Tianxu is a refined and handsome man. He looks young in his early 30s.

When Xiang Shaoyun saw the Deputy Pavilion leader, he couldn't help saying in his heart, "it seems that the Deputy Pavilion leader's talent must be extraordinary. Only those who have made great progress since they were young can keep their face! What a pity! ".

Xiang Shaoyun's lament is just for Tian Xu to think that if he stays in this small local college, he will not be able to do much in the future.

After all, yunya Pavilion, for example, has the most resources to become the emperor. If you want to continue to improve, it is not enough. You have to go out of this land and go to the places where the rich and powerful families gather in those small states or even big states. Only in this way can you have more resources and achieve greater strength.

Of course, Xiang Shaoyun won't talk about these things with other people's deputy cabinet leader. He just thinks about it in his heart.

"You go down first!" Tianxu waved to Liu Xinqi and zichanghe.

Both Liu Xinqi and zichanghe retreated obediently.

Tianxu looks at Xiang Shaoyun, who has a straight back, and finds that he has a sense of self-confidence. He is not as shocked as most people are when they face him, the Deputy cabinet leader. His eyes are filled with some appreciation.

"I've heard all about you. I'm brave, but I'm impulsive! It should be noted that the wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it! " Tianxu said gently.

After hearing this, Xiang Shaoyun thought deeply and said, "thank you very much for your instruction, Shaoyun remember it!".

Yes, the wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it!

Xiang Shaoyun always feels that his fighting power is extraordinary and he has the power to protect himself.

But those who are more powerful than him don't know Fanji, and he behaves so openly that the emperor of Qin can't cover him all the time. If someone kills him secretly, he will die.

Thinking of this, Xiang Shaoyun could not help regretting that he had gone too far.

In this way, all his cards are exposed. In the future, those who want to kill him will be fully prepared and give him a thunderbolt.

"Careless!" Xiang Shaoyun cursed in his heart.

"Ha ha, you don't want to mourn. When I was your age, I was full of enthusiasm. I didn't care about the consequences when I was doing things. I came here to eat more losses!" Tian Xu said with a faint smile. After a pause, he cut into the main topic and said, "I heard that you are living in another courtyard of Tian Zi Hao. Is this arranged by granny Mei?".

Tianxu has many ears and eyes. It's easy for him to know Xiang Shaoyun's situation, but he wants to hear Xiang Shaoyun talk about his relationship with granny Mei.

To be exact, he would like to know if Xiang Shaoyun has anything to do with the Qin emperor.

Although he knew that Xiang Shaoyun came from Wuzhen Wutang hall, he always felt that Xiang Shaoyun could not get there so quickly with his talent and chance. Maybe there was a great master behind Xiang Shaoyun!

It was with this in mind that Tianxu would not express his intention to accept him as an apprentice like other elders.

Xiang Shaoyun scratched his head, made a simple and honest appearance and said, "it's granny Mei who arranged it, but sister Cheng asked her to do it!".

It looks like he's still young and naive.

In fact, he just took the name of Cheng at will to bluff the Deputy cabinet leader.

Sure enough, after hearing Xiang Shaoyun call Qin emperor sister Cheng, Tian Xu shivered and almost fell to the ground.

"What was your name just now?" Tianxu stood up and asked aloud.

"Sister Cheng! What's the problem? " Xiang Shaoyun doubts.

Tianxu stares at Xiang Shaoyun, and his sharp eyes seem to see through Xiang Shaoyun's mind.

But he found that Xiang Shaoyun was still standing, not showing any stage fright.

Tian Xu took a light breath and said, "tell me, how did you get to know sister Cheng? You can't hide a word! ".

In a word, Tianxu and Luocheng are brothers and sisters of the same generation, but Luocheng's talent is above him. He has already crossed the imperial realm first, but he is still stuck in the peak flying realm and can't enter.

Not only that, he also had a long-standing love for Cheng, but it's a pity that other people have a sense of belonging.

As the gap between them widens, he knows that the possibility of being together with Cheng is very small!

Xiang Shaoyun didn't hide this, so he told her that he had an unexpected acquaintance with Luo Cheng. He couldn't help adding fuel to the story. He boasted that he had achieved the unity of human and piano, which made Luo Cheng have a good impression. Therefore, they recognized each other.

Tian Xu has no doubt about Xiang Shaoyun's words, because he knows that Luo Cheng is an approachable scholar. If Xiang Shaoyun shows his talent of playing zither, it's natural for him to win his favor.

What's more, there is also the relationship between Gong Qinyin and Xiang Shaoyun, which is more intimate.

Tianxu had to lament Xiang Shaoyun's bad luck, such a good thing can be spread!

"Since you are covered by younger martial sister Cheng, I don't think there will be any trouble for you in the Pavilion!" Tianxu sighed, and then he could not help but ask his doubts and said, "sister Cheng confiscates you as an apprentice, but do you have a teacher?".

Xiang Shaoyun shook his head and said, "not yet, but sister Cheng said that she would find a strong teacher for me to teach me."“ now I see! That's not bad, "said Tian Xu, somewhat disappointed. Later, after he had a few words with Xiang Shaoyun, he let Xiang Shaoyun leave“ Shaoyun, have you been accepted as an apprentice Liu Xinqi asked as he sent Xiang Shaoyun away. Xiang Shaoyun shook his head and said, "no!"“ How can it be? Did you say something to offend the Deputy cabinet leader? " Liu Xinqi is a bit crazy. He also hopes that Xiang Shaoyun will become the apprentice of the Deputy cabinet leader, so his position with zichanghe will be more consolidated! Xiang Shaoyun answered again and said, "no, elder Liu, don't think too much.". Later, Xiang Shaoyun refused to let Liu Xinqi send him away. He planned to walk with zichanghe. Liu Xinqi lost interest and let them go“ Does this boy really have a teacher? Is it the emperor of Qin... "Liu Xinqi looks at Xiang Shaoyun who left and guesses in his heart. Xiang Shaoyun and zichanghe walk on the mountain path. Zichanghe told Xiang Shaoyun, "Shaoyun, you choose the lightning League this time. I'm afraid it will lead them out. You should be careful yourself!". He is the only one who knows that Xiang Shaoyun is a man of extraordinary origin, which even his master did not tell him, so he does not regard Xiang Shaoyun as an ordinary teenager. Xiang Shaoyun nodded lightly and said, "don't worry, elder martial brother, I know!", After a pause, he said seriously, "elder martial brother, I think it's better for you to hit the flying realm in this month."“ Why do you think so? " Asked zichanghe in surprise.