Xiang Shaoyun didn't expect that there were still living creatures in this place, and the living creatures seemed to be demons.

Xiang Shaoyun was really shocked when he saw the living creature clearly.

These are quite a few blood sucking bats, but their bodies are extremely shriveled. Apart from a layer of skin and skeleton, they can hardly feel any muscle.

Xiang Shaoyun didn't expect that there were such demons in the air. He was almost caught by the vampire bat.

Once caught by the other side, I'm afraid I'll end up with blood.

Crack Yang seven claws!

Xiang Shaoyun didn't dare to keep anything. He activated the power of his own cloud inflammation, and several fire claws grabbed out angrily.

The fierce fire caught the blood sucking bats, which made them scream.

"Damn it, this boy has such annoying power. Don't get close to him and destroy him directly in the air!" The first vampire bat scolded, and together with other vampire bats, he made a strange sound wave attack.


The sound wave is not very loud, but it is very penetrating. Even if anyone closes his ear, he will be disturbed.

Xiang Shaoyun only felt that the voice fell into his mind, which immediately made him feel dizzy.

Fortunately, the ghost hoop of the dark dragon once again exerts its magical defensive power, forcibly isolating the sound wave power, and does not let it hurt Xiang Shaoyun's soul.

"It's an attack on the soul!" Xiang Shaoyun said in his heart.

If he doesn't have the ghost hoop, I'm afraid he can't resist the sound wave attack of these blood sucking bats.

So you can imagine the end of waiting for him.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a feeling of hatred for Longfeng college.

This kind of hair distribution is clearly killing people!

Although he didn't listen to the advice, he didn't deserve to die!

Also in the moment of his absence, only a few blood sucking magic bats with fishy red eyes directly attacked and bit Xiang Shaoyun's key parts.

The terrible tusks were inserted directly into Xiang Shaoyun's neck, and the pain made him wake up instantly.

"Get the hell out of here!" After Xiang Shaoyun roared, the power of cloud inflammation broke out completely.


The dark red flame with extremely domineering firepower instantly burned at these unguarded vampire bats.

The blood sucking bat screamed in an instant, and then left Xiang Shaoyun's body in a hurry.

Unfortunately, they have been touched by the fire of the cloud, two of them were burned to ashes on the spot, while the other one flew to the unknown corner with the fire.

Xiang Shaoyun didn't even think about it. He directly followed these blood sucking bats and rushed over.

Perhaps only the place where these blood sucking bats are located can allow him to stay here safely.

Unfortunately, before he could catch up with the blood sucking bat, another giant winged fierce bird rushed to him.

Yo yo!

The shape of the giant winged ferocious bird is very strange. The two wings span 17.8 meters, but the size of the body is less than 2 meters, and the proportion is very different. It also has a long beak, and its eyes fly with strong anger.

Its huge wings fanned Xiang Shaoyun. Xiang Shaoyun immediately felt as if he had been hit by a tornado, and his body whirled involuntarily.


Xiang Shaoyun hit the ground heavily, making a piece of dust on the ground immediately.

Xiang Shaoyun only felt that his body was about to disperse, and blood was coming out of the corners of his mouth.

If it wasn't for his armor, which weighs one million catties, he would have been killed.

This is absolutely a giant winged fierce bird comparable to the top emperor. Otherwise, how could it have such terrible power.

The giant winged ferocious bird flew down again. Before Xiang Shaoyun could react, he was caught by the big mouth.

Xiang Shaoyun's clear will is to summon the ghost puppet.

But he found that the giant winged bird actually just took him in one direction and did not swallow him directly, so he put off the idea.

In the blink of an eye, Xiang Shaoyun was taken to a dry nest on a mountain.

This is a nest only tens of meters in size. It's the site of giant winged birds. Here are three young giant winged birds. They haven't opened their eyes yet, but their mouths are constantly open. It's obvious that they are hungry.

Xiang Shaoyun knew the intention of the giant winged ferocious bird, but he didn't think about it, so he called out the puppet of the hell devil prison.

As soon as the ghost puppet appeared, the giant winged ferocious bird immediately screamed, and wanted to catch Xiang Shaoyun directly.

However, the ghost puppet gave it a chance, and between three or two punches, he cracked it.

At the same time, another giant winged ferocious bird came back. This one has reached the existence of the emperor level. Seeing that his partner was killed, he naturally rushed to kill him regardless of everything. However, it is only a class of emperor level strength, and it is still not the opponent of the hell devil puppet, and it was also severely killed. Xiang Shaoyun has no pity for this. Each other wants to feed him as food to the young birds, and what reason does he have to give them a living. What's more, he didn't know whether he could leave alive. Before he fell to the nest, he looked at the three giant winged birds that had not opened their eyes and raised his hand to kill them directly. However, after hesitating for a while, he put down his hand and sighed, "forget it, there's nothing wrong with you. I killed your parents, too. We're clean.". Having said that, he put some more dry meat in his hands and fed the three young birds. These three young birds are not picky about food. They swallow a few pieces of dry meat between two and three times. They are not satisfied, and continue to open their mouths and yell, indicating that they are still hungry. Xiang Shaoyun was helpless and took out some dried meat to feed them until they didn't continue to cry hungry. After they are full, they sleep quietly in the nest. Xiang Shaoyun looked at their quiet appearance, and his heart was gently stirred, and he pitied them. Then, he looked around again, and used the Hades space to feel here. He found that there was no threat around here, but there seemed to be some obscure momentum in some farther places. Xiang Shaoyun restrained his momentum and said in his heart, "it seems that this mountain is the site of this giant winged fierce bird. It's relatively safe. If you get out of this mountain, it's hard to say. You'd better stay here for a while and step up your strength.". He was very clear about his situation. It was just outside the evil spirit territory of houling. If he was thrown in a little more, he was afraid that the real emperor or emperor would not have a chance to survive.