
Xiang Shaoyun from the shoulder to the arm was the devil's face hard grasp, a few blood stains immediately suddenly appear, pain his air-conditioning crazy pumping.

Magic face grabs Xiang Shaoyun's back again, preparing to seriously hurt him again.

But waiting for him is a raging fire, burning directly on his claws.


Magic face didn't expect that the flame was extremely overbearing. His fist was immediately burned and destroyed, and burned him.

If he hadn't pulled out his hand in time, his hand would have been burned to ashes.

At this time, Xiang Shaoyun's counterattack came.

He turned back and buckled the magic face in an instant, with a strong intention to kill on his face, shouting "kill me!".

Xiang Shaoyun even with one hand, but the power of catching it has absolutely reached the limit.

The silver claw of the seven claws!

The demon's chest was torn open by Xiang Shaoyun's claw, revealing the defensive inner armor. The defensive inner armor is king level, which can dissolve most of Xiang Shaoyun's attack.

Magic face takes the opportunity to fly out a foot to Xiang Shaoyun, and takes the opportunity to quickly retreat.

Xiang Shaoyun's body wriggles to avoid the blow of the devil's face, and jiuyoubu immediately steps out.

Step into Jiuyou!

This is where Xiang Shaoyun gradually grasped the essence of jiuyoubu.

Magic face didn't expect Xiang Shaoyun to come so quickly. He was scared. When he was about to fight back against Xiang Shaoyun, Xiang Shaoyun's attack was already the first step.


Xiang Shaoyun turns his claws into fists, which are inspired by the innate power of purple thunder in his body. A fist is like a purple lightning rushing out, and there is no one to stop it.


Magic noodles eat item Shaoyun this fist again, the body is instantly numb by thunder and lightning, pain unceasingly.

If he was a top level master in gangjing, he would have been killed by Xiang Shaoyun, but the magic face was carried down by Wang Jia and his own strength.

It's a pity that he is doomed to lose!

The reason why Xiang Shaoyun changed his moves is that he broke the defense of the magic face with the help of congenital purple thunder, and made his lightning reaction slow, so as to further kill him!

At this time, Xiang Shaoyun once again bullied the past, from fist to claw, tore and grasped the past.

This time Xiang Shaoyun used the inflammation of cloud to directly grasp on the arm of the devil's face, which can be regarded as returning the pain of his move just now!

Yunzhiyan is a fire in the earth for thousands of years. The domineering firepower finally shows its power!

Ah, ah!

His arm was torn and attacked, and he was burned by the fire. The pain made him rip his heart and lungs, and he could not extinguish it.

Xiang Shaoyun didn't pursue him any more. Instead, he sneered, "if you can put out the fire, I'll spare your life!".

Don't mention, just as he said this, the devil's face quickly chopped his burning arm with his other hand.


The magic face cut off the arm that was about to be burned. The pain made him scream again, and the blood flew out like a column.

However, magic face saved his own life by doing so. If he slows down, the flame will definitely spread to him, and then he will die.

It has to be said that the practice of evil blood is really decisive.

"You're fine! This revenge I wrote down "magic blood took a look at Xiang Shaoyun with pain, and quickly retreated.

Xiang Shaoyun did not pursue the past, but let the tiger rush past.

"Don't you mean to spare my life?" the devil's blood screamed.

"I've spared you, but I can't help it if it doesn't!" Xiang Shaoyun is very rogue to say.

The devil's blood retreated desperately, but the tiger was more fierce, and he lost too much blood and lost too much fighting power. How could he be the opponent of the tiger.

"Ah... Even if I were a ghost, I would not let you go!" Evil blood screams.

Even if he still has a card, but in this case of serious injury, no card will work.

Soon the devil's blood became the food of the tiger!

"Don't live by doing evil!" Xiang Shaoyun's face was smeared with cold color.

Over the past two years, he has experienced too many things.

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to himself. He will not be as kind as before.

Who offends him, Xiang Shaoyun, will definitely redouble!

Xiang Shaoyun solved the problem, while the people of the magic blood sect were killed by Liang Zhuangmin and Hua Honglou and fled.

Liangzhuangmin and huahonglou both have the strength of the king of war, but only one of the magic faces in the magic blood sect has such fighting power. Naturally, they can't compete with each other.

However, Liang Zhuangmin and Hua Honglou are not all safe.

Liang Zhuang min's strength was exhausted again, and he was left with three deep visible bone scars. If he had not the heart of earth and stone to support him, he would have fallen first.

Huahonglou is also hard. She has injuries in her back and thigh, and the viscera are the most seriously injured. When the other party retreats, she immediately falls on the ground and has no combat power.

Xiang Shaoyun rushed over to protect the Dharma for them and let them heal immediately“ If you have a healing Wang Quan like Millennium stone milk, you can greatly shorten the recovery time of the injury! " Xiang Shaoyun said with emotion in his heart. In such an environment, even over injury, if not able to recover in time, it is a very dangerous thing. Therefore, Xiang Shaoyun is very eager to have a kind of healing spring liquid. But this kind of spring liquid is extremely rare, if there is no big chance, it is difficult to find it! When Liang Zhuangmin and Hua Honglou were healing, Xiang Shaoyun was also healing. One of his arms was seriously injured. Fortunately, he didn't hurt the bone. Otherwise, his hand would have been wasted. He crushed some grass flowers and bandaged them up. Then he took out a saving ring that the tiger had brought back to him“ This guy actually has a savings ring. It seems that his identity is not simple! " Xiang Shaoyun sighed, and then explored his consciousness inward. In a short time, he saw clearly what was in it. There are a lot of xuanjing, healing pills and all kinds of spirit herbs, especially the treasures of black power. Among them, a bottle of jade liquid is the most attractive. He took out the bottle of jade liquid, and then opened the cap a little. In an instant, a wisp of vitality came out, which made him have an impulse to swallow it“ Is Ben Shao really unlucky? What do you want Xiang Shaoyun said with a wild smile. This bottle is not a thousand year old stalactic, but it is also a rare healing liquid, which has an extremely obvious effect on healing. There are at least ten drops in this bottle of spirit liquid, and each drop is comparable to the top quality spirit medicine, which is enough for him to consume. He didn't think about it, so he swallowed every drop. At that time, a fresh feeling came over his whole body, and the life power sent out continuously moistened his injury and made him comfortable and calm“ Good Xiang Shaoyun gave a shout of great joy, and then called to Liang Zhuangmin and huahonglou, "brother, huahonglou, wake up first, there is something good for you to enjoy!".