In the back Mausoleum of Longfeng college, a tall figure came out slowly.

This figure was full of corrosive gas. It was obviously a corpse, and there was no life fluctuation.

But there was an evil spirit in the body.

This is an evil spirit that reaches the level of emperor in the later period, and also has a terrible evil idea.

It felt the breath of life coming from the outside, which made it wake up from the deep sleep.

It didn't even think about it, so it rushed out to the outside.

After a while, it appeared not far from Xiang Shaoyun's location.

The pair of empty eyes suddenly sent out two dark awns, which were extremely weird and frightening.

"What a young body! Here's my chance to live again!" The evil spirit happily said to himself, then rushed to Xiang Shaoyun.

However, before it got close to Xiang Shaoyun, the ghost puppet stopped it and killed it mercilessly.

This evil spirit did not show weakness, and the hell prison devil puppet against the bomb together.

The fighting power of this evil spirit is obviously no less than that of the ghost puppet, and it is even as good as that of the ghost puppet.

Xiang Shaoyun stopped meditating, stood up and looked at the situation in front of him. His face became dignified and said, "is this the emperor's corpse? It doesn't feel like that.

The corpses occupied by evil spirits are not as powerful as the hell devil puppets. In the process of their close combat, the corpses of evil spirits are destroyed by the hell devil puppets.

The evil spirit simply didn't care about the corpse. He flew out of the corpse and dived toward Xiang Shaoyun.

"Sacrifice your body!" This evil spirit roared, then directly hit Xiang Shaoyun's head.

Xiang Shaoyun didn't think about it, so he activated the inflammation of cloud.

As soon as the evil spirit came near, it was burned by the extreme Yang's cloud fire, and the pain made it fly away quickly.

"Damn, I still have the fire of the highest Yang, but it's impossible to stop me from taking your body!" After a curse, the evil spirit retreated directly.

Looking at the retreating evil spirit, Xiang Shaoyun could not help showing his worry.

This kind of high-level evil spirit, he dare not let it into the underworld space. Although the ghost tattoo clan is their nemesis, he is also afraid that when the ghost tattoo fails, he will be in trouble if the evil spirit invades his soul.

As for the ghost puppets, they are powerful enough, but they can't bear this kind of non physical evil spirit.

Now that the evil spirit has retreated, there must be something behind it. This is what Xiang Shaoyun is most worried about.

"Forget it, there's no way out here. The soldiers are coming to block it. The water is coming and the soil is flooded!" Xiang Shaoyun muttered to himself.

After a while, he found that a large number of white bones were coming towards him.

You know, these bones should only stay in their area, but now they come to him, obviously driven by the evil spirit.

Not only that, a few of these white bones even flew up, attached to a little evil spirit's soul power on their frontal bones.

"It's a big trouble!" Xiang Shaoyun looked at this situation, his heart began to worry.

He didn't even think about it, so he sent the three little guys to the stars at one stroke.

Living things can exist in the Xinghai universe, which can be proved by the fact that silver lives well.

Then, he put away the ghost puppets.

"The boy gave up to resist, right? Obediently sacrifice his soul out," the evil spirit said quietly.

Xiang Shaoyun didn't pay attention to it at all. He directly used his shadow to escape and began to disappear in front of his eyes.

Shadow hiding is one of the three gifted magical powers of the Ming royal family, and its blood contains the characteristics of invisibility.

After Xiang Shaoyun absorbed the heart of darkness, his blood improved a lot, which made the evil spirit blend with the dark power, and he could hide for half an hour.

The evil spirit found that he had lost Xiang Shaoyun's figure, and he couldn't help getting anxious.

"You can't escape, I will be able to find your existence!" The evil spirit roared again.

Normally speaking, evil spirits are virtual bodies. They can feel the existence of illusory things. It is hard to escape the induction of ordinary methods of absconding.

However, the blood stealth talent of the Ming royal family is so brilliant that even the evil spirits can't find Xiang Shaoyun's existence after he hides.

Xiang Shaoyun determined that the evil spirit could not feel his existence, so he boldly approached the past in the direction of the evil spirit.

He can be sure that the conscious evil spirit can't float like this. If it consumes its soul power like that, it will soon dissipate into the invisible.

The evil spirit drives many bones to look for Xiang Shaoyun, and it also wanders to feel Xiang Shaoyun's existence.

It didn't know that Xiang Shaoyun was getting closer to it.

However, when Xiang Shaoyun was close to it, his keen sense of soul power still detected something strange. Also at this time, Xiang Shaoyun has shot a fire. Whew! There's nothing faster than a finger attack. The fire awn that contains the cloud's inflammation shoots directly at the evil spirit, but the evil spirit doesn't react fast enough, so it is pointed out that it is shot. The evil spirit screamed, and part of the soul power was burned instantly, making its appearance more blurred“ I will destroy you After the evil spirit was injured, the evil idea became more and more furious. It controlled a flying white bone and blew at Xiang Shaoyun's position. But Xiang Shaoyun left his original position quickly after a successful attack, but he let the evil spirit have no return. Not only that, Xiang Shaoyun kept shooting fire from another direction to kill the evil spirit thoroughly. What this evil spirit fears most is the fire of the highest Yang. Every touch is enough to make it lose its soul power. It really can't deal with Xiang Shaoyun. It can only run away. Even if it doesn't run, Xiang Shaoyun is no longer afraid of it. Xiang Shaoyun didn't stop here, but went to other places. He just went to the vampire bat to have a look. Anyway, the vampire bat didn't pose much threat to him. It's good to move the position. Before long, Xiang Shaoyun arrived at the site of the vampire bat. These vampire bats noticed Xiang Shaoyun's existence and attacked him immediately. Xiang Shaoyun was also too lazy to fight their opponents, so he let the ghost puppet directly kill them. These blood sucking bats are all in the range of emperor level, not higher than emperor level, and they are also in the range of hell prison demon puppets. Xiang Shaoyun can more or less guess that although those guys in Longfeng college are ruthless, they still have a chance of survival, as long as he doesn't go deep into it.