which made her cry and her face turned red quickly.

Xiang Shaoyun sat up, took the Luocha girl gently in his arms and said, "Luocha girl, I've wronged you for more than two years!".

"What's wrong with me? I just think it's holding you back." Luo Cha's daughter leans in Xiang Shaoyun's arms.

Although the Luocha girl has reached the level of entering the dragon, there is still a big gap compared with Xiang Shaoyun.

Xiang Shaoyun gently shaved her nose and said, "you are already amazing. I'm not as good as you in my realm!", After a pause, he said, "I once said that I want you to be my woman. Now you are lying in my arms, but we are not married yet. Isn't that a bit unreasonable?".

After hearing this, she did not dare to look at Xiang Shaoyun. She just lowered her head and said in a soft voice, "whatever you want, anyway, my heart already belongs to you!".

Xiang Shaoyun was overjoyed. He took the face of the Rocha girl and kissed her on the jade lips.

At first, he kisses very gently, guiding the Luocha girl to cooperate with him step by step, but his hand is not idle, constantly groping on her, which makes the Luocha girl can't help but sing.

Then, the blood in his body began to boil, and his action became extremely enthusiastic and rude. He was so cruel that he could not directly integrate the Luocha girl into his body.

Luocha girl was so tossed by Xiang Shaoyun that she was completely confused.

Her heart had already belonged to Xiang Shaoyun, and she had long thought of giving her body to Xiang Shaoyun, but she was thin skinned and didn't dare to take the initiative in this matter. At the same time, Xiang Shaoyun was busy practicing, and didn't take the initiative to put forward such a request to her, which made her heart very sad.

She thinks Xiang Shaoyun may eventually give her up for the sake of Yu Caidie.

Now Xiang Shaoyun is still very concerned about her. She also wants to give her body to him today and become his real woman first.

Just when Xiang Shaoyun wants to tear her clothes and bring her to justice, Xiang Shaoyun suddenly senses that someone is coming outside the hospital.

This person is no one else, it is the legend of Ouyang, and he is also blocked by the big, two and three murders.

Now, there is no one in Xiang Shaoyun's yard except Ai Mo, and the three murderers become the gatekeepers here.

They are already demon kings, and they have high intelligence. They can speak and communicate with anyone.

Although Ouyang legend joined the overlord army, he was a lone presence. No one could restrain him, even Xiang Shaoyun.

If it's someone else, Xiang Shaoyun is only afraid to cool him out or drive him away. But the legend of Ouyang is one of the top ten evils in the dragon and Phoenix list, which is very important to their overlord army. He has to go out to see him immediately.

"When this guy won't come, he'll come at this time. He's really good at timing!" Xiang Shaoyun suppresses desire and fire and curses in his heart.

Luocha girl doesn't understand why Xiang Shaoyun stops. She's no better now. Her face is red with shame. She's waiting for Xiang Shaoyun's last storm.

Who knows Xiang Shaoyun just kisses her again, pats her round buttocks and says, "today our good things are mixed up, only next time!". Then he got up, straightened his clothes and went out of the room. Luocha girl realized that someone was coming, quickly put away her mind, and watched Xiang Shaoyun go out "this annoying enemy!" reluctantly. Xiang Shaoyun went outside and let Da Xiong, er Xiong and San Xiong let Ouyang legend come in. He took the initiative to welcome him and said with a smile, "brother Ouyang, I really thought you wouldn't come to my place.". Xiang Shaoyun and Ouyang legend separated after they came back from Yingxing. Ouyang legend has never been to his No.1 dragon yard. Ouyang legend has two more jars of wine in his hand like a trick. One of them is lost to Xiang Shaoyun and says, "these two jars of millennium old wine are hard to get. I'm here to invite you to drink today. I hope it's not too late!". Xiang Shaoyun took the wine and said with a smile, "if you can have this heart, I'll be satisfied. Come in and sit down. I'll have someone prepare the dishes. Let's have a good chat!". Ouyang legend waved his hand and said, "there's no need to be so troublesome. I'll see what the No. 1 Dragon yard looks like. Now, it's better than the one we live in. I heard that Zhan Wushuang seems to be interested in the No. 1 Dragon yard!"“ What, is Zhan Wushuang interested in me? " Xiang Shaoyun was surprised. This is one of the top demons in the college. His strength is definitely better than Ouyang legend. If such a demon wants to be interested in him, he is likely to be looking for trouble. Although Xiang Shaoyun has always been full of confidence in himself, he would be surprised and nervous if he met such a powerful opponent.