"Vivi, what are you doing? I'll take you to the hospital. " Mu Xinyou is going out with her.

Finally, Xu Wei raised her face and looked at the mirror. A pale face appeared in the mirror. She couldn't help grinning bitterly at herself. She looked at herself in the mirror and immediately couldn't control her heart and began to cry.

Mu Xinyou was frightened by her appearance. He looked at her in shock, "Xu Wei? You can't do that. It's going to drag you down. "

Xu Wei turns her head and rushes to push Mu Xinyou out rudely. Then she slams the door heavily and locks it.

Mu Xinyou stands outside the door, looking at the closed door in front of him, stunned directly.

It's so quiet in the bathroom that you can hear the falling of a needle.

Suddenly, Xu Wei touched her stomach subconsciously.

As if she remembered something, she picked up a handful of water to wash her face. Was she pregnant at this time? But how could it be? The doctor said her uterus was damaged. How could she have a baby? Or does damage to the uterus not necessarily lead to sterilization?

After the chaos, Xu Wei calmed down.

If it is true that she is pregnant with Zhongyang's child, she must keep it.

When yunzhongyang's life and death are at stake, if yunzhongyang knows, he must have the motivation to get better.

Mu Xinyou heard Xu Wei standing in the bathroom crying and laughing, thinking of the vomiting just now, he closed his eyes heavily, why at this time, is it really God's arrangement!

In a state of confusion, Xu Wei rushed out of the bathroom behind him.

Mu Xinyou opened his eyes, came forward, looked at her straight background anxiously, and asked quietly, "Xu Wei, where are you going?"

Xu Wei goes straight out and rushes out with the flow of consciousness, but as soon as people walk out of the gate, they are stunned. Xu Wei is penniless now. After reaction, she had to go back to yunzhongyang.

He opened his hand and said, "give me my cell phone."

Yunzhongyang was stunned by Xu Wei, subconsciously to touch the wallet, but the next moment stopped, frowning at her, "what do you want to buy, you tell me, I help you buy."

"Give me back my cell phone." At this time abnormal calm, just anxious, want to know the result quickly.

"Xu Wei, we are abroad now. You are in poor health. I promise that as long as you get better, I will give you your mobile phone and passport."

"No, I can't wait." She shook her head and rushed to grab his wallet.

Mu Xinyou is frightened by her appearance, and has endless heartache, so she has to give her the wallet.

Xu Wei took her wallet and strode out, just as she was afraid that he would repent. She rushed out of the door again. Not long after that, she rushed to the street. She went to the nearest drugstore to buy a pregnancy test paper and rushed back.

Yunzhongyang followed her all the way, fearing that she would get lost or have an accident.

Back to the villa in a hurry, Xu Wei rushed into the bathroom and locked the door again. While waiting for the result, she was trembling, uneasy and cramped, with mixed feelings in her heart.

As time went by, two parallel bars appeared on the last few pregnancy test papers without exception.

Like the end of the sentence, Xu Wei sat down in her chair, confused for a while, crying for a while, and laughing for a while.

After yunzhongyang knocked the door open, Xu Wei was sitting on the ground, holding himself.

He went over and held her trembling body tightly.

"Xu Wei, tell me what happened?"

Xu Wei raised her head vaguely with tears in her eyes. She looked at Yang in the cloud, her mouth raised, and her smile was so sad. "I'm pregnant, and Yang and I have a second child, which really belongs to me." She said, already in tears.

Mu Xinyou's hand on her shoulder suddenly froze.

Almost hard if crazy, "Xinyou, you know, I thought I would never have a child again, but yunzhongyang always wanted a child, I always thought I would never have a child again, but now the child he came, suddenly came, I really..." tightly grasped Mu Xinyou's hand, "Xinyou, will you take me to meet Zhongyang? I'll tell him the news and he'll be fine. "

Mu Xinyou closed his eyes heavily and let Xu Wei shake his arm.

"It doesn't matter if you don't take me. I can go to him myself. Zhongyang, Zhongyang, you wait for me, "she stood up crying and laughing and rushed out.

"Xu Wei... I'll take you to the hospital." Yunzhongyang catches up with her from behind and holds her up.

Xu Wei didn't resist this time, but she was worried. If yunzhongyang took her to the hospital, if yunzhongyang saw the vinegar king, she would be sour again.

Yunzhongyang took her to the hospital, a little unexpected Xu Wei, he helped her directly hang up the gynecological number.

If Xu Wei wants to come, he can do a systematic check to avoid making mistakes. If it's a false alarm, it's not good.

I can't be frightened by the current situation of Yang in the cloud.

Xu Wei thinks so, cooperated to do blood test. After that, she sat on the stool of the hospital, looking at the people coming and going, thinking about how happy she would be in the future.

About an hour later, yunzhongyang got her examination results and a report of early pregnancy test.

Xu Wei discovered that she was more confused than her imagination. She had a small life rooted in her body. Her baby was still very small, very small, less than three weeks old. It was a small life growing vigorously.

"The doctor said that you are in poor health, anemia, malnutrition, lack of sleep, anxiety, neurasthenia. If you continue, the child will not survive." Yang in the cloud is very serious.

She will think of herself because yunzhongyang's heartbreaking after she was shot, her uncontrollable grief, and her intense entanglement with yunzhongyang's family. Every time she thinks of an experience, she has a lingering fear in her heart, and she can't even tell her clearly.

The only thing she's thankful for is that her children have been there.

From the hospital, yunzhongyang takes her to a good Chinese restaurant. He orders food and fish soup for her.

"You need to eat more nutritious food, pay attention to sleep and have more rest. When you have a good rest and yunzhongyang recovers, I will take you to see him. I'll tell him the good news at that time. I believe that since it's the cloud family, it won't embarrass you any more. "

Mu Xinyou said, Xu Wei looked at him, this time she did not refute him.

She just made a request to return her mobile phone, because her film company still has many things to deal with.

After a few seconds of silence, he agreed to give it to her when he got home.

After a meal, Xu Wei forces herself to eat more and give her baby more nutrition.

When she came home after dinner, she was also very careful not to let her emotions get out of control. She wants to give the child the best room to grow up.

Mu Xinyou drove her back to the previous villa. He didn't break his promise and gave her mobile phone back to Xu Wei.

She rushed into the room with her mobile phone in three or two steps and couldn't wait to turn it on. Many missed calls, Xu Wei looked through them one by one. As a result, Liang Tian and her son Yinuo called, Xu Zijie, youjiyu and Mi Xue called. There are also some directors and partners, but they don't have yunzhongyang's number. Xu Wei finds yunzhongyang's mobile phone number in her contacts. She sees yunzhongyang's number, familiar yunzhongyang's smiling face, and the word "husband" on it. I don't know when I was changed by yunzhongyang to my dearest husband's name. My tears suddenly burst into my eyes. In this world, the only one who cares so much about her number and name is him.

Fingers hover on his number repeatedly, tears drop by drop, blurring the sweet name.

She didn't know how long it took to summon up the courage to dial the most familiar number.

While waiting for the sound to come on, her heart beat like a drum, but the most heartless sentence came from it. This number is empty

How can yunzhongyang's mobile phone number be empty? Who cancelled the number that can keep their husband and wife in touch?