Xiang Shaoyun escaped with Jinshui and Linglin for a while, but he still sensed that there was the smell of enchanted wind beast and followed him all the time.

He swore in his heart, "damned devil wind beast, it's faster than I am now. It seems that I can't escape.".

Later, he released Jinshui and Lingbei and said, "you immediately escape to heal. Besides, I'll stop the evil wind beast coming after you!".

"Xiang Shaoyun, I'll stay with you to fight," Jinshui replied without hesitation.

Let a life-saving benefactor open circuit, he Jinshui can't do such ungrateful things.

Ling scale is also immediately said, "yes, to go together, to kill together!".

"How can you help me with your current state? And do you run faster than me? Don't die for nothing Xiang Shaoyun is mercilessly to the two big Tianjiao big hit road.

Just after he said this, Xiang Shaoyun turned back to meet the three nine grade evil wind beasts.

Jinshui and Linglin look at each other with a bitter smile. They can only listen to Xiang Shaoyun and quit the evil wind beast's territory to heal.

They know that staying is just to increase Xiang Shaoyun's burden, and they are undoubtedly very grateful to Xiang Shaoyun for saving his life.

Now, they don't think about the magic wind.

Nothing is more important than your own life.

Besides, it took them a month to find the magic wind. It's only a few days since now. They still have a chance after healing.

At this time, Xiang Shaoyun is already facing three evil wind beast kings.

The breath of these three evil wind beast Kings is so powerful that even Xiang Shaoyun can't stand here, and almost hasn't been swallowed up by them.

Xiang Shaoyun calls silver to appear directly, and cooperates with him to attract thirty-six silver thunder, directly bombarding the three evil wind beasts.

If the Terran and demon clan have the same strength and can cooperate with each other to attack, the increase effect is also extremely terrible.

Now Xiang Shaoyun and silver are in the same situation. They have the same level and strength, and they cooperate with each other.

The three beast kings of demon wind were blown to pieces and roared.

But it didn't kill them. It just hurt them.

They scattered, did not concentrate together, no longer give Xiang Shaoyun and silver opportunities, are all spit out a terrible wind blade to hang them.

These wind blades form a force 12 storm, which makes the sand, stones and trees around here rampant into dust. The power is really terrible to the extreme.

Which is the general war emperor here, will be directly ground into meat sauce.

Xiang Shaoyun and silver are all in a fright. It's not easy to attack. Next!

Liujia Jingong!

Xiang Shaoyun didn't even think about it. He released the power of the second star. The two layers of light, like gold and iron walls, instantly wrapped him with silver.

At this time, Liujia Jingong has reached the perfect state in the first stage. As long as he is more advanced and breaks through the copper wall in the second stage, even the emperor's attack can be stopped.

Jingle, jingle!

Many wind blades cut through and hit Xiang Shaoyun's metal wall with astonishment.

Fortunately, Xiang Shaoyun broke through to the level of four grades, and then supported by his strength, he could reach the level of eight or nine grades.

It is just like this that we can barely stop a round of wind blade attack.

At the time of the second round attack, his defenses were all cracked. He was afraid that he would be completely broken with a few more attacks.

"The boss can't stand it! Let's break through, "silver exclaimed.

"What are you afraid of? Your boss is so wise and powerful. How can you be scared by just a few bedbugs? Come out of the underworld space!" Xiang Shaoyun is extremely confident to startle to drink.

When his voice fell, the Hades space shrouded the world, making it Xiang Shaoyun's home battlefield.

A lot of wind disappeared, and the wind blade power of Jiupin demon wind beast king was suppressed by the limit, and its power decreased rapidly.

Such power is completely within the scope of Xiang Shaoyun's resistance.

These three nine grade evil wind beast kings felt the strange situation around them, and all showed the color of panic.

"When you come to my place, enjoy the feast of my prison!" After Xiang Shaoyun said it, eight chains rolled out like a dragon.

The twenty-four chains are as if they were real. The quality of the chains is smooth and transparent, with a strong breath of soul power.

At the same time, another Xiang Shaoyun appears in another space, which is Xiang Shaoyun's soul.

The soul is also condensed in the general entity, with the dragon soul hoop on the top of the head, and the whole body is full of extremely noble demon spirit.

If Xiang Shaoyun's body is full of masculinity and righteousness, his soul and body are full of feminine and evil spirits, which are two completely different temperament.

Twenty four chains are controlled by Xiang Shaoyun's soul. He is just like the master of the prison, catching the three bewildered beast kings.

The chain shrinks, and the body of the three evil wind beast Kings is strangled tightly. The blood of the beast flies and the bones of the beast are shown. Roar! The beast king of evil wind struggled desperately, but it didn't help. On the contrary, it made his body more tight. Just when Xiang Shaoyun wanted to strangle them to death, he suddenly thought of the ghost pattern clan in another part of the space. "The ghost pattern clan should also be a branch of Warcraft. Let them have a taste of these magic wind beasts.". Subsequently, Xiang Shaoyun completely opened the Hades space and released the isolated ghost pattern clan. Now the number of ghost patterns in Xiang Shaoyun Hades space has been reduced from tens of thousands to 8000. But each of the eight thousand has reached the level of big ghost pattern, which is equivalent to the realm of human spirit, and eight hundred have reached the realm of king, with five ghost pattern emperors. This is the effect of their mutual phagocytosis, fusion and blood ascension“ Gui Qi, you devour these three evil wind beasts to see if they are good for you, "Xiang Shaoyun ordered“ It's the master Gui Qi replied respectfully. Therefore, it ordered more than ten ghost pattern kings to eat the evil wind beast. After smelling the smell of the devil wind beast, these ghost lines all showed a strong color of greed, and soon surged up to eat the devil wind beast king. Roar! No matter how the devil wind beast king roars, it can't change their end of being swallowed. After the ghost pattern King devoured their blood, the blood gas they produced obviously became thick and sticky, and the body had a very obvious change. Especially the ghost pattern king who snatched the magic crystal from the three heads was promoted directly. Seeing this scene, Xiang Shaoyun immediately asked Gui Qi, "does the flesh and blood of demon wind beast have any effect on you?"“ Back to our master, the flesh and blood of any Warcraft are effective for us, but this evil wind clan has the wind power and resonates with our family's tattooed wings, so swallowing them can speed up the evolution of our blood and enhance our strength! " Gui Qi replied excitedly.